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Issue: Detailed Observation.

Graham discovers a crop circle in his field, reports of violent animal

behavior has spread across town, and one of the Hess' dogs tries to attack Bo and Morgan.
Argument : With detailed and careful observation along with logical analytic skill on the ever
changing surrounding. One can investigate and figure out the cause of unusual events and
Justification : Graham Hess observes unusual activity around his farm and the weird behavior,
he knows something is wrong. With investigating it, he found an alien is the cause of the recent
weird events. Graham discovers that the farm is being watched, and he and Merrill chase a tall,
dark figure from the roof of a barn and into the crops, where it disappears. Meanwhile, crop
circles similar to the one in Graham's field appear around the world. Morgan hears a strange noise
on a baby monitor, but it stops before he can investigate further. That evening, Graham goes to
the crop circle, and hears the sound again. After spotting a green leg sticking out of the cornrows,
he flees to the house. A news report reveals that lights have been spotted over Mexico City.
Graham decides to leave the basement and find Morgan's medicine. The family follows, and they
find an alien in the house. It is revealed that it is the alien that Graham had cut the fingers off of
earlier. They discover that water reacts like acid to the alien's skin, and Merrill smashes all the
water glasses Bo had left all over the house at the alien. Finally, Merrill hits the alien into
furniture and water splashes on its face, killing it. Graham administers Morgan's medication, and
the boy recovers.

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