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--That's why Boston is an Olympic city. Ours is a city built on dreams. We were the City on a Hill that America’s first settlers saw. We were the first American city to dream up free education, public parks, a subway system. Amarathon on city streets. -To this day, people come to Boston from all over the world to make their dreams come true. Students come for the education they need to change the world. Scientists come to cure disease, engineers to make life-altering prosthetics. Kids in Boston see a future where anything is possible. —So Boston is united behind this dream. That means government at the state and municipal levels. Our socially conscious business leadership and our world-class nonprofits. The universities that house the students, the facilities, and the innovation that make our city unique. We are united across these sectors and across our communities. And we are working together closely to make the Olympic Games a reality in Boston. | was elected mayor to forge this kind of collaboration. | wouldn't have it any other way. --l've spent my life building bridges between communities—on the front lines, standing up against things that were wrong. | know what community opposition looks like. | don't dismiss it lightly. So believe me when | tell you, we don't have real opposition in Boston. Everyone who is engaged; everyone who has listened; everyone who has faith in our future— understands the opportunity this represents for our city. -Boston's commitment to the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games is broad and it is deep. This dossier tells you the details. But ! wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't real

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