Art 1 Overview-Eval 14-15

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Mullen 2014-15



ART 1: Course Organization and Grading

In Art 1 you will use many different materials and techniques to create artwork that expresses
your ideas and feelings while solving visual arts problems. Art 1 includes creating art, reflecting on
your artwork, and responding to art.

Proficiency Based Graduation Portfolio

Visual Arts PBGR23VA
All students must show Proficiency in one of the Fine Arts (which means Visual Arts, Music, or Theater)
in order to graduate. If you choose Visual Arts (PBGR23VA1, 2, 3, 4) then you must create a Digital
Portfolio of Proficient artworks and writings. The requirements for this collection of work will be
explained in detail in a class presentation. You will learn that B or higher indicates a proficient
artwork, but C or D work is not proficient. You also must earn one credit or 2 semesters in order to
graduate. You are responsible for saving your artwork and written work digitally and uploading it into
your MHHS Digital Portfolio.

Course Organization
Creative Problem Solving and Creative Artwork: Each lesson will involve investigating and solving
a visual problem, so your artwork should be unique and the result of your personal ideas and creativity.
This course encourages innovation, experimentation, diversity, and creativity; these are life-long skills
that you will need in the 21st century, no matter what your career choice.
Art Process Portfolio: You will keep your artwork in a 18"x24" tag folder with your name, period, and
class title clearly marked on the upper right corner. Your folder will be kept on the class shelf. This
portfolio should hold all your large artwork and show your progress in visual arts learning.
Small pocket folder: You will maintain a small pocket folder in the art room for saving all hand-outs:
lesson assignment sheets, reflection, rubrics, homework, worksheets, etc. You will be graded on
maintaining this folder. Studying for a quiz or the Final Exam is a snap if you have saved everything in
your folder!

Reflecting & Responding to Art

In the class you are expected to Listen Interactively. You must come to class on time and prepared to
fully participate as described in the MHHS Social Expectations. You will be graded on your
participation in class discussions, reading and written assignments and "critiques" as well as your
artwork. Your writing should meet ELA and the Visual Arts standards.

Attendance and Participation

Because this course includes frequent demonstrations and class discussions, regular class attendance is
essential for your progress. You are responsible for making up any missed class time due to excused
tardiness and absences by coming after school. Poor attendance is the leading cause of failure. You
should always come to class ready to work with a number #2 pencil with an eraser. Cell phone use is
only allowed at specified times and for specific educational purposes according to district policy. Under

Mullen 2014-15


some circumstances I may give you permission to listen to music on your phone or iPods during noninstructional work time, as long as this improves your focus and productivity. Any other use of cell
phones (texting) is against school rules and will result in your phone being confiscated. In general your
phone should be out of sight and turned off.
Due Dates: You will receive enough class time to finish your assignments in class if you are working at
a typical pace and you are not wasting time. I will inform you of the last day for completing the
assignment in class time, after that you will need to see me to discuss when you will complete the work
as homework or after school.* Your grade will be reduced for every day it is late, and usually will not be
accepted if it is more than 1 week late. You will not be allowed an extension for work that is
incomplete due to unexcused absences or cuts.
Exhibits: Sharing your artwork with the school and community is an important part of participation in
this class. You may be required to exhibit your work in several of the following places: the art room,
display cases, the school library, the administration building, The Bristol Library, and Arts Week.

Social Expectations in the Art Room

In art classes you have the opportunity and the responsibility to work cooperatively and collaboratively
with your classmates. Your social expectations grade and your participation grade will be based on how
well you demonstration the core beliefs of respect, responsibility, integrity and learning within the art
classroom as listed below:
Respect yourself and your artwork:
Your artwork is an expression of your personal ideas and efforts.
You will make your best effort to learn and continually improve.
Respect your classmates attitudes, feelings and artwork:
Work cooperatively with your peers.
Class "critiques" are constructive, sensitive, and helpful discussions.
Use respectful and appropriate language toward your peers.
Respect your teacher:
Pay attention to lectures, questions and demonstrations.
Follow directions and complete assigned work.
Arrive on time for class.
Use respectful and appropriate language.
Respect the art materials and the class environment:
Use and care for materials according to class directions. Do not waste materials.
Use supplies in a safe and responsible manner.
Set up and clean up promptly.
At no time will anyone take any art supplies from the art room without express permission, and
completing a sign-out form

Consequences: Students who consistently meet or excel in the above expectations will earn social privileges.
However, disrespectful or disruptive behavior in any of these areas will result in a warning and will affect the
students participation grade, which is 35% of the overall grade. Repeated disrespect will result in a teacher
detention, a call home, or a more serious disciplinary action. Please see the Student Agenda-Handbook for more
details on matters of student discipline.

Mullen 2014-15


A typical unit of study will usually include grades for: planning or studies, a unit artwork (which meets
specific assignment criteria), and a reflection. Therefore, most units will include at least one grade in
each of the categories listed below, and grades are weighted in the following categories:

50%= Unit assignments (artwork) usually about 4 per semester

35%= Class work/ Participation: This means constructive use of class time, paying attention to
demonstrations, completing worksheets and studies, participating in discussions and critiques,
and meeting the Social Expectations standards by making your best effort on all class work.

15%= Written work, Digital Portfolio: including worksheets, reflections, quizzes, as well as
uploading artwork and written reflections into your digital portfolio

Semester exam: All semester courses include an exam which is 20% of the semester grade.
Students sign here_____________________________ to show you understand the expectations
for this course as explained above.
A Note to Parents:
Please read this with your child. Your child must meet the Visual Arts Proficiency Based Graduation
Requirements in order to graduate. A student who works hard and takes a full year of the Visual Arts should be
able to complete their Arts requirements. Please encourage your child to join the many students who use after
school time to catch up, improve their artwork, or use one of the student computers to upload their artwork.
Your childs artwork and art papers usually remain at school in his or her portfolio until the end of the semester,
and I may ask to keep some work longer to exhibit it. You are welcome to come to school and see your childs
You can check the work that your child has uploaded into his/her Digital Portfolio, and see grades in I-Cue. I
usually hand back an assessment or grade sheet on each assignment with comments so students can better
understand their strengths as well as how to improve future work. You can ask your child to share that with you.
Often those grades are not entered into I-Cue until several days later. I usually enter about 4 grades for each unit,
and often the reflection is not due until everything else is completed, so you may see some grades that appear
missing while I simply have not entered the grade yet. Please email me at with any
questions or concerns you may have. If the best way to contact you is through email or cell phone please complete
that information below. I hope your child will enjoy art class and learn a lot this semester. I look forward to
meeting you at the Open House if not before.

Parents signature _________________________________ Parents Email ________________

Parents home phone: ________________ cell phone: _______________
Does your child have access to: a smartphone __, a computer __, a printer __, the Internet ___

Mullen 2014-15


Is there anything you would like to share about your child that would help me meet his/her needs?

Mrs. Christine Mullen, Visual Arts Teacher, Room F124

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