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Lesson Plan

Rebecca Powers / 811355323

Activity Name: End of the Year Portfolio Magazine
Grade/Subject: Fifth Grade
Goals: The goal of this project is to inspire creative thinking and collaboration among
students to create a magazine with summary of the years lessons.

Students will work together in groups effectively

Students will demonstrate knowledge of the content of their subject by using
appealing writing styles and format
Students will create all of the content for their magazine (photos, articles, format,
Students will understand token economy by advertising and marketing their
magazine in order to find buyers to raise money for end of the year party

Curriculum Standard: Students will split into groups based on their favorite subject.
Each group will pick 4 Georgia Performance Standards and address the standards for
their subject area
1. SS5H1 The student will explain the causes, major events, and consequences of the
Civil War.
2. SS5H4 The student will describe U.S. involvement in World War I and postWorld War I America.
3. SS5H5 The student will explain how the Great Depression and New Deal affected
the lives of millions of Americans.
4. SS5H6 The student will explain the reasons for Americas involvement in World
War II.
1. S5E1. Students will identify surface features of the Earth caused by constructive
and destructive processes.
2. S5P2.
3. S5L3. Students will diagram and label parts of various cells (plant, animal, singlecelled, multi-celled).
4. S5L1. Students will classify organisms into groups and relate how they
determined the groups with how and why scientists use classification.
1. ELACC5RL2: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the
text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how
the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.
2. ELACC5W1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view
with reasons.

3. ELACC5SL3: Summarize the points a speaker makes and explain how each claim
is supported by reasons and evidence.
4. ELACC5L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
1. CCGPS.5.NBT.2 Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when
multiplying a number by powers of 10, and explain patterns in the placement of
the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10. Use
whole-number exponents to denote powers of 10
2. CCGPS.5.NBT.3 Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths
3. Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each
place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons
4. CCGPS.5.NBT.4 Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place
Technology Tools:
This is a big project. The types of technology students can use for the making of their
magazine is endless. Some of the common software used in creating publications likes
ours are InDesign, Photoshop, and Adobe Acrobat Pro with working with Internet on
textbook sites and search engines.
With a project this big and extensive, its important to introduce the magazine to the
students early in the year. This way, students can begin brainstorming the subject group
they would like to be in, the standards they would like to address, and the best way to
communicate their information from the perspective of a fifth grader. Of course there will
be an incentive for making the magazine. Students will also be working to advertise and
market their magazine to their families and people around the school to sell. All the
profits from the magazine will go to purchase something for the class (t shirts, end of the
year party/field day, etc.) of the choice of the students.
How will the students participate?
This publication will be completely student ran. The students will choose everything from
the managing staff (by a voting system), to the layout of the magazine, and the content
that goes inside. This will take a lot of teamwork and collaboration from everyone in the
classroom. After teaching the children how to use the desired software students will begin
working on their portion. The class will be split up into 5 groups: managing staff, Math
group, Social Studies group, Science group, and Language Arts group. Students will have
a choice as to which group they would like to be in. Each member of the group will
choose a standard from the Georgia Performance Standards they would like to write
about or illustrate in the magazine. Students will also be responsible for how they want to
be represented with biographies, drawings, and photos for the magazine using their own
creative expression. Groups will organize their sections in the way they feel best
communicates their material and submit their sections to the managing team. From there,
the managing team will revise and edit the material and prepare the final copy to be
printed. Each student in the class must also make their own advertisement for the

magazine by drawing or using software like Microsoft Publisher or Smore. Students will
display their advertisements throughout the school. Each student is responsible for selling
a minimum of two copies of the magazine at a price voted on by the students. The profits
of the magazine will go back into the classroom at their end of the year for another
student chosen event such as T-shirts, End of the Year Party, Field Day, etc. As you can
see student participation is vital for the completion and success of this publication and
they will reap the benefits of their hard work.
How will you provide guidance for the students?
The students will work on their magazine in class during the spring semester of the
school year. I will start by introducing the software that will be used and teach them how
to operate it. After that, it will be the students responsibility to ask for guidance from
their classmates or myself, as they need it.
How will technological resources be applied to develop students' creativity?
Because this magazine will be created, for the most part, using computers and
technology, students must flee their comfort zone to grow and learn new software.
Students will have the creative flexibility to construct their piece, pictures, section, and
biographies in a way that they see best fit. I feel like students minds will explore the
endless possibilities and their creativity will flourish by creating this publication. There is
no person telling they have to fit the mold of previous standards, rather they create the
mold and the standard they want to set for themselves and their class.

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