Adamjee Coaching Centre Guess Papers 2015 Second Year Commerce

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ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE Preparation Paper 2014-2015 Accounting - XI SECTION (Short ~ Answer Questions) General Journ: Qu. Adnan & Company Ltd purchased a Running Business of Mr. Skahzab the co. accepted all assets, except cash and assumed al liabi Mr. Shahzab Balance Sheet AS on n= ASSETS ‘Current Assets ‘Accounts Payable 33,000 Gash 1,10,000 Bills payable 40,000 Accounts receivable 30000 Total current Liabilities 73,000 | Less: allowance for bad debts (4,000) Fixed Liabilities Net accounts receivable 26,000 Nil Office supplies 4,000 | Owner's Equity Merchandise inventory 30,000 | Mr. Shahzab Capital Prepaid Rent 3,000 | 173,000 Total Owner’s Equity | 4,80,000 Total current assets 4,80,000 | Fixed assets Building 3,00,000 tes alerane fof Depreciation 120,000) Net Building 1,80,000 Land 200,000 Total Fixed Assets 380,000 ‘Total Equities 5,53,000 Total Assets 553,000 REQUIRED: Record the above transaction in general journal and prepare Adnan & Co, Balance Sheet after above effects. If authorized capital is 1,00,000 shares of RS. 1Oeach. (a) If Adnan & Co. Ltd issued 40,000 shares of Rs. 10 each. (©) Adnan & Co. Ltd. issted 30,090 shares of Rs. 10 each at RS, 12 per share. Q.2, The following transactiofigare abbot laboratories Itd. The par value of debenture is Rs. 100 each, o Issued 6% 5000 debentures at Rs. 100 and repayable at Rs. 100 @ Issued 7% 3000 debentures at Rs. 105 and repayable at Rs 100 @) {Issued 5% 4000 debentures at Rs. 95 and repayable at Rs. 100 ® Issued 4% 2500 debentures at Rs. 100 and repayable at Rs. 105, © Issued 8% 3500 debentures at Rs. 95 and repayable at Rs. 105 REQUIRED: Prepare entries in general journal both at the time of issue and atthe time of payment. Q3, The following transactions were completed by Al-Mustafa Company Limited: 1. Offered 1,00,000 ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each at Rs. 12 per share to the public payable in fall on application. The Company received applications for 1,20,000 shares. The ‘company allotted the shares offered and refurded excess amount received. 2. The company offered to the public 40,000 ordinary shares of Rs, 10 each payable in full on application. The entire issue was under-vritten, the company received applications for 30,000 shares. These shares were allotted to the public and as per agreement underwriters subscribed the balance of the issue. 3 The company purchased a piece of land and in consideration issued Rs. 45,000 ordinary shares of Rs. 10 cach to the vendors. The value of land was determined to be Rs. 500,000. 4 The company allotted 10,000 ordinary shares to promoters for service rendered 5 The company issued 20,000 mortgage debentures of Rs. 100 each, redeemable @ Rs. 105 ‘each after five years. All the debentures were duly subscribed. 6 The company issued 10,000 ordinary debentures of Rs. 100 each at Rs. 90 per debenture. The debentures are redeemable @ Rs. 105 each after 10 years. All the debentures were duly subscribed, REQUIRED: Given entries in the general joumal of the company to record the above transactions, Do practice from past papers 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998 & 2012 (P) RETAINED EARNINGS QL. Adnan, Aman company Lid, Has the following transactions during December 2013, Dec 25: The company earned a profit of Rs. 5,00,000. Dee 28: The company declared cash dividend of Rs. 1,00,000. Dec 29: The company declared stock dividend of Rs. 1,50,000. Dec 31:Cash dividend of Rs. 75,000 has been collected by shareholders. Dec 31: tock dividend of Rs. 1,00,000 has been paid by issuing 10.000 ordinary share of Rs. 10 each, Dee 31:Appropriated reserve for contingencies Rs. 8000 Reserve for Building expansion Rs, 20,000 Reserve for Bonds redemption of Rs. 30,000 Reserve for sinking fund Rs. 15,000. REQUIRED: Record the above transactions in general journal Q2 January 1, 2013 the Authorized capital of Ideal Co. Ltd. Was rupees on million divided into 1,00,000 ordinary shares of Rs. 10each, Is)paid up capital was Rs. 5,00,000 divided into 50,000 ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each, the balance in the Retained Earnings was Rs. 16,000 on thet date. During the year 2013, the company issued for cash 