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, RS, MODELS A CEL) EBRATION OF THE FEMININE i KANDY K + SABINA KELLEY = ZOE SUICIDE * MISS IVI » KITTY MEOWW « CINDY FREY « STEFFI ROX + HOLLIE BRYANT Te mE Ae eee RU e al aR oN [aHRSN EP (ele ee sheave ay ice Sensis SOURPUSSCLOTHING.COM BUG) OB GE TAK... FROM THE PUBLISHERS OF WRITER & EDITOR Shon Si sion amith@skindeep.cauk ‘Telephone: 01244 668400 ext. 209, AKT EDITOR Gareth Evans garet@jazzpublishing Telephone: 01234 663400 ext. 208 GRAPHIC DESIGNER ‘Owen Moran ‘owen.moranejazzpublisbing ‘Telephones 01241 663400 ext 203, PRODUCTION MANAGER Justine Hast justine jazzpublishing cele Telephone: 01214 S400 ext 235 ACCOUNTS & ADMIN MANAGER ‘Emma MeCrindle accounistjazzpubishing eo. Telephone: 01244 653400 ex. 207 ADMINISTRATION Jan Schofield janjazzpublishing Telephone: 01241 863400 ext. 219, atie-Matie Challinor Soe 2 gama ao g aula Hardy Kangelos, Marya Garcia, thsan Kemal, Ama Lea, Miss Missy, Ppt rcv E cewnwonns ae Lat Kiny Meow Did Garner Cindy re Cindy fey Nina Katethsen Kemal acy Rise SBeLGTeRCapublehngenuk, gS chimes term “si eee an ‘exceptionally stupid houes of the night and [take my hat off| Secon advice where needed ~ an extra special thanks. To Eleanor and my children who are probably ‘wondering whe I've been mentally fr the last couple of months sorry, 'l behome for Christmas. Thanks must also go tothe tear behind the scenes of Stuart jarpubiishing. coke Telephone: 1211 8600 PRINTED BY ‘Warners Mid nds ple ‘Gareth Evans and David Gamble who have ridden shotgun 7 Tre coed nti mote te ‘on this ip und read the mp well May the Gods have 5 Saaeeeimnes tory ony sulin ea Sion Smith Soe lll | Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magazines for Al Se eed Ua m fe), cI ee mS pas Introduction Deere at pereereeeenr tet eee we ret conjure visions ofan Prere eaett con Nea pore rhea POM tas ge) se een ae peer enn Perera Peer Aten pee berate imc era conser! ens) haveitall Pa ee Peerage hy eeiremtneri cen tT Cem ea Fhe nny Stra td nnn Penner! ere ee) bases: peri erate eter ROE men Prem e Pane sae rine ar eo Peaeregerr chr er reas rea eens Bree neeecey beny Pe eee ts ee ey eee error 4 Rec Cee U8. Paula Tardy Seren eer a ements eee ets Ph aia ete oes eeteee teas Perec tee ae a Me Eidoce Einar Ponce orernrett) : Peete eet perc metre Coo Root ee ad Oy SI nen ae With adiploma in specialist Pes Pee ees Ce ey fer oan eee Ce Sie her fest feanarein Skin act coon in a tat a Palen Pent neers ences ua Ait 100 Kat ‘Kalashnil a. Kat og Akasha DeVille Ras pena 126 “Lucy ‘Kinsella a trmer nonin) Pere een pore nny Preeereeearety Prana ey rere pereimearst Laroenenintiiert cree ree Freres oti reoretatee > Brera tt PER ee Ln a Py ars Ene ees Ome eat ory Rito n aos una stat Poh tenenatnceetoany Berens oe rae Peterman Eerie eer pe ete ten percents 5 5 eee sourewondedngwhyyoure 134 ea S Nag perients Peery ¢ fo SS, Prete errr Lok. cer ae eee een France ieee ene eo ee Perera tons Tene ne rem crmecomier rer 138 §J Whiteley . ns SOO tom Saas Potent Se ies Paes eee resi a) re UEC og PE VOL or Cg Cerne eens bie eee poorer penton ane nn ad Por ea) PE ners reed Preis Pepi ee ea ANA, See ee UA Cer Erctereneenente tea poeer ere fas Roser arent Porm tue Phelan eed Porn tns pestered ir Sa Tren Rone eee aa | We've come a long way from the circus sideshows when the tattooed lady was | Q principal attraction - or have we? With the sideshow no longer a commodity to be used in this way, time has had its wicked way and the “tattooed lady” can now be found in all walks of life. Some are professional tattooed models, some hold down regular jobs and some just are, but the one thing they all have in 7 common is a love for the art ts fore we begin, | feel it is book, I’m not seeking to discover the why and & important to state up front wherefore of an entire generation of ladies who have Ej} thatIama pop culture writer _ chosen to heavily tattoo their bodies and display and not an anthropologist. them to the world at large (or not as the case may =| According toWikipedia the be sometimes), Pm here to catalogue it, comment - 3) font of all knowledge so long sometimes inanely - on it and enjoy it with them. as it doesn't need to stand up in court - the generic term ‘pop-culture’ embraces “the rotatity of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, memes, images and other phenomena that are deemed preferred within the ‘mainstream of a given culture, especially Western | catlrure of the early to mid 20th century... heavily | influenced by mass media, this collection of ideas | permeates the everyday lives of the society” As you can imagine, by its very nature, the lines between anthropology and pop culture blur every single day. In taking on authorship of this beautiful Stoeliege - Arcs Magentis CAs human beings, we often enter into certain behaviour | simply because it’s there to | join in with — we get drawn | in to the very culture of the os its. 6 TattooVixens C= =e Adlsnsz Storebiags &Fantamay, Magestnes for Al Uc POR Pe Te net cs eet iS Where those who study humanity would be concerned with the psychology of why women ‘would choose to illustrate themselves in this way, I understand that as human beings, we often enter into certain behaviour (for want of a better word) In the same way that tinkering with your car at the weekend does not make youa mechanic or getting together with some friends and playing your instruments does not automatically qualify you to be on the bill at Glastonbury, the same rules apply here. simply because it’ there (o join in with - we get drawn in to the very culture of the culture itself. This is how the Western world operates whether we are talking about television, music, fashion or indeed, tattooing, To dig deeper than this would require a university degree of some description and would also be totally pointless because as you will see, ‘sometimes, even they don't know why. That's not to say no thought has gone into it~ far from it~ but there doesn’t always have to be a deeper meaning to art. Such is the beauty of it. Atits very best, at just'is. As editor of Skin Deep tattoo magazine, 1am approached daily with multiple requests to feature the tattooed bodies of women. Some of these are professional or part-time models. More often than not, itis the “girl next door” who will picture — usually taken by their boy kitchen. From