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James Rutherford

Outbreak Extra Credit

1. What is the name of the virus/bacteria/prion that is the focus of this movie?
Motaba was the name of the fictional virus in the movie.
2. What are the symptoms of the virus/bacteria/prion?
They get very sick with very bad respiratory symptoms and near the end they start
to bleed from everywhere
3. What is the incubation period for this particular virus/bacteria/prion?
The incubation period was 24 hours.
4. What is the mode of transfer/spread for this disease?
It starts out by contact and mutates to airborne
5. What is the significance of the monkey that they are trying to find?
The monkey was the original host and had antibodies they could use to make
6. What type of organism is the cause of this disease? (virus, bacteria, or prion?)
It is a virus.
7. What was the resolution in this particular film for this outbreak?
The Army scientists were able to find the original host which was the monkey to
make the anti-serum. In result of that they were able to save the town that was
going to be destroyed by a corrupt Army General.

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