Story 4

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He smiled again, “I am Orion, what is it that troubles you to travel here at night to find me?™Please before another word is said, follow me inside the tents for the night air is chilly.” Columba had hardly noticed the chilly night air for her determination to follow her father’s voice drove her on, ‘They went inside and ate a tasty meal of venison and bread while Columba explained ‘everything. Entranced by her beauty, determination and her story, the prince fell in love with her. When dawn approached the prince headed back to the castle, taking Columba with him. Upon arriving at the castle the king was enthralled to see Columba and his son Orion. After a long detailed explanation the king was furious at Corvus. He was mad that his best man’s daughter was left in the care of an evil woman. He called for his philosophers and spies to come and work this situation out, His spies were sent out to look upon Corvus in sneaky ways and find ‘out what is going on in her household. King Hercules’ philosophers studied every detail in order to find an answer to all the mishaps. During this three week period Columba stayed at the palace and began to understand the prince more personally. Finally the spies returned and told truthfully that Corvus was planning to kill Columba and overtake the kingdom using dark magic. Hercules and all his men gathered together to make a plan to destroy the evil Corvus before more misfortune could happen, While Columba was walking around the castle grounds she overheard the king and his men talking about their plan to destroy Corvus. A voice inside her told her to go to the king and speak for the words would be given to her. Columba politely and cautiously interrupted the meeting and waited a moment for the words the voice said would be given to her

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