this perspective, Ifeel that [have a responsibility to let them know that simply having allot of tattoos does not make you an “authentic: TatcooVixens: Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magazines for Al 9 Stochdege - Acs Megeninss Dowuloest tu Thus POF tocwnelt Introduction It's not a flash in the pan attemy aioe famou: puck ty. The hours are long, ie pay 1 n't as great as you nee think and onditions arent always as luxurious a you might imagine either. tattooed lady” ~ or indeed a model. [often think this may be hypocritical of me —after all, who am. Ito judge beauty that reaily is only skin deep? But in the same way that tinkering with your car at the weekend does not make you a mechanic or getting together with some friends and playing your instruments does not automatically qualify you to be on the bill at Glastonbury, the same rules apply here. Every single woman in this book works damn hard ‘at what they do. I'S nota flash in the pan attempt at becoming famous quickly. The hours are long, the pay isn't as great as you may think and conditions aren alway’ as luxurious as you might imagine either. Which is a good place to take amoment to. acknowledge all of the photographers in this book ‘who all work hard on making those conditions as TattooVixens There's a certain swagger that goes with being a Vixen (do women swagger’). The ink is only half the story. The other half is how you live your life, how you portray yourself to the world at large. Somebody ‘once commented to me that it was the most extreme form of burning your bra that a woman could ever go through. Idon’t know if that’s what any of them actually think, maybe Tshould have asked, but it’ certainly the impression I get. During the process of compiling Tattoo Vixens, [have found each of them massively independent that’ for sure, but equally, each of them has gone out of their way to make sure our final product is as great as it can possibly be without being a diva about it. So what does Vixens hold in store for the reader? Is itworth me laying it out on the table even! It will bea cold day in hell when you read this introduction before you've studied every single one of the Vixens themselves, but you may come back here afterwards. We have full-time models who have reached. place in which they can make a living out of their bodies. This in itself is a major achievement. Not so many years ago, this would probably have been unteasible but through hard work and determination, they have carved a niche out for themselves. There are also part-time models, although [ really don't think they see themselves, as this, Many are serious tattoo collectors who don't model in the true sense of the word but are well known simply for collecting. ‘There are also collectors who have gone beyond the lens and taken’ on the role of photographers and collectors who combine being tattooed as part of their other lives as burlesque artists, nurses and well... you name it, there's a Vixen probably doing it somewhere. When we started this project, it was difficult to know what to call it, Itwent through many different titles before we settled on Tattoo Vixens. This didn't go down well in all corners of the community and many whom we wished to feature backed out of the concept, deeming it something of a derogatory term, butit certainly was never intended that way. It’s more of a collective and affectionate term and hand on heart, I can honestly say that it fits perfectly. ‘Thus, | present to you, the finest selection of Vixens we could find. Don't be surprised if this sign of the times is followed up by subsequent volumes - this rolling stone is showing no sign of slowing down now. Sion Smith Editor Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magazines for Al ‘StoreMags - Free Magazines # Unc (egendinse Dowuloet 3 12 ext°Door The tattoo is a powerful talisman, imbibed with mystery, historical significance and undeniable power. Those that dedicate their bodies and lives to the ancient art carry with them that mystery. hile tattooing in general is hugely popular, large- scale tattoos on women remain somewhat rare and thus the idea of the tattooed lady remains special. From legendary sideshow performer to modern-day icon, tattooed women are a special kind of tattoo enthusiast. Once we were to feared and bravery was required before you dared to peep at the circus lady, now we are enviable, strong symbols of independence, unafraid to reject conventions and fearless in the face of perceived permanence. The idea of the collecting one that everyone is familiar with, most of u: hada childhood obsession, mine wasscented rubbers in ridiculous shapes and collecting tattoos is not so different to stamps or classic car: attooVixens, ‘The tattooed lady's body continually ignores the most basic requirements of posterity, for there is the paradox of the tattoo. The mark is permanent, butthe canvas is not. Itis only with an eye beyond ‘our own mortality that we can be freed from the fear of the indelible, to be tattooed is living in the present, embracing the here This anthology of tattooed ladies is perfect for the contemporary moment Having a tattoo and being tattooed are quite different but the defining factor is not necessarily quantity ~rather, its a feeling or an attitude, you don’t need two full sleeves and a hack piece to be atattooed lady and although many of us do have near-to-total coverage, its not a requisite for entry to our ranks - all you need is for your tattoos to be a love aifair, a passion - for them to be a huge part of your day-to-day existence. ‘The idea of the collecting is one that everyon familiar with, most of us had a childhood obsession, mine was scented rubbers in ridiculous shapes and collecting tattoos is not so different to stamps or classic cars. You need contacts and research and a constant ear-to-the-ground mentality, you must be willing to act as soon as a desired item becomes available - only rather than watching an online auction, the tattoo collector must scour magazines and convention listings for the prized piece. Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magazines for Al Boy (Gel EGG Introduction The tattoo is the connector between inside and outside, body and mind, so our decorative choices can reveal our joys and sadness, favourite music and images, our families and our hopes and dreams, we can etch our secret selves onto our public bodies, showing everyone who we really are. ‘Tattoo collecting involves many resources, time, dedication, money, endurance ~ many of us forgo ‘expensive cars and far-flung holidays in order to sport the very best in ink, i(S a commitment, a lifestyle, its big, big love. So why have women embraced this commitment with such fervour? It’s a complicated question and its not possible to generalise such mytiad people in a paragraph, tattooed women are varied and ‘complex, but perhaps we have things in common. Historically women have been the makers of family albums and scrapbooks, the organisers ofa familial Visual anthology. We've also felt societal pressure dictate on how we should look, what we should buy ‘or wear to be pretty -so combining a beauty rebellion with a scrapbook, of the personal -to become tattooed. seems natural, desirable. For if the gaze is fixed upon Us, our tattoos create a defiant statement that returns that gaze, questions it and returns All bodies, like albums, start asa blank; itis through accumulation, collecting and experiencing that the blanks ate filled, The body, like the scrapbook is a repository for autographs, the names of lovers are ‘etched onto us through memory, whether we choose ‘to make the mark visible or not, those that touch us, the mistakes we make and the paths we choose are indelible marks upon ourselves and to make our life choices into tattoos is to embrace them and own them. To display them is to show pride. ‘The tattoo is the connector between inside and ‘outside, body and mind, so our decorative choices can reveal our joys and sadness, favourite music and Storcldege - Arcs Megenises Dowuloect tu Thue POF towne 14 _TattooVixens Ralsosz Storshlags &Fankamay, Magainee for A) mages, our families and our hopes and dreams, we can etch our secret selves onto our public bodies, showing everyone who we really ar. Being a tattoo collector, curating images on skin the way an exhibition is put together has never been a male preserve. Despite the sailors and criminals association, women have always modelled body modifications, from tribal pasts through circus sideshows and onto and into every high street, PTA and profession, Nurses, teachers, stay-at-home mums, boardroom executives, together we navigate our artwork through our everyday existence < ‘Introduction answering que that challenge us. Of course, it’s still not always appropriate to be out and proud with our skin art. Some us must hide our tattoos to work in a professional environment, revealing them only during our personal lives or at the occasional staff party. Other tattooed ladies have found a way for their tattoos to co-exist peacefully with their careers, and some of us have transformed our passion into our jobs, tattooed ladies are out there making tattoos, writing about tattoos and forging alternative modelling careers where beautiful ink and large-scale coverage is a bonus, not a drawback All of the women featured here have rejected notions of mainstream beauty, some outright, some choosing to play with and subvert the bombshell stereotype. Tattooed ladies are a wide-ranging group with just one thing in common, we're not afraid to walk outside of the parameters of the ideal. I'm proud to be introducing this book; my sisters in ink are interesting and independent, talented and beautiful, out of the ordinary and into the amazing. Tattoo Vixens presents an opportunity for everyone to discover the bodies and minds of the ladies that dedicate themselves to decoration, and locking eyes with those Paula Hardy Kangelos has studied Fine Art at Goldsmiths College (BA) and Manchester School of Art (MA), Born in Hertfordshire in 1976 she lives and works in Manchester where she avoids making artistic s hy telling stories and talking about things she likes, such as tattoos and haberdashery Working almost exclusively with images of tattooed women, Paula utilises found objects, such as beads and buttons and images found on social networking sites to make painstaking “paintings” of tattooed ladies worldwide. This time consuming practise reflects the endurance required during the tattooed subjects own transformative process and the use of found objects is indicative of the culture of collecting. Paula is inspired by tattoos and tattooed people childhood stories, random collections, things leftat dbus stops, her Sunday School teacher and the mice in Bagpuss and has said that she wishes her work to be cas authentic as the tattooed mark, She believes that the bocty is the ultimate found object. = TatcooVixens 15 Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magazines for A Cra ‘Stoeldage - Ares Megenics Download tu Thus POF towne 16 ral SE CG abina “Kelley If ever there was a name to conjure visions of an extraordinary beauty with exquisite tattoos in the pin-up world, it's that of Sabina Kelley. Pin-up/obiect of desire, dancer, tattoo studio and laser removal clinic owner, mother, there ‘anything that Sabina Kelley cant do? Teant draw! I seriously draw like a 5-year-old, What does the average day entail for you? Tnever have an average day in my life. Tguess that ifm in the country or not out of town modelling my average day ‘would be this: work out, take the kids to school, run errands and checkin at Bombshell Tattoo, TattooVixens Zrattitity, laser if T have any laser tattoo removal appointments, return ‘emails for modelling and have a meeting with my manager, play with Grace Lynn, pick kids up from school, do homework with them, elther make dinner or go ‘out to dinner, then go to bed. Tall Us o litle about the tattoo studios that you oun, My husband and Town two attoo shops and one laser Nane Sabine Kees Aas Beerpaton Votesons Pip Nodes sa Saaekotorcom) ‘random fect ceout Youse! Toot the socks and ever wear them ones Datta Relnse Storchiage &Fatamas, Magavinse Yor AU farel’ sec oMy career as amodel really took off about 8 y 3 OF shoots and doing 2 some covers and a my career just a nowballed and and bigger. tattoo removal shop. My husband runs Staytrue Tattoo! StaytrueTattooParlor) which is an appointment-only shop and usually only does large tattoos. Then Irun Bombshell, Tattoo Parlor (wuw:Bombshell Parlor (wu TattooParlorcom) which isin the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas, inside the Bettie Page Clothing store. My shop is more