OR What Methodology Do You Perform in Your Company ?

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Agile is the most popular development model which most of the companies follow in
current scenario.
Question : What is the development model followed in your company ?
OR What methodology do you perform in your company ?
Answer is Agile.
As we have already know now it is very common that requirements of clients change
very frequent, for that kind of scenario where requirement change frequently Agile is the
best model we have.
1 Agile Start with when we have to work on a new project or new version of project.
At this time we have an SRS which have all client requirement.
2 So at the start of Agile, we have project planning meeting, in this meeting we place
all client requirements in our Product/ Project backlog.
* This is done mainly by management person.
Product/ Project backlog : contain all client requirement that we need to develop in
current project or current version of project.
Here we divide complete development cycle into small cycle, each small cycle is
called sprint.
Sprint: Complete project development cycles are divided into multiple small cycle, each
cycle is called sprint, ideally each sprint should be 2 weeks to 4 weeks.
For example if we need to develop a project in 1 yr and we want 15 days(2 weeks) sprint
so we will have 24 sprints.
3 At the start of each sprint, we have Sprint Planning Meeting, in this complete team
which is going to work on application.
Here we create Sprint Backlog : Sprint backlog is a document, we pick some client
requirement from product backlog on which we want to work in current sprint and place
them into sprint backlog.
Here we decide what will be the work of different team member in the current sprint.
Here we decide who will be the head of this team, this head is called Scrum Master.
After meeting sprint get start, and people start working on their task.

4 Every day we have a meeting is call Stand up call or Scrum call, this call is
schedules by Scrum Master, here every person tell 3 things
What we have done yesterday
What we are going to do today.
Describe any of the problem if we faced in last working day.
5 At the end of each Sprint, We have a DEMO MEETIMG.
In this we show the work which we have done in current sprint.

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