Sample Paragraph Response

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Sample Paragraph Response:

Chapter 4 OMM
Part Three | Paragraph Response. Write a paragraph responding to the following
question. Be sure to use at least two quotes to support your answer.
17. How is the theme of loneliness developed in this chapter? Think about the
characters: Lennie, Crooks, Candy, and Curleys wife when formulating your
In John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men, Crooks exemplifies the theme of loneliness prevalent
throughout the novel. As an African American man, segregated from the other Caucasian workers on the
ranch, Crooks represents individuals who are discriminated against in racial minorities. In addition,
Crooks has a crooked back. Therefore, we can also see Crooks as a representative of the loneliness
experienced by individuals with physical disabilities. When Lennie enters Crooks room, Crooks remarks,
I aint wanted in the bunkhouse, and you aint wanted in my room (Steinbeck 67). From the start of
chapter four, it is evident that Crooks is an outcast on the ranch. He is a stable buck and expected to live
in the barn segregated from the other men. Crooks likes to read, but he explains that books aint no good.
A guy needs somebody- to be near him (Steinbeck 71). From this, one can postulate that he has lived a
lonely life. In the text, Crooks states to Lennie, George knows what hes about. Jus talks, an you dont
understand nothing (Steinbeck 69). In this part of the text, Crooks begins to pick on Lennie and plant
seeds in his head about George leaving him. Crooks treated Lennie cruelly, because he himself was
lonely. Later in the conversation, Crooks says, I seen it over an over- a guy talkin to another guy and it
dont make no difference if he dont hear or understand Its just the talking. Its just bein with another
guy. Thats all (Steinbeck 69). Crooks explicitly explains that conversation with another individual
fulfills the human desire to have a level of reciprocity within relationships. As an African American,
during the Great Depression era, in a predominantly Caucasian society, Crooks exemplifies a particular
kind of loneliness, adding a dimension to the feelings experienced by individuals, both during that time
frame and by some individuals in contemporary society today.

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