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Name: _____________________________

Date: ____________

Period: _____

American Dream Metaphorm

Of Mice and Men | Final Project

General Directions: As you are reading Steinbecks Of Mice and Men, begin to establish a
presentation that represents your conceptualization of what the American Dream is to you
personally or what you believe the American Dream is as an ideal or to a collective body of
people. You have the ability to exercise freedom of expression in this project. However, you will
need to submit a one-page reflection on the project, explaining what your metaphorm represents
and how this compares to the American Dream(s) present among the characters in Of Mice and
Men. You will be given some class time to work on this. However, out-of-class work will be
expected as well.
Options. Before you begin working on your metaphorm project, you may choose to create a
metaphorm expressing: (1) your American Dream, (2) a characters American Dream in (Of
Mice and Men), or (3) a collective groups idea of the American Dream. In your project, you can
support the idea of an American Dream or contradict the idea of an American Dream. Therefore,
parodies and satirical portrayals are acceptable.
Metaphorm. A metaphorm is a tangible representation of a particular concept that may not be
tangible (for example, the American Dream). One man put it as, "A metaphorm is an object,
image, concept, or process that we compare to something else. Metaphorms imply relationships
between things that we cannot explicitly compare nor literally equate. Every object, image,
concept or process is a metaphorm. It matters little whether a metaphorm is literally true or not.
What is important is that it binds our lives to the vast inconsumable life of the universe (Hanny
Christian). Therefore, feel free to use abstract representations, images, or employ figurative
language in your metaphorm.
Necessary Components. While you have creative space, you must include the following
components in your metaphorm: (1) a visual collage, (2) another visual aid, (3) an auditory
component (a song, poem, prose, or spoken writing), (4) a digital component (glogster, website
landing page, Prezi, video, etc.), (5) a written reflection, and (6) a presentation of your
metaphorm. You may alter or use in-class assignments where they fit in with your metaphorm.
Of course, if you have any questions as to whether or not you can use it, ask me.

American Dream Metaphorm Rubric

Student Name: _________________________________

Total: _______ out of 100 Points
____ 10 Points | Visual Component No. 1. A collage of words or images.
Teacher Comments:
____ 20 Points | Visual Component No. 2. Ideas: Painting. Poster. Tri-fold. Video.
Website. Comic Book. Scrapbook. Drawings. Be Creative!
Teacher Comments:
____ 10 Points | Auditory Component. Spoken word poem, piece of prose, or song. You
could use a journal entry for this, a discussion question answer that ties into your metaphorm
theme, or a poem that we created in class.
Teacher Comments:
____ 10 Points | Technological Component. Ideas: Glogster. Website. Prezi. Video.
Teacher Comments:
____ 20 Points | Written Component. You will need to submit a one-page reflection on
the project, explaining what your metaphorm represents and how this compares to the American
Dream(s) present among the characters in Of Mice and Men.
Teacher Comments:
____ 30 Points | Presentation Component. You will be presenting your metaphorm in
class. You must explain your perspective on whether or not the American Dream exists. You will
also need to explain each component of the project and explain its relevancy. 10 minutes each.
Teacher Comments:

American Dream Metaphorm Rubric

Your Name: _________________________________

Total: _______ out of 100 Points

What score would you give

yourself and why? Be specific.

____ 10 Points | Visual Component No. 1. A collage of words or images.

Your Comments:
____ 20 Points | Visual Component No. 2. Ideas: Painting. Poster. Tri-fold. Video.
Website. Comic Book. Scrapbook. Drawings. Be Creative!
Your Comments:
____ 10 Points | Auditory Component. Spoken word poem, piece of prose, or song. You
could use a journal entry for this, a discussion question answer that ties into your metaphorm
theme, or a poem that we created in class.
Your Comments:
____ 10 Points | Technological Component. Ideas: Glogster. Website. Prezi. Video.
Your Comments:
____ 20 Points | Written Component. You will need to submit a one-page reflection on
the project, explaining what your metaphorm represents and how this compares to the American
Dream(s) present among the characters in Of Mice and Men.
Your Comments:
____ 30 Points | Presentation Component. You will be presenting your metaphorm in
class. You must explain your perspective on whether or not the American Dream exists. You will
also need to explain each component of the project and explain its relevancy. 10 minutes each.
Your Comments:

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