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Stacy Hull

Dr. Petra
Technology Integration #3 a-e
Note: I am using a lesson plan that I just created for my internship. I integrated
technology into the lesson I just taught, so I am using a lesson plan I created instead of
one off the Internet. It is included at the end of this assignment.
a) Describe the Phase 1- Planning activities you would do to use this in your
1) What is the relative advantage of using the technology in this lesson?
Using the BrainPOP video in this lesson allows me to review the information I
just presented in a book format in a new visual way.
2) Reflect on, assess, and describe your Tech-PACK for this situation.
The timing of integrating technology is important. I chose to use the BrainPOP
video after my main lesson was complete as a review. Using technology in my
lesson allowed me to build upon information that I had just presented and make
the main points more clear and precise. The kids in my class love BrainPOP
videos. It helped to make learning about the water cycle fun and varied the format
in which information was presented to them to meet the needs of visual learners.
It required knowing how to use a computer to play videos and turn on the
b) Describe the Phase 2- Implementation activities you would do to use this lesson
in your classroom.
1) What are the objectives of the lesson plan?
The objective for this lesson plan is that students will know and be able to
describe the water cycle.
2) How will you assess your students accomplishment of the objectives?
I will assess my students accomplishment of the objectives by constantly asking
questions throughout the lesson to gage student understanding, having them
demonstrate with me the water cycle song, and by monitoring their hands-on
activity assessment.
3) What integration strategies are used in this lesson plan?
I integrated the BrainPOP video into the actual lesson. However, I also researched
on the Internet prior to the lesson and found the song, made the water cycle
template foldable using Word, and used the copier machine to prepare for my
4) How would you prepare the learning environment?
I would have all the students join me on the floor to watch the video and turn the
lights off to allow students to see it better.
c) Describe Phase 3- Evaluation/Revision activities you would do to use this lesson
in your classroom: How would you evaluate the success of this lesson in your
classroom in order to determine revision needs?
I would ask questions after the video to gage if students understood the
information presented. I might also add a simple worksheet or quiz to gage
learning after the lesson. If students did not grasp the concept, I would need to
reteach and re-explain.

d) Add lesson descriptors- create descriptors for your new lesson.

Grade Level: 1st grade
Standards: TEKS: 1-(C) identify and learn how to use natural resources and
materials 5- The student knows that objects have properties and patterns.
The student is expected to: (A) classify objects by observable properties of the
materials from which they are made such as larger and smaller, heavier and
lighter, shape, color, and texture; and conservation and reuse or recycling of
paper, plastic, and metals. (B) predict and identify changes in materials caused
by heating and cooling such as ice melting, water freezing, and water evaporating.
(6) Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that force, motion, and energy
are related and are a part of everyday life. The student is expected to:
(A) identify and discuss how different forms of energy such as light, heat, and
sound are important to everyday life.
e) Save your new lesson with all descriptors and TIP Model Notes.
Standards and Competencies:
Standard 1: All teachers use technology related terms, concepts, data input strategies,
and ethical practices to make informed decisions about current technologies and their
1.2k data input skills appropriate to the task
1.5k use technology terminology appropriate for the task
1.12s use digital keyboarding standards for data input such as one space after
punctuations, the use of em/en dashes, and smart quotation marks
Standard III: All teachers use task-appropriate tools to synthesize knowledge, create and
modify solutions, and evaluate results in a way that supports the work of individuals and
groups in problems-solving situations.
3.1 how to use appropriate computer-based tools to create and modify solutions to
3.1s plan, create, and edit word processing documents using readable fonts, alignment,
page setup, tabs, and ruler settings.

Stacy Hull
Lesson Plan: Water Cycle
Mrs. Thornes 1st Graders
Objective: Students will know and be able to describe the water cycle.
TEKS: 1-(C) identify and learn how to use natural resources and materials 5- The
student knows that objects have properties and patterns. The student is expected to:
(A) classify objects by observable properties of the materials from which they are made
such as larger and smaller, heavier and lighter, shape, color, and texture; and conservation
and reuse or recycling of paper, plastic, and metals. (B) predict and identify changes in
materials caused by heating and cooling such as ice melting, water freezing, and water
evaporating. (6) Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that force, motion, and
energy are related and are a part of everyday life. The student is expected to:
(A) identify and discuss how different forms of energy such as light, heat, and sound are
important to everyday life.
Materials Needed:

The Water Cycle- By Helen Frost

BrainPOP- The Water Cycle
Water cycle foldable template and fill in the blank poem cutout

Intro/Attention Getter Questions:

Review: Give a little review or ask questions about yesterdays lesson to engage students
and connect new material to previous material.
Today we are going to learn about The Water Cycle! Have you ever wondered

Why your swimsuit dries after just being in the pool?

Why a puddle is not in your driveway the next day?
How clouds form?
Where did the snow weve had recently come from?

Well, today we are going to talk about all these things!

Explanation: Read The Water Cycle and tie intro questions into the book reading.

Review: BrainPOP video- after the brainPOP ask questions to make sure students
understood the information presented.
Practice: Water Cycle Song with hand motions.
Activity/Assessment: Explain and model the activity. Use the Water Cycle Template and
poem cutout. Students will be able to identify and draw the stages of the water cycle.

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