20,000 debentures of Rs. 10 each redeemable after five yearat Rs. 12each, On December 31, 2013 the cothpany’s income summary revealed a net income of Rs. 1,68,500. This amount was transferred to retained camings against the following appropriations were made. () Rs. 10,000reserved for debenture redemption. Gi) 15% warrants not yet issued. (iii) 10% Stock Dividend (Bonus shares) declared and shares issued. REQUIRED: (a) Giveefities in the General Journal to record ( Assuance of debentures and receipt of money. (ii), Transfer to income summary balance to retained earnings. (iil) Appropriations of Retained earnings. (b) Prepare equity section of the company’s balance sheet. Do Practice from past papers 2008, 2011 (R), 2012 (R) SINGLE ENTRY QL. (a) __ Briefly state the difference between pure single entry and mixed single entry. How do they differ from Double Entry. (b) Mr. Mohammad Kamal staried his business with a cash investment of Rs. 1,20,000, At the end of the year, his liabilities amounted to Rs. 50,000 and assets to Rs. 2,20,000. REQUIRED: Prepare statement of profit and loss for the year ended under each of the Following situations: (Mr. Kamal made additional investment in business amounting to Rs. 50,000. He also withdrew cash from business for business use Rs. 4,000 per month during the year end amounted to Rs. 25,000. Gi) Mr. Kamal made additional investment in business amounting to Rs. 30,000. He withdrew cash Rs. 15,000 and merchandise worth Rs. 5,000 from business fro his personal use during the year. Q.2. Mr. Azmat started business with cash investment of Rs. 100,000 on January 1, 2013. He keeps his accounting records on Single Entry basis. On December 31, 2013, the following information was obtained from his accounting record Cash at bank 23,500 Office Equipment 60,000 Accounts Receivable 55,000 Furniture 30,000 Merchandise inventory 40,000 Unexpired Insurance 2,500 Accounts Payable 39,000 Additional Information on December 31, 2013: () Mr. Azmat had withdrawn Rs, 2,500 per month during the year for his personal use. (ii) He invested additional capital of Rs. 25,000 during the yeat, (iii) The Bank Statement showed a debit of Rs. 750 for Zakat deduction and a credit of Rs. 1200 for profit. (iv) Insurance of RS, 1,500 had expired. (v) Depreciation of Furniture was estimated at 20% and on office equipment at 10%. (vi) Bad debts were estimated at 5% of Accounts Receivable. REQUIRED: (a) Prepare a Statement showing the caletilation of Capital on December 31, 2013, () Prepare Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ending December 31, 2013. (©) Prepare Statement of Affairs (balance Sheet) as of December 31, 2013 in classified account form, Q3. Mr. Abdul Rehman maintains his account on single entry basis. He provided the following information: January 1, 2013 Total Assets amounted to Rs. 135,000 and total liabilities Rs. 45,000. December 31,2013. Total Assets increased by Rs. 45,000 and total liabilities decreased by Rs. 15,000. REQUIRED: (Compute the amouints of Capital on January 1, and December 31, 2013. Gi) Prepare Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended December 31, 2013 under each of the following situation separately. Situation 700,000. ‘Their profit and loss share are 5:3:2. They agreed to admit Rahim as anew partner under each of the following cases separately (@ Rahimi purchase 1/5 interest of Hashmi for Rs. 9,000 aid 1/4 interst of Nizami for 12,000. (6) Rahimi invest cash Rs. 26,000, Furniture Rs. 9,000 “and Mechandise Rs. 5,000 and receiving 2/5 interest. Total capital is to be increase by his investment. (©) Rahimi invest sufficient cash and receivingat 1/3 interest. REQUIRED: Give the necessary journal entries and prepare a Balancé Sheet it each of the above cases separately, Q2. Alam and Talib are partners of RS. 120,000 and Rs. 80,000 respectively. They share net income in the ratio of 3:2. They agreed to admit Khalil as a partner. REQUIRED: Give the necessary journal entries in skeleton foxm and prepare balance shect in cach of the following, ‘cases separately. Case-l Khalil invest Rs, 100,000 eash and receiving a 1/3 imerest Case-II Khalil invest RS, 80,000 cash and receiving a 1/4 interes, his capital isto be credited of the entire amount of his investment. Case-III Khalil invest Rs.