Interview Guide Thesis

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Interview Guide

Factors that Influence Broadcast Media Agenda Setting in Iloilo

1. What makes an issue worthy of attention?
2. How do you rank the following story values, Timeliness,
Relevance, Significance, and Public Interest? Please
explain your ranking.
3. What, to you, is the role of the media man in society?
4. How do you apply this, considering your role as a
decision maker regarding which issues are given
5. What role does censorship and government regulation, in

general, play regarding which issues are given attention?

How do these affect your decisions?
How do sources affect your decisions regarding issues?
How do audiences affect your decisions regarding issues?
What role does money play in your work as decision maker

within a business organization?

10. How strongly does money influence your decisions?
11. Based on the statistics weve gathered, the least
important factors weve determined are about advertising
and ownership. Why do you think this is?

12. Considering your experience, how important is your

reputation to you?

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