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shadows of the stall. She could sce the revenge and hate glaring red in her eyes with a passion, Columba jumped up and ran for the dark woods in fear of Corvus’ plan. That night she wept bitterly for her life had gone array. Her father mysteriously disappeared, her beautiful Star Dust was struck dead, and she was homeless and in danger. Columba looked into the night sky blurred by her tears, when she noticed something she never saw before. She quickly dried her tears and looked back into the sky. Within the stars she could see her father’s figure, face, and smile, Next to his strong figure was her beautiful Star Dust. She talked aloud to them expecting a lonely silence to follow. When she had finished a deep, gentle, rumbling voice spoke to her saying, “Do not return to the house of the wicked Corvus, head east for the prince is on an archery hunt and his camp is set up a few miles down the road. Once there, you must tell him all that has happened to you,” then the voice disappeared Columba quickly got up and headed east like the voice told her. About three hours later she came upon the camp. Terrified and ashamed she walked into the camp not knowing what to expect. Up ahead she saw a fire and some men gathered around it eating the game they had caught that day. Her stomach growled for she had not eaten anything that whole day for she was busy doing worthless chores for Corvus. She cautiously approached the fire when a man grabbed her arm. Panicked, she tried to run, but the man had a firm grip, a gentle smile and a soft tone when he spoke to her. “What are you doing here? Who are you? Are you alright? ‘You're terribly shaken up,” the man asked. “L-ii am Columba, d-ddaughter of Delphinus, I’m looking for prince Orion,” she said stuttering a bit.

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