-40,000 cash for 1/5 interest. Old partners are not ready to reduce their capital balances. Q3. _Asifa and Tahira are partners with capital balances of Rs. 100,000 and Rs. 75,000. Profit and Loss share’'70% and 30%. They admitted Zahida as a new partners under each of the following. cases separately. (a) Zahida contributes Rs. 75,000 cash, the total capital is to be Rs. 3,00,000 and Zahide is to have a ‘interest therein. (b) “ Zahida invest 53,000 cash and receiving a 1/6 interest in a total capital of Rs. 2,28,000 REQUIRED: Necessary Journal entries with computation. Q4. Adil and Raza are partners with capital balances of R. 21,000 and Rs. 15,000 respectively. Their profit and loss share equally. They agree to admit Aziz. as a partner. REQUIRED: Give the required entries on the firm’s book to record the admission of Aziz under each of the following, assumption separately. (i) If Aziz invest Rs. 18,000 cash for 1/4 interest in a total capital of Rs. 60,000. (ii) IEAziz invest Rs. 18,000 cash for 1/2 interest in a total capital of Rs. 60,000. (iii) LE Aziz invest sufficient cash for 1/5 interest ina total capital of Rs. 55,000. Do practice from past papers SECTION 'C' (Detailed — Answer Questions) Accounting for Depreciation QL. The following account balances were exiracted from the books of M/s. Muzaffar & Co. as on December 31, 2014 before making any adjustments for the year. Machine cost (Purchased on January 1, 2012) 50,000 Machine Allowance for Depreciation 9,500 ‘The company uses the Diminishing balance methed of computing depreciation charges using a rate of 10% on reducing balance every year. The accounting year closes on December 31. REQUIRED: (@) What will be the amount of depreciation expense for 2014 show your computation?” (b) Give adjusting entries to record depreciation expense for 2012 and 2013 show your computation (©) Give closing entries for depreciation expense on December 31, 2013. (@)__ Prepare allowance for depreciation account for December 31, 2012 and.2013. (©) Show machine cost in partial balance sheet as of December 31, 2014. Q2. On March 17, 1994, Mr. Adnan purchased a machine having costiof Rs. 100,000, the scrap value is Rs, 10,000. The estimated life of machine is 10 years or 80,000 tmits or 50,000 hours, the rate of depreciation is 25%. Mr. Adnan follows calendar year andallowance method of recording, depreciation. In 1994, Machine worked 3,500 hours and produced 5,000 units. In 1995 Mackine worked 4,500 hours and produced 6,750 units. In 1996 machine worked 4,800 hours and produced 7,320 unit REQUIRED: (Calculate Depreciation of Machine for 1994, 1995, 1996 under. (@) Straight Line method (by, Hours Method (c) Units Method (@) Diminishing balance method _(@) _ » Sum of the year digit method (i) Give adjusting and closing entries for depreciation expense. Under each method. (ii) Prepare Depreciation Expense and accumulated depreciation accounts (iv) Prepare partial balance sheet as on December 31, 1996 under each method, Do practice from past papers. ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE PREPARATION PAPER 2014-2015 XI Statistics IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FOR SECTION —B Short Answer Questions Beep ae 10, 12, 14, Define statistics and discuss its characteristics. Describe the different methods of collection of primary data and secondary data. Describe the importance of statistics in different ficlds. What is frequency distribution? What are its advantages? Explain the method of constructions of fiequency distribution. Differentiate between the following: * Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. * Qualitative and Quantitative variables. * Discrete and continuous variables. * Primary data and secondary data. Population and sample. ‘What is a questionnaire? Why is it prepared? Draw the following graphs of fequncy diswbutons CI =55 | 6-75 |, 8-95 | 10-115 | Total f 1 3 5, Ges ae Histogram * FrequencyPolygon |" Frequency Curve * Cumulative Frequency Polygon (Or Ogive). Same graph paper of the above data. Years 1991 1992, 1993 | No.of Deaihs 41 @ ap 30 t75 —) ‘Construct a Simple Bar Diagram of the above data Construct a Multiple Bar Chart‘o show the number of students of a college and Sub Divided Bar Diagram, Years Science [Commerce [Aris 1999 500 200 150 2000 540 230 | 200 2001 600 300 | 250 Draw a Pie Chart for the following data: items A B D E [Bxpenditure (Rs) [95 32 50 23 40 Calculate Arithmetic Mean, Medians and Mode of: X= 4,5, 6.5, 7, 5,4, 8,2 If the mean of the following number is 16, find the value of K: 12y18, 21, K, 13 For the data given, below verify that the sum of the deviation from mean is zero i.e. =o 02, 04, 06, 08, 10 Compute the weighted means of the wheat zs ice Per Kg. 10 12 14 | 16 18 Quantity consumed (Kg) | 55 | 65 | 85 | 95 | 10 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24, 25. 