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One area that is most known to people about the Holy Spi s the different gifts talked about in 1* Corinthians chapter 12, 13 and Romans 12. First off, people need to realize the ifFerence between gifts and talents. People may already have talents, but they need to be developed. Gifts are given to us by God to use in serving. 1* Corinthians chapter 12 and Romans 12 talks about how the Holy Spirit gives different gifts to different people, Each person is to use their gift for others, under Christ. For we are all one body in Christ and have different functions; for a body cannot work if everyone works as hands or as feet or as ears. We need all the parts in order to reach all people, 1* Corinthians 13 talks about all the gifts that are manifested through the spirit; however, if we do not have love, it is all for nothing. The sign that a person is filled with the Holy Spirit is not speaking in tongues or prophesying or healings; it is love, a pure selfless sacrificial love. Christ loved us first so in that we also ought to love one another. Having the gift of love is the greatest gift you can give because God first gave it to you. In Isaiah there are songs written called the servant songs. These passages show us the power of the Holy Spirit, Isaiah 42:1-7 is a powerful servant song that prophecies of Jesus” coming to earth. It is God speaking about His son and the mighty things He will do when the spirit is upon Him. Isaiah S0:4-9 is Jesus talking about Himself and how the Spirit of the sovercign Lord is the power that helped Him endure the excruciating pain of the cross. Isaiah 61:1 and 3 is also Jesus talking about Himself and how the Spirit was upon Him to help Him proclaim the good news, give freedom to the captives, fulfill promises and help the broken even in the lowliest position. These are only three example of the power the Holy Spirit has when He acts upon something. By reading these passages we can see that Jesus came to earth with a mission, He set His mind on the Father’s plan, and did not glorify Himself. We should follow the

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