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A caravan of innovation and excellence in the world

WITH 5000 YEARS of recorded history of rug weaving around the world,
from the mythical and miraculous land of the Pharaohs, the domination of
Persia on rug destiny, and the glorious realm of mystery and achievement of
India and China, now, a small manufacture of rug that just established in 2002
in the city of Kabul, Afghanistan has challenged all the establishments of rug's
weavers, designers, and experts of rug, around the world.
Ahmadi brothers, Alisha Ahmadi and Ahmad Shah Ahmadi, the co-founders of
Ariana Rug with its eight years of rug production inside Afghanistan, but with a
generation of dedications in rug production, before the invasion of their country
by Red Army, has given a life experience of creativity and a magnifying
shopping destination for wonderers of rug from around the world. Ariana has
made rug for every taste and imagination.

During the last eight years, Ariana has competed in every international rug's
market and has dominated the endless and expansive title of greatness in rug
industry. Now, after eight years of hard work and tireless challenges, Ariana has
maneuvered its felucca to the coast line of success and silhouette. Ariana is
proud of creating over thirty thousands jobs for unemployed Afghans all over
Afghanistan. Ariana has self-sustained thousands of families by giving them
micro credit, such as: tools, wools, training, and even money to become self
supported in their own villages, and by doing that, Ariana has helped thousands
of children to attend schools instead of hard laboring and begging on the
Ariana has dominated the destiny of rug, since 2002 all over the world, from
New York, Los Angeles, Germany, to rug shows all over the world. The
liberation of Afghanistan, in 2002 from the claws of terrorism, created a sound
environment, for Ariana to return to their war-torn country and rebuild
devastated Afghanistan.
In 2010, Ariana's rug won the number one title of the world in rug production.
Around the world, every gallery and design center consider Ariana as a closed
ally and a business partner to envelope competitors from all around the world.
The rugs of Ariana even penetrated on the settings of Hollywood movies,
comedy shows, and late night talk shows. Movies like Valentine's Day and
shows like Friends and Jay Leno share the elegance of Ariana's fine pieces.
The Ahmadi brothers, who have changed the collapsed rug's industry of
Afghanistan into a national pride for every rug manufacturers in the country,
have elevated their name to a common brand in every avenue of this industry
inside Afghanistan as a role model.
Yesterday, we started as a small challenging company. Today, we have created
over thirty thousands jobs in Afghanistan, but tomorrow, we have a goal of
hiring around half a million of unemployed Afghans, in this industry, to
dominate the rug production in the region, to bring the world of rug much
closer to Afghanistan.

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