26. 21. 28. 29. 30, a1 ‘The means of 10 numbers is 8. If an eleventh number is now included in the results the means becomes 9. What is the value of eleventh number? For aset observations, the mean came out to be 22.5. Later on checking, itis discovered that an observation 19 was incorrectly recorded whereas the correct value was 15. Calculate the correct mean from this information. ‘The mean of the data of 25 values is 45.6. Find: (a) The mean, ifa value is 30 s included in the data (b) The mean, ifa value 12 is excluded from the data, ‘Three groups 40, 50 and 10 students have average scores in mathematics as 60, 40 and 55 respectively. Find the average score of all students. If Mode = 15 and Mean = 22.5 in a moderately skewed distribution then compute value of Median A moderately skewed distribution has Mean = 64 and Median = 60. Using empirical relation determine Mode, Calculate simple price index numbers (price relatives) with 1980 as base year & also calculate the link Relatives (Chains Base Method) for the following data also find chain in ‘Years | _ 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Price (Rs) 80 90 95 88. 98 From the given data calculate Price Index numbers for 1991 and1992 taking 1990 as base using simple ageregative method. Commodity Price [1990 1997 1992 x Rs. 12.00 RS 15.00 Rs. 15.60, B 3.00 3.60 3.30 c 5.00 6.00 9.70 Find the number of Permutations can be formed from all the letters of the word SUNDAY. How many two digit numbers are possible fromthe digits 2, 4, 6 if the digits are: (@) Not repeated —_(b) repeated Find the number of Penmutation that can be formed from the letters of the word () COLLEGE Gi) DISCUSS Gil) STATISTICS How many committees can be formed out of 13 women and 4 men by taking 3 women and 2 From a batch containing 5 boysand 6 girls a group of 5 students is to be selected. How many combinations of: (3 boys and 2 girls» (ii) 2 boys and 3 girls Ifa die is thrown only once. What is the probebility that the number on the die is? (Even Gi) Less than 3 ii) Greater than 5 Two diceare thrown simultaneously, (i Determine the sample space. (i), What is the probability of getting a total of 5? (ii) What is the probability of getting a total of 7? (iv) What is the probability of getting a total greater than 8? (v)_ What is the probability of getting the same number? (vi) What is the probability that the sum of the dots on the top forces the dice is at least 11 (vii) What is the probability that the sum of dots on them is at most 8? ‘A coin and die are thrown together. Find the probability of getting. () A Tail. (ii)a number greater than 4 (iii) ahead and a number greater than 4 A fair coin is tossed three times. What is the probability? (Determine the sample space. Gi) What is the probability of getting three heads? ‘What is the probability of getting same face? ‘What is the probability that at least one head will appear? 32. 33, A box contains 5 blue and 8 green balls. If two balls are selected at random from this box. What is the probability that they are? (@ Both blue (ii) Both green (iii) Blue and green From a well-shuffled pack of 52 playing cards, a card is drawn at random. Find the probability that the selected card is a: (King (ii) Card of spades (ii) red card (iv) picture card or face card (v) Black (vi) Diamond (vii) Not Diamond IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FOR SECTION Detailed Answer Questions Note: This section will cover both Section B & C. L. Complete the following table: Relative | Cumulative & ee J “frequency |. frequency 0-3 =35 = = 7 =75 14 = 29 = 75 — = 0.40 Cc) 12-15 115-153 2D 0.22 SL 16-19 15.5— 19.5 9 s E ‘A sample of 30 persons showed their ages as: 25 | 29 | 25 | 68 | 25 | 1oafog@of 29 | 37 [28 35_| 49 | 42 | 37 | 42 |jo3.