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Cartoon Character Tutorial

1. Open Illustrator and create a new document: select Letter for size
2. Start with the head shapemodify the shape as needed with the Direct Selection Tool
a. Make sure you are creating these shapes with no fill but with a stroke
3. Continue to add the features on the face modifying and overlapping shapes where
a. Remember to arrange the shapes how you would like. (send to front, send to
back, etc)
b. Dont forget to use copy and paste if you want the same shapes
4. Once the face is done move onto the body shape
a. If there is a section of the body, arm, face, leg, etc. that you do not want create a
new shape and use the minus front option on the Pathfinder tool.
5. Work on the legs, feet, arms and hands
6. Do you need/want any other details that are shapes?
7. Once done with the main shape of the cartoon start to add color and gradient
a. To add a fill: click on the shape you want filled then pick a fill color (if it is a
different color than the stroke or outline make sure you clear the stroke or
change the color of it.)
b. To add a gradient: click on the shape you want, clear the stroke, add a gradient
(after adjust colors if you need and also how much gradient you have)
8. Add shadows onto your cartoon
a. Remember to change the transparency of the shadow (this toolbar is on the right
b. Remember to make sure there is no stroke

Now you should have an AMAZING cartoon!!!


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