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1.The mechanism by which diphtheria toxin kills cells is: A.

Cessation of protein
synthesis by inactivation of EF-2
2.An invasin would be used by a microbe to: C. Change the structure of actin
filaments in host cells
3.The primary use of Koch`s postulates is to: C. Demonstrate that a disease is
caused by a microorganism
4.The most important factor that should be considered while measuring exposure
in a case control study is: A. Bias
5.The extent to which a test measures what it was designed to measure is
called: C. Validity
6.Which of the following is an advantage of a retrospective study: A. It may be
used to study etiology of a rare disease
7.In the anatomical position, the ilium of hip bone is located ____________ to the
ischium: B. Superior
8.The largest tarsal bone is the: D. Calcaneus
9.The mid-tarsal joint is formed partly by: A. Calcaneo-cuboid joint
10.Which of the following sciences aims to optimize drug therapy with respect to
the patients genotype, to ensure maximum efficacy with minimal adverse
effects: C. Pharmacogenomics

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