| 207] 49 | 42 | 65 53 48 65, 54 30, cy 39 58 63 RS} (Construct a frequency distribution for above data. Gi) Mid points (ii) Class Boundries (iv) Relative frequency in decimals in percentage. () Cumulative frequency less than and more than for the given frequency distributions: @) Calculate (i) Mean (ji) Median (iii) Mode © Show Median'and Mode with the help of graph. Age 5a14 15-24 | 25-34 35-44 | 45-54 | | Frequency 5 io | 20 | 18. 6 | ‘OR Calculate Mean, Median and Mode from the following data: CL. Frequency 00-19 10 20-39 20 40-59 25 60-79 40 80-99 5 _ Construct Price Index Numbers from the following data by applying: (i) Base Year Quantity Weighted Method (Laspeyre’s Formula) (ii) Current Year Quantity Weighed Method (Passche’s Formula) (iii) Fisher's Formula (Ideal Index Number) 2010 2011 Commodities |~“Price | Quantity | __ Price Quantity A Rs. 10 15 Kg Rs. 12 16K; B 1s 20 20 2 c 25 10 30 s__| Adamjee Coaching Centre Preparation Paper 2014-2015 ENGLISH - COMMERCE SECTION “A” This section consists of MCQs. (According to the syllabus) SECTION “B” Give the answers of the following questions. Qu Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs Q6 Q.26 Q27 Q28 Q.29 Who was Mrs. Oakentubb? What crime did she commit? Describe the difference between the ideas of man and woman about casual meetings in “Twenty Minutes with Judy Oakentubb”? Describe the importance of the label on Mrs. Oakentubb’s suitcase, Why does she hide it? On what ground Bertrand Russell argue that Communism is “the most virulent form of Western Imperialism”? Why does Bertrand Russell consider most important for Asian countries? How did the panic start in the market place on High Street in “The Day the Dam Broke"? How did Dr. Mallory take the whole situation while running down the street? According to Liaquat Ali Khan, what were the:differences between Muslims and Hindus? What were the concepts of freedom given by Liaquat Ali Khan in his speech? Do you think that the trial of Jones was fair according to the story “Act III of the Silver Box”? Discuss briefly. ‘What is an autocratic system? Why does Binstein think this system soon degenerates? ‘What does Einstein regard as contrary to justice and based on force? Miller was a selfish friend. How can to justify it? Describe the meeting of the two cousins in the forest of Zenda, Give an account of the Bell which Rassendyll gave in the honour of princess Flavia, Why was Black Michael not able to expose the true identity of the imposter? Describe the “Tea Table In¢ident” as described in the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”, How did princess Plavia learn the truth and what was its effect on her? Rupert of Hentzau was the most daring and courageous of the six. Give your opinion. Novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” is a tale of romance and adventure. Discuss. ‘What is the fourthand fifth stage of human life according to Shakespeare? How does an upright man lead his life? How did Samson take revenge from his enemies? What lesson do we learn from the poem “Lines from an Essay on Man? “Ignorance of the future is a blessing of God”. Discuss it with the examples given in the poem “Lines from an Essay on Man” How does the poet compare the song of the reaper with the song of the two birds in the poem “The Solitary Reaper”? ‘What ideas John Keats expressed in the poem “Lines from Endymion” about the impact of beauty on human life? What is the main idea of the poem “Say Not the Struggle Naught A vaileth”? Whit did Ulysses address his people to encourage them? Q30 Qs Q32 Q34 Q35 Q36 Q37 038 Use the following idioms/phrases in your own sentences. Now and again, French leave, To turn down, In black and white, Once ina blue moon, In camera, Null and void, To make a mess of, Hard and fast, A red letter day, To look for, To give up, To break down, A bolt from the blue, To take after, To stand by, To fall flat, To smell a rat, To give in, To take up, To face the music, To be in hot water, A dark horse, Time and again, Bad blood, Through thick and thin, An apple of discord, To be in hot water, To take to heels, To win laurels, A dog's life, To bury the hatchet, By leaps and bounds, A white elephant, At dagger’s drawn, to put two and two together. Direct and Indirect Speech. (According to the class work) SECTION “Cc” Character sketches. Rudolf Rassendyll, Madame de Mauban, Princess Flavia. Who played the sole of the prisoner in the novel and how was