Story 6

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Hannah Sowers 12/10/12 Authors note: In this Fairytale some background may need to be required to fully understand it. In this land/culture once a person dies they as it’s called “return to the skies.” When a character returns to the sky they become a constellation. Their constellation however, has something to do with their looks, personality or things they have done, or things done to them that are significant. In the story we find Corvus, the evil stepmother, end with the crows eating her. From this situation and her role in the story she is remembered as a crow, or disgraced, unclean, Columba however returns to the sky as a dove for she was meek and brave like a dove. She also, as described, had skin white and soft like the feathers of a dove, Orion and king Hercules return to the sky like the constellations described in their names. Star Dust becomes a beautiful Pegasus and Delphinus returns as a dolphin man. You may find this interesting because of the dolphin part. However dolphins tend to be very smart and extremely loyal, just like his character in the story. I based this fairy tale around constellations because I think they are one of the many wondrous creations God has made for us to enjoy.

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