of a walk-in shop. Then do laser tattoo removal at Carey Hart's warehouse (wu. Tonly work there one day week, appointments only. Ijust got years ago. ‘I began. doing a few pinup kept getting bigger awarded Best Tattoo Removal place in Vegas. How did your career as a model take off? ‘My career as a model really toolcofFabout 8 years ago, began doing afew pin-up shoots and doingsome covers and my career justsnowballed and kept ‘getting bigger and bigger. Sabina “Kelley Did being sleeved make it more difficult 10 pick up modelling work in the early days of your career? Yes, having tattoos definitely made ic harder to got modelling jobs, ot ‘acceptable then as they are now. Tused to have photographers threaten they would not shoot ‘me anymore if got more TattooVixens 7 Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al Coral’ s ‘Storeldage - Ares Megeninss Download tu Thus POF towne 7 alee Kelley Sabina’ tattoos. When I first started. ‘modelling, Lonly had one ‘quarter sleeve, so photographers ‘could pose me to look like T hhad no tattoos, oF Photoshop. them out. [listened to no one ‘and did what I wanted, and got ‘more tattoos and broke alot of boundaries shooting with photographers and companies that would normally not shoot ‘with tattooed models, Ive been really lucky and really successful, which is not normal Ifyou are heavily tattooed. In NO way did my tattoos make my ‘modelling career easier. Do you stil partake in allot of burlesque work or have modelling commitments got in the way of late? My modelling has taken over the last few years and burlesque got puron the backburner. Thave just recently started rehearsing, again, and will be performing, again before you know it. Daneing was my life before ‘modelling and I really miss it. ‘ve been really lucky and really successful, which is not normal if you are heavily tattooed. “In © way did my tattoos make my modelling career easier. The images from the: photo shoots you did uuhilst pregnant are simply Incredible. Are you stil really pleased that you did those shots? ove the images I shot when I ‘was pregnant. I definitely did not think [looked too cute being pregnant, but its pretty neat to have photos of myself during that time to show the kids when they grow up. You've attended the London Tattoo Convention few times: what did you think of the UK's take on tattooing? Thave been to the London Tattoo Convention three times ! “ate Sabina Kelley TattoorVixens 19 clue POF tov 20 TattooVixens: Rdlecoe: Starchings & FatnapeDagazines Gor AD Sabina ‘I would like to get some more work from my incredible husband “Kent “Kelley and then maybe some more work from “Mister Gartoon. now. Twas firstthere as the calendar gir in 2006, then as the awards girl in 2007, then the awards gi in 2009. Hove the London Tattoo Convention. Itis one of my favourite tattoo conventions in the whole world, ‘That convention always has the best and biggest name artist, plus Miki Vialetto that puts it on is amazing! hich tattoo artists do you hope to collect work from in the future? would like to get some more work from my incredible husband Kent Kelley and then maybe some more work from Mister Cartoon, You are undoubtedly one of the world's sexlest women - do you have any words for your legions of admirers? I want to thank all of my family friends, and fans. You are all so amazing and I could not have done all ofthis with out your love and support. Tlove you all Ifyou had @ day off, how would you spend the time? Twould hangout with my kids and eat lots of ice cream. q g 2 i i i i Ooral “aes When it comes to class and style, there will probably be no argument that Paris is a world leader in this arena - so it came as no surprise when we came across the French/Vietnamese bombshell that is Kitty: ‘Oh wellit'salong way back Iwas working in England in ‘cosmetic factory atthe time and Twas getting bored and nothing ‘was happening, so one lunchtime decided to go and have alook at the tattoo shop. Iwent fora ‘troll and ended up coming back ‘with my firstlitde tattoo on my foot, that was the beginning of the whole spiral Iewas.a small ‘Chinese sign which mean’t "Tiger" and theaddiction then started! Thave been in the music scene froma very young age, 1 was going out clubbing in the ‘eighties and music at that time ‘was a big deal, it still is now butit’ssimply not the same anymore. Later, became a DJ and played at many small events, parties, and festival but this didn't really last-I got bored of it 22 Fatoo'Vtsens all and moved on. Then I got into producing musie and I released a track onan American label 2 years ago, Twas also a PR for two ‘music labels (Techno - House) ‘hich ate still working strong, ‘Oh that "Squid"! don't think there was any thought behind this idea, my head is always full Lup of ideas, projects, creations to be done and the squid was a partof them, Infact [was supposed to shoot in Vegas with photographer who makes ‘great imagery but he canceled so [thinkin my head I had to do itanyway. Bearin mind that I did this concept already years ‘ago with another photographer, this time it was more like a litle blink to the Vegas idea. [hate unachieved concepts, so that’s the reason or maybe I just have a fetish for smelly, squishy, slimy animals. { though¢ I was clone with this for now but infact] want alittle bit more, so Iwill have a piece by Davee Von D from Poland. Ill ry to have the fll sleeve in colors: Tent wat his arts so amazing and then Iwill have some more ‘work done by Oliver Tala from Glamor Tattoo Parlor in Montréal, the tatoo artist who did my arm ofcourse when he comes over to Europe and has somespare time forme. Love his ar, he's also realy kind and talented and then Think might stop after tat. But ayive not Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al TM} 19] NLM) PANAOT SIA) =Du) = sPayyatAS: Sr Reta RU BD PCatorcue neat Coro meti a cit) some new things to ay > ir Ce Eeeesa Ear a Weigel) Nadine ‘Lady “Kitty SMeoww ‘Atypical day always starts with a cupoftea and some marmite fon toast. lived in England for almost 10 years and got some bad habits! Then either [go fora shoot or to film and make some interviews for my boyfriend’s ‘web-tv Addict-tv which is now another one of my activities Apart from that, Ido have a part time job from time to time especially when I want to go on holidays. This surnmer I went to the US so Tneeded some