he rescued? Black Micheel was a clever conspirator but a coward. Discuss. Princess Flavia is a reflection of virtue and gooilness, Discuss. Essays. Importance of Commerce Education Merits and demerits of internet Privatization — Blessing or Curse Cell Phone: A blessing or curse Compreher ion, As done and practiced in the elass. ADAMJEE COACHING CENTER PREPARATION PAPER 2014 — 15 BANKING (Commerce) ay aeye Important Questions for Section B (Short Questions Answer) Define bank “Give and three definitions” List kinds of bank by function? Describe on-line banking? Define commercial banl Define bill and its kind Define pro-note and its kinds? Define letter of credit and its kinds? Lisis step to open a bank account? List functions of commercial banks? Define eross cheques and its kinds? List reason of dishonor of cheques: Define endorsement and kits kinds’ Describe sources of bank funds? Write advantages of clearing house? Define mortgage and kits kinds? Define exchange rate Describe secured loans and unsecured Toans? Describe principles of employing bank funds? How adverse balance of paymentcan be removing? Explain purchasing power parity theory? Describe methods of exchange control? Write origin of state bank of Pakistan? Describe various kinds of bank accounts? Describe nothing and protesting of bill? Differentiate between in-land and foreign bill? Differentiate between cheque and bill? Differentiate between bill and pro-note? Differentiate between schedule and non-schedule bank? Differentiate between debit and credit cards? Define cheque and draw a specimen of cheque? Describe essentials and parties ofa cheque? Differentiate between balance of trade and balance of payment? Important Questions for Section C (Detailed Questions Answer) Describe Origin of modem banking system? Define bank funds and explain principle employing bank funds? Define commercial bank and explain functions of commercial bank? Define cenwal bank and explain functions of central bank? ‘What is mean by credit control, explain. methods of credit control? Define exchange rate how exchange rate is determined? ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE PREPARATION PAPER 2014-2015 COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY () 2) @G) @) () (6) (7) (8) 9) (10) ay (12) (13) (4) (5) (16) a7) (18) (19) 20) a) Q) @) @ (5) (6) Q) (8) 2} (10) (11) (12) (13) (4) (1s) (World Geography) Differentiate between Economic & Commercial Activities. Explain the role of Secondary Activities in the growth of developed countries. Why is dairy farming consider highly capital intensive & non renewable. Explain the term Renewable Natural Resources? Climatic influences are more marked Agriculture than industry comments) Why is temperate grassland the leaders of Wheat Export? USA & Canada are both Exporter & Importer of Iron Ore comments, Inspite of being the largest producer of Rice China Can’t Export the rice? Why are irrigated deserts important to produce good Quality Cotton’? Cheap labor is one of the important factors of tea plantation. Why is rice not grown in the Tundra? Explain. What is a fertilizer? List the function of three major fertilizer elements? What do you mean by edible oil & name the main sources of edible oil? What are the commercial uses of sugarcane? Write a note on interaction of Commercial Activities. Why is commerce developed between various region and countries’ Name the main tea / wheat / rice éXporting & importing countries of the World. Define growth rate of population: How is it calculated? ‘What do you mean by Truck & Shift-farming? Write a short note on solar energy technology & its types. (Pakistan Geography) How the climiate effects on density of population Why Glacier Soil is not suitable for the vegetation? Comments, Lift inrigation system is cheap but it can’t be adopted in all areas comments. Write the Positive & Negative aspects of dams. Coastal Areas record lower temperature in summer & higher in winter as compared to linear areas comments. Discuss “Road Transport is more effective than Railway in Pakistan”? C.N.G has open new opportunities of employment in Pakistan comments. Compare M-Series & N-Series highways in Pakista Show the following in the given gap. (a) Guddu Barrage (b)—_River Jhelum © Mithan Kot (@) Mangla Dam (e) Tarbela Dam () Rachna Doab Differentiate between Makran