Concurrent Enrollment

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Concurrent Enrollment Notes

2 sets of courses for 2 groups of students

1. For students struggling with the math

Sem 1 - Intro to the Mathematical Sciences
concurrent enrollment with BSU
Costs: Textbook ($15-20,000), Concurrent Enrollment Fee (~$3600)
Sem 2 - ALEKS course (maybe ACT Prep course)
Articulated agreement with Normandale ?? - not exactly sure how that works but contacts are
Mark Ahrens and Robb Lowe from Normandale
What is the cost associated with this?
100-120 students at about $35 per person ($3500-$4200) for ALEKS
2. For students that have already passed precalc or drop from precalc
Sem 1 - College Algebra 1
concurrent enrollment with BSU
Sem 2 - College Algebra 2
concurrent enrollment with BSU
Jan 14 Meeting - Shannon, Scott, Laura, Jenny EHS
only OK with above if we agree that students from AA 3/3 go into the Intro/ALEKS year and
those who have completed Precalculus or are dropping Precalc should go into the College
Algebra route
a concern is that lots of our juniors who complete FST will take College Algebra instead of
precalc, and then we will need more College Algebra teachers

concerns moving forward

would like to simplify our math track, less courses not more, this makes more courses
College Algebra will be more appealing than precalc for many of our seniors on the regular path,
and well need more sections and more teachers that need a Masters in Math
who will handle the details of tracking the % of students with a GPA, etc.
do we allocate .2 FTE to Shannon or someone to manage the college credit management
details, could be whole school coordinator
aligns well with Next Gen
aligns well with All for All to get college credit for kids who dont necessarily benefit from precalc
similar to asking for .8 for Melanie for May Term
similar to .2 for Deb Johnson for EL kids
cost to the school (??)

follow up with Bruce/BSU about how closely we must follow the requirements
follow up with Randy about FTEs
next meeting Bruce/Randy/Jenny/Laura/Scott/Shannon/Derek Webb from BSU

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