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Complete the sentences using adjectives or adverbs of the words given below.

crowded - early - easy - expensive - interested - large - near - often

- quiet - thin - surprising

1. This jacket is too small. I need a

2. You look


. Have you lost weight?

3. He's not so keen on his studies. He's

4. You'll find your way around the town

in having a good time.

if you have a map.

5. You're making too much noise. Can you be a bit

6. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was

7. You're late. I expected you to be here

than usual.

8. You hardly ever write to me. Why dont you write a bit

9. The hotel was

cheap. I expected it to be much

10. It's a pity you live so far away . I wish you lived

Put the words from the list into the blanks below !

cheerful - creative - daring - dull - energetic entertaining - hardworking - helpful - lazy - lethargic miserable - old-fashioned - trendy - unadventurous unhelpful - unimaginative

1. Jim is quite

and modern , but most of his friends are


2. Shelley is

and tells some really funny jokes, but her boyfriend is a

3. Jake is quite

and is always smiling, but Toby can be a bit

4. My youngest son is

and makes a big effort at school but my eldest is

5. When the weather is fine I feel really great -

and full of life but when it's

raining and cold I never want to do anything . I feel terribly

6. Mum is very

and likes extreme sports such as parachuting, but Dad is


7. My boyfriend is

and enjoys writing poetry and painting, but I'm


8. The first waiter was polite and


, but the second one was rude

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