Coast & Sindh Coast? Describe the mean of istigation practiced in Pakistan? What are causes of shortage of Electricity in Pakistan? Which problems are faced by Pakistan Railway for its development writes any four? Describe the importance of deep sea port of Gawadar? What are the causes for the growth of population in Pakistan? a) Q) @) (4) (5) ©) (0) (8) a) Q) @) @ 6) 6 Detail Answer World Geography) Draw a chat to show the classification of Natural Environment and explain it Physical Factor. Give a detailed account of Iron & Steel Industry. Describe any four of the following: (“The Torrid Zone” Gi) Interrelation of Commercial Activities (iii) OPEC (iv) Importance of Hydro Electricity (v) Natural factor for Rice Cultivation. Naine the factors of the localization of cotton textil industries located. What is the popuiation transition & with the help of a diagram explain the different stages of population growth? What is Human Resource Management? Indicate the important aspects to show the quality of Human Resources? Discuss the factors that determine the regional location of an industry? Discuss the factors that influence the development of fishing industry in any area. industry where are these (Det: d — Answer Pakistan Geograph: Describe the Physical features of Pakistan, Give a short account of the climatic Region of Pakistan. ‘What Physical & Economic factors’are required for the cultivation of Rice or Wheat of Cotton? Name the maintcultivating areas in Pakistan. List the types of forest found in Pakistan, Explain their environmental & economic importance for the country. Describe the following: (@) Indus Basin Treaty (>) Dam & Barrage © Dry Port (@) Food Autarky Economic development of Pakistan it is necessary to establish more cottage industry. Areyou agree? Name Eight main Highway & Motorways of Pakistan write the four characteristies of Motorways. PAKSITAN a eepe ADAMJEE COACHING CENTER PREPARATION PAPER 2014 — 15 DIES (Commerce) Important Questions for Section B (Short Questions Answer) Describe any five differences between Hindu Muslim Societies? Describe Ideology of Pakistan in the light of the sayings of Quaid-e-Azam. Describe the role of Sinch or Punjab in the establishment of Pakistan. Why was the province of Bengal partitioned in 1905? Describe salient features of culture of Pakistan ‘Write a short note on Cabinet Mission Plan. Describe Allababad address delivered by Allama Iqbal or Write down Fourteen Points of Quai-e- Azam. ‘Write down the aims of Objective Resolution. Describe any two problems faced by Pakistan very afier its creation. Deseribe briefly about various regional languages of Pakistan Describe the role played by Urdu in the national integrity. What do you know about Mé. Ali Bogra? Deseribe the objectives of Eighth Five Year Plan. Write down the basie principles of the foreign policy of Pakistan or describe the aim and objective of the establishment of Pakistan, Write down the importance of the geographical location of Pakistan, Deseribe the role played by Quaid-e-Azam in the establishment of Pakistan or write down the Islamic provision of the constitution of 1973. Urdu is the symbol of the national integrity of Pekistan. Explain. Important Questions for Section C (Detailed Questions Answer) Describe Origin of modem banking system? Define bank funds and explain prineiple employing bank funds? Define commercial bank and explain functions of commercial bank? Define central bank and explain functions of central bank? What is mean by credit control, explain methods of credit control? Define exchange rate how exchange rate is determined’? Cp erlaputew "eho Wl iL GILLES.” ae ribo SSibieD 1 (eke SEiste 2) i ert Sipe ee Beaune or (erties SGiSie unre ie ae EE on Ceriher Cie) AI few I~ Int 0 RenS Ee) Leer. ” (ed ReaSAhepud -< biApiere. 2 Ondrkeur) Se ylaity. s Oainktur) er FE Lnbil 8 ce APH) EME GicP teen AEST Re eK effet (undtezey) if ie (dR LFS) te feNir Pie uitpbe ar (rey, su) UE Serguei ren WALL LES oe (e) Ope Pt rte tir 1 (22) Pet Sur trhtue 4 (2) LLG NST (hete Stet or (Sup) (uy) (uy) (ag) (nes) (ne) (Bin) (Gun) (Brey (eeu) Grey) (Rak) BSB yseeh tui BSP fuse eobyfepr Gia Aaa ne FA in SIoSIIe: slut he Ueto be Seer” MIL eA Sbr er SIE Seeniih fet ule oF mone! Beptheck 2071 ha Se. Mitier 4 Ghbdtared 0 we sryiderea? 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