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loyalty of her father, and the adoration the people gave her. Corvus began to plot a wicked scheme using the dark magic she had become very skilled in. Around Columba’s eighteenth birthday Corvus carried out her evil scheme. Columba’s father, Delphinus, suddenly and mysteriously disappeared. ‘The kingdom was in distraught and King Hercules was burdened. He sent out numerous armies into the land to search for him, but he was nowhere to be found. On the outside, the stepmother was in despair, but on the inside she was wickedly pleased. Despite the horrible tragedy life continued on, but very differently. Columba became very lonely and was forced to do numerous, horrible tasks or she would received floggings from her stepmother. Columba began to feel lonely and depressed. The only person or rather creature she could talk to was her beautiful Pegasus, Star Dust. However, as the days went on, Corvus’ hatred for Columba grew stronger. “She's in my way, I must do away with her, but first I must destroy the closest and most loved thing she possesses, that dreadful creature, Star Dust!” she said. “Too bad her father isn’t here to have pity on her now,” breathed Corvus as an evil cackle began to bubble to the surface. In the next few days Star Dust began to run around, thrashing his head and running into fences and walls, seriously wounding himself: Columba sank farther into hopelessness and despair, for life was turning into a huge tragedy; her beloved Star Dust was mindlessly hurting himself. After three days of this nonsense the wicked stepmother acted sweet and told the girl she had called for help. That evening the evil stepmother sneaked into the stalls where Star Dust was tied. Meanwhile Columba was in her chambers hoping her beauty would survive the catastrophe. Suddenly a loud, unnatural, grotesque scream came from the stalls. Columba ran to the stalls but it was too late. Star Dust was on the ground, dead. Columba began to weep bitterly as she fell down by the creature, Her grief was interrupted when she realized Corvus was in the

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