extra shopping money. So Iwork on the side to be able to have more fun when ['m away! unfortunately 'm never really torally happy whete fam. get bored and need constantly find some new things to do lke esting new people and seeing exciting landscapes and horizons so in the near future think might move away ftom Paris and get closer the sunshine by ‘movtnggto Califia. in in love with the placeand I believe I havemuchmorefun therethan awhile, my tattoos have never overhere been a form of ebelion for me, they have just grown on me with the years, they arejust particular Youre right, my fathers aspectsof hat like in life. My Vietnamese and my mother tattoosaveapart of me=they're was Freneh- poor lady she notrelated toa gang, aveigion, doesn't belong this world ‘political partyoranythinglike anymore bless her! don't this They are simply llabout thinks because of my genes Wwhac lam and what want wo be. butrather because of theway ook that people always say that have an insal look and face, bythe way don'treally look Viernamese-1justlook ‘Sioreldage - Ares Megenincs Download tu Thus POF towne ‘As you can see I'm not as young, as seem! T've been around for Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magazines for A different and its what looks good in photography, you don'tneed to be pretty and especially good ooking to bea model but you need to be different, unusual that's the reason I think photographers want to work with me because Ihave something different to give and not beinga lovely girls. can do, bu every woman can be model LPR Yes it's a Mandarin calligraphy done by aChinese man who Imet briefly ata traditional Asian art exhibition. Twanted something done but I didn't ‘want to goto the tattoo shop and ask for what I wanted because it \was to0 complex and personal and too difficult to wanslare it Only Chinese man could do this, so Twentto see him and asked if he could write iton paper for ‘me~because the language has many meanings for one id he to go away fora couple ‘of hours to think and to give me the best and closest meaning towhat I wanted, he came back ‘with it and T was so pleased and delighted to see what i looked like, [then went toa tattoo artist called David from David and Son and that's the story! The meaning? Well you have tounderstand the lan ‘understand what it mea i’sa bigsecret! Hmm, let me think... hate Pigeons and elevators, but some people know thar already Tm also ambidextrous! How's thar? gis \ Shady “Kitty SMeoww: \ A \ i q gs i J i i i ore’ ees ‘Kandy K * Model and mum, Kandy K, is a prime example of a tattooed woman who can (and does) have it all. Aside from British-style q fish and chips... more’s the pity. . ees (Sa ‘So many things: the feeling, the meaning, the way iebrings people together. Ilove the idea of hhaving artwork on my body that 1 willtaketo the grave, something that's personal to me and tells the story of my life. Fach piece holds a memory, kinda like photo, Hence modelling: ‘photography, artand tattoos hhave so much in common to me. ‘My grandad first introduced me to them, he served in the Royal Navy and has faded blue ink all up his arm; lalways found them fascinating. Then growing up, I became friends with people in the industry who really inspired me. Tattoos have helped me through hard times, almost likea type of therapy, and have ‘enabled me to meet and become fiends with so many amazing people. I couldn't imagine not being tattooed. [look at myself in the mirror and they al just feel likea part of me, like Twas born ‘with them. TattooVixens Tmlucky to havea very ‘understanding husband, he helps as much as he can and really supports my career. Since having my son, work has become ‘more complicated, but he comes toalotof my shoots with me, and charms il the ladies. Fyou ‘want something bad enough, then you find thetimeand pur the workin, nothing in life comes for free. luppreciate having the opportunity to travel and work with amazing people, but Lalso love being home and getting to be amother and wife amazing family couldn't ask for much more Tleft about 3 years ago, [was pretty set up in the UK but after ‘few visits to the States, the place took my heart, and so did a certain boy, Since then I fee like I've achieved so much, both with my family and with ‘my career. It was certainly scary leaving everything Tknew but twas the best thing I ever did, Life's too short to just talk about tour dreams - we need to take ‘whatever steps we can to make Ithappen. Now Ijust have to figure outhow to import all my friends and family! Nome Kes oe 26 Ocevpation Hoce Askep Prtish Protogranher Twouldn'tsaywehaveit easier; Zoert Vivaro tattooed women stiltend to ebute nanen£.comn geta lot of bad press, especially MLA Ksnisfi. With celebrity scandals and Hote mber Desshess such. Some guy cheatson his Ciohes Wife, which is terrible, but ifit's With a tattooed girl, well, the tattoos become the main part of the story, she has tattoos sou Tape lope tngerieset wo, Conets usaudilectocivecom Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al Kandy K, Taoorvicem 99 FRU} 14 SNL a] PaapMnog spay] so - seyyEreS a. & Gy ‘Sioreldage - Ares Megenincs Download tu Thus POF towne Handy ‘K, GAs tattoos are becoming aecepted more for the art and less associated with criminals and junkies, a girl can be tattooed now and still hold down a good job and a ‘norma! life. in the medical field, retal, business, and have families t doesn’t stop them from getting, what they want in life. As far as Tim concerned, being heavily tattooed has really helped me. Lidegainss Cowuloed te Tue POF toot she's obviously a crazy junkie a person in to the world that slut. I've lost count of how will gow up with an open mind. ‘many times I've been asked ‘and not judge, which makes the HT slept with essieTames.So_worlda better place. Both, Some are dedications stupid. We can take ten steps to people I miss or have lost. forward and then the smallest thing will drag us backagain. L love that more heavily tattooed ‘women are on TV making a ppositive change, KatVon Dis Some represent different parts cof my personality. Some hold memories of certain times in my life in fact, they all do. 1 can tell you a story that links to ‘Stoweldege - doing a great job of promoting surround myself by women. every piece I have ever got. Then the tattoo world and she's a that share similar there are some designs that | fabulous businesswoman, But me,so tattoos comewiththe just wanted because I thought ‘there will always bethe taboo: _temitory. And as tattoos are they were pretty, or I really Tknow people see me outwith becomingaccepted morefor__loved the artist. like travelling my baby and probably thinkI'm the art and less associated with to conventions, so sometimes: Irresponsible and a bad parent eriminals and junkies, a lel it’s nice to get alittle tattoo as I've even been asked if will can be tattooed now and still a sort of souvenir ofthe trip. 1 tattoo my Lyrold-butto hell hold down a good job and a have the Halloween half sleeve ‘with them, they know nothing. ‘normal'life. have plenty of _that was inspired by the art of ButTlike to think I've brought tattooed girlfriends that work ‘Tim Burton and my favourite # TnttooVixens ZY Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al ore! “ece Kandy K, holiday. Many flowers because contrary to my mean look, 'm actually realy girly. My back is a Purrfect Pineapples lingerie, Boom Boom Baby Boutique, Rukus corsets, Mamasan, Lila dedication to my mother, whom Absolutely, part of my ob isto To Accessories, Vanity Exposed Imiss terribly. Fhaveabird on work with some of the most clothing, Yardley December my hand with a scroll saying Fly awesome designers in this jewellery Dickies, Toxico Away’ because flew from my industry, 'mverylucky! Inthe and many more, Ihave some home country to starta diferent _ past and currentlyTve been really exciting collaborations life..and a bunch of other Jucky enough to work with ‘coming up in the next couple designs that all hold significance such companies as, Torture: ‘of months and also started my tome. Couture, Clutterfly jewellery, ‘own jewellery line called ‘Gypsy Gold whiet is tattoo and gypsy- inspired accessories. They can on, wi befound at other, whom ees (My back is a dedication to ny “I miss terribly, I have a bird on my hand with a scroll saying “Fly GAway’ because “I flew from my home country to start a different life... 'm currently working on getting. my ribs tattooed by an awesome local artist, Mikey Sarratt of High ‘Noon Tattoo, Phoenix, Ihave a long list of artists Ii like to get tattooed by, and Td also love to revisit the beautiful Dawnil at Painted Lady in the UK, who ‘worked on my chest and leg back when Hived there - Lreally miss her. Tove the work of Uncle allen, ‘Megan Massacre, Mo Coppoletta, Dan Smith, Nikki Hurtado, Angelique and a bunch more: someday it will happen! Serene MED ‘Nothing compares toa ‘traditional bag of British Chips ‘wrapped in newspaper! T've thought many times, why doesn't someone open achain ‘of English chip shops out here? Irwould do so well! Maybe T should do it myselfand become a millionaire, but don't think could live with the chip fat hair and Id end up over 400Ihs. And 1 really miss pickled eggs...oh my god, it's been too long ‘Stoeldage - Ares Megeninss Downline tu Thus POF towel BQ TattooVixens Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al ‘Sioreldage - Ares Megenincs Download tu Thus POF towne Handy ‘K, Tattoos by... Congl acc Zoc is one of the ever increasing legion of Suicide Girls and also one the most vocal when it comes to standing up and being counted on the side of real women across the world... Definitely! Mainstream ‘modelling encourages size 1f'm honest... couldnt tell you zeros and eating disorders. It why [started to get tattooed. I've portrays that to be perceived as always been very creativeand beautiful once again, you need havealways been encouraged _to bestick-thin and super tal. ‘to be myself, notaftald to be Alternative modelling shows lferent. {gor my first tattoo women for who they really ‘when Iwas sixteen and itwent are; [find I get a lot of interest from there, realy. because the way Tlook. Igeta lot of emails from curvy women How did you begin your telling me that its refteshing to modelling coreer? see acurvy woman be confident tall started with Suicide Girls, and happy with her body and When Iwas 18 [found out about reassures them that they are them and loved what theystond normal and just because they for.Tloved thatyou didnotneed havea set of hips anda sizeable tobestick-thinandreally all rack, it doesn’t make them any ‘and was inspired by representing less beautiful real women. [applied on my birthday and forgotaboutit:a Which of your tattoos ho: fewweekslatertheyemailedme nad the most imp i gs Z j a i a i advising that Td been accepted how you are ‘and itll went from there. by other people? Tthinkmynecktattoohas the Nore Zoe Age 75. Occupation (avtnt yes the to Do you feel that altenatve __mostimpact, purelybecauseit’s 0x? Favourte Book Crirexe. eres Favourie Album modelling represents women onmyneck, Buttobehonest, Dark Se st the. Moen Fast zanbies a sou zombies T2 ter thon the more everyone stared before Igotmy Tin beg chase hen sis zowbses, obs ream kind? neck done 100.4" (Ore interesting fact about you Im fre bathe Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al fio MEER Ne een ORF I feel the most positive aspect of being heavily tattooed is helping change the common perception of heavily tattooed people. Stew heads What would you say is the most positive aspect of being a heavily tattooed woman? [feel the most positive aspect cof being heavily tattooed is helping change the common perception of heavily tattooed people. [have my own house and ear, 'm notin debt and 1 have a secure job, so not the usual down-and-out that I know people expect. Ihave been told on many occasions that Pm completely different co what they first thought, which ina way proves they judged me. However, im glad I was able to pleasantly surprise, hal. Td like ‘o think that I encourage people tobe themselves and dare to be different. Do your tattoos have any particular significance, or hem purely because of thelr aesthetics? ‘Some of my tattoos have significance and others are collector pieces. The most significant tattoos Ihave are my memorial tattoos: my let rib piece and my ow on my left arm, both in memory of the same person. What advice would you offer 10 younger women who are considering tattoos on public shin before they've worn much coverage elseuhere? Juste prepared forthe stares that follow-T would recommend sotting more coverage before ‘considering your hands or your neck, for instance. 'm going to soundiike an old woman nowbutif you have a changing personality andyou're preity impulsive, chances are you may end up regretting it ifnot for anything else but job safer. ve been getting tattooed now for 740" ‘Stoiclteys - Arcs Mganiivss Downie tu Thus POF toc uwoVivems 37 eloose Stovelags &Fantwang, Magazines for Al ‘years and only in the past 2 have got tattooed on very public skin. My job is pretty secure: Tm lucky enough to be in ajob ‘where [am not judged on the way Hook and am still taken seriously even though I'm very heavily tattooed. Like itor not if someone hasn't met you before ‘you are going to be judged on the ‘way you look - its human nature andit's the first thing people see. Ifthe person who is interviewing you doesnt like tattoos then Unfortunately thet may be all the concentrate on (they are pretty distracting, after all). you are considering getting tattooed on public skin just make sure youre TattooVixens fully happy with the design and you'veresearched your artist 1 ‘make sure he's the ight guy for the job, Brandon Bond, 3re-tooth tiger is extinct then quite obviously the rhinoceros he would look a bit stupid if he lost toa dead animal. In fact, Make sure youre fully happy with the design and youve researched your artist to make sure hes the right guy for the job. hed look a bit stupid tossing, about a dead animal in the first place. Ifwe'e speaking theoretically however then I think T'm going to have to say ‘abre-tooth tiger; they are more agile with epic gnashers, have prehistoric-scale primal instinet and attack capabilites. Rhino - fat with ahorn.%® Relsose Storeblags &Fantumay, Magazines for Al ue IO Me ard UO Aveta) Pe eee eee are ae mee een ae P(Grals eee ‘Storcldaye - Arcs Megentivss Download tu Thue POF toca fans Ce Ore Bs CFs foe Vor wry ncn 2) ccuplon as rt | started performing with my mum, Mim, B alittle spotty dog andr would carry a spider and chase my dad onto a slack rope, Circus life was in my, blood -I certainly didnt run away to join the circus. Me rebelling would have been to become a bank manager! My parents split up when I was youngand my father moved to France where he ran a national circus school. I would visit him ‘most holidays and when Twas in my late teens he returned home and we started to work together. For the last 6 years ‘or so we have spent the i summer months touring the a country with our little big t top, running workshops. i and putting on sold out 3 shows. Iwas aways so - ‘successful though. When oe China "Chi Chit Revolver might possibly hold the world record for being the world's most tattooed circus hula artist. Anybody disagreeing? ‘we first started working together ‘we would hire litle village halls and put on shows there, we ‘would spend ages putting up posters etc and we would be lucky to have more than 8 people inthe audience! Itwas hard ‘world But it was a great time for ‘us to get a great show together. Four years ago my husband, Sam, joined us asa clown. He hhad never performed in his life before he met me, he worked for Harley Davidson, but he became wonderful natural clown. He how works fora large circus company making amazing circus props - great for me wher. hhe comes home with new huks hoops for meto try out! Not yet with the fire hoops! However, I seem to bash my funny bone a lot with my fire hoop and I did fal from my +husband's shoulders in the circus and seriously dislocate iy elbow. That was the year all three of us ended up in hospital at one point! Sam nearly took his eye out with asledge hammer and Fred had a funny tum in bed... COREE aeee ss Finns a TT Perea wT 1 got my ist attoo for my 18th birthday I certainly wasn't career move, {ust really ‘wanted to get tattooed! Fred is also now very tattooed and people always think that he influenced me to get tattooed. “That couldnt be further from the ruth! had all my tattoos “When we first started working together we would hire little village halls and put on shows there, we would spend ages putting up posters. Ralsosz Stordhlags &Fantumay, Magazine for A) idegaiuse Cowuloed to True POF toca ‘Stoweliaye ~ years before he did - Fred had ins first tattoo aged 47. So itwas definitely me that led him astray. Alot of our work is in primary schools and the ehildren love them. They always say -"T always thought tattooed people were scary and nasty, but now we have met you ‘we know that’s not true.” 42 TattooVixens What does the future hold for you? Are you in the circus for life or do you have other plans os well Tbe acireus girl one way oF another for my whole life, 1 ‘know nothing else. [have started doinga lot af modeling and’ TV ‘work too, but 'll always have my hoops, that’ for sure! arm is circus inspired with circus horse, little circus tent and an old fashioned caravan. Tread somewhere that you've got @ reputation {@s a serial quiz show contestant. You can't deny it = what's the deal with that? Looking 40 moke a quick buck? Ha hal Yes, true very true -1 have done The Weakest Link twice now. Iwas asked back to doa "best of the worst losers special"! Also a year ago, [went ‘on ‘Heads or Tails’ with Justin Lee Collins and managed (o-win money to pay for my wedding, love game shows ~ ita mild addiction of mine. Can you talk us through some of your art? Whe did what and what you have planned for the future... My next plan is to have giant ‘mermaid across my lower right leg. My Mum thinks she isa bit ofa mermaid, so itis to represent her. 'm very lucky. ‘to be very close to both my parents, Ihave Mum and Dad {tattoos on my left arm. My lower right arm is rus inspired with a circus horse, little circus tent and an old fashioned caravan, My dad and I also both have "show time’ across our fingers. Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al ‘Storeldage - Ares Megenince Downlosct to Thue POF tocwnst Ghi Chi ‘Revolver Yes it has been a very positive thing in my life, especially when to bein the NDubz musie video ‘ay its over’ because of my rattoos - however when got ina full body jumpsuit ‘which hid them all- go figure, but I probably wouldn't have got the gig in the first place if didn't have them! Tl be a cireus girl one way or another for my who e, I know nothing else. TatcooVixens Se ee Ug Sophie Paranoid Pena) irr Cece roe ear pea Rone aoe fe oy 1c °DF format ee ea aoa Peet ite keneiet Not just a pretty face and a killer dancer with an amazing Portfolio of images, we also discovered that by day, Sophie looks after children on a paediatric ward. Altogether... awww! Uae) ees ici kana iy eee, eee. Be Hees re eee a RR a . ge eas on Rear k i Se ee eC en nes er a meee en ry eerie tg F nnn as Cara ro eee tree none PO ee ec” ct Lae econ a = Ramee een me beet tng ns et URL MN Gc ea hore) TnttooVixens 45, Release: StoreMags & Fantamag, Magazines for All time -Tloved cherries, they are so brillant that they seem to say eat me" and sol did Thanks! It depends of the session and the photographer, sometimes the session Is based on the model and. sometimes they are based on the photographers idea and the model is usta part of that ike a toy in the scene. Anyway in most sessions, T tend to have my own ideas and the photographers are willing to hear them, so its easy towork with me! Ietries to reflect the soul of Burlesque. Thisspiriiswhac we have in my Burlesque duo, The Pee etl Cr) \ » pin the hair, one ea q 3 Ss eS i 3 4 a z ’ 3 a use Dowiloed ty Tue FOF titan eae « Alcs (tear ‘Stouel like navigating or sinking in a seaof dreams. After this idea we did our interpretation - basicaly, ajarand starfishes to hide my nudity! Maria wanted a tribute to Angelique and | think the result was great. I's without doubt one of my favourite sessions, Im really proud oft. You teright, didnt want to bea tatoved model, Twanted {be atattooed rockstar! lad Moding is ann, but playing rock droll is even funnier, its Sa eet earn (Modelling is funny, but playing rock and roll is ee ia, even funnier, its my absolute passion, but at this ga cey eaeaa moment ‘Tm a tattooed nurse-and ‘I have no complaints from any of my patients! Sanew | decidedtouseieformelHeésthe | ‘That’ my best work, school/eartoon of myself playing Paranoid, I'm justerazy! Anyway, myguitarandsinginginaband its cool name! about my way oflife-"Rock and oll All Nite’ = lke the KISS song, ‘which is realy important to me. Ie was designed and tattooed by one ofthe best artists in this country, Juanma Matarradona from ‘Tsunami Tattoo, Tarragona. Ihave ‘more ideas to work with him! do not hide my tattoos, Tl them and [like to show ther, I dont have too much work because to be tattooed is not a No,Idon'thavea uniquelook game. rs cool to havea complete ‘when T'm modeling, but always arm in afew months, but what hhave my look in my reallife!In does it mean? Try to have tattoos photography do fetish, pin up, with areal meaning and not just punkscenes - always pretty ones. When you work with “alternative modelling". children people tend to judge: you know; you haveto be blonde, Pale skin, mother’s smile -but Trealised that is better to be ‘yourselfand to do good work. Paranoid is my husbandl’s Besides, on pediatrics, children, surname, when we methe love my tattoos! They want to get used to call himself this, but one too! Crone/“ sec (Ne Fee Fe at ere Fine Vershrte) [soe zi CKemlke CFatale The next-time you're shopping in a major high street retail store, have a quick check behind the counter - if you're lucky, you might find Femke sporting her ink - why not stop and say hi. think we are trash and criminals, ‘Thankfully that has changed abit, but still itis hard to be a advisorat H&M right nowand tattooed woman, People often also ama tattoo model for stare and criticise; you need to clothing lines, tattoo magazines bea strong person to deal with andcalendars.TloveitItisa all ofthese things. But forme, it ‘dream come true! wish Teould isnot to show off orto be cool, 1 doitasa full-imejob but you got inked for myself never know what will happen in the future, Tet alot of opportuni would not have witho wanted tattoos ever: Ink, suet alitile kid - tattoos fascinated as being a tattoo model even me, and Toved people with though Lam nor the right size. 1 colourson their body, itmade _also meet people easily because them unique tor me.I grew up they all wantto talk to me about Inamiddle class family, fullof my ink or want a picture taken ‘Storeldage - Ares Megeninse Downloect to Thue POF tocwnst artists, so it has always been with me. Sometimes they make ‘200d to be differentat home, No me feel like freak show though ‘one in my family has ink though, _ Iwent to afun park once and so only me. ‘many people stopped me to talk Taitoved people justinspired _ ortakea picture that fle ehecausethey dareto be. one oftheattactans there. But diferent and they do notcarel then again it a good thing that intakes courage todo tha. people get used to seeing heavily Feoplemakebadjudgements Inked adies because tatooed | abourratooed people;they——ghlsrue 5) TatooVFaens Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al Soraliae ‘Femke ‘Fatale Stochtegs - Arcs Megeniinss Downloect to Thue POF towns you can express yourself with tattoos. For me it isalso away to deal with problems, joy, and sadness..getting inked is. process for me. Iris not only about getting the ink: there isa story behind e: Every tattoo has its meaning, my body is my journal and tattoos nny Depp ce said! I thinkit is sad that so ‘many people get tattooed just to fitin, People should accept each ‘If ‘I were collecti itch again, Td itely have the same ones done. de they are andl stay true to their selves, So all my tattoos are very significant and if were tostart collecting from scratch, again, Td definitely have the same ones done ‘They have already tattooed me! Hove my artists! Alexandre ‘Wuillot,Jay ay Blood Brothers, Jean Harai, Rinus Vanity Tattoo, Candy Caneand Uncle Allan! All amazing atsts.They made me the pleee of art Tam today, for whieh [am very very thankful Maybe someday II discover someone else want to get tattooed by but atthe moment Tmhappy with my guys. “Femke Fatale Brio 53 eae ae Ab - the delectable Miss Mischief The lady that starts every single day of her life with a photo shoot. Be it professional or just with her friends, SNe Roum Core reer reece Soret err ry ors Thave afew that have spe ngtattoos, some meaning, but most of ther Tee ec ae Dea Vixens (Miss Mischief BASE roma rare Secreto rea ais Ombre oarait ra OC Ta roe ane CU BOUXccaar ier gun tattooed on them? i i ; i 4 BS Sa et Ce eeeesc ns eee tee em ee ener pred (ud attoo Cre a toés reflect my life. I err ele) Cra a anne yes, it “gs Pron Le Ae rad who doesnt wantaray gun | any different to wonderfully Pern cent Have Cotiooisterisisvnodels ¢ eee from Sinners & Saints and [love ed more ignific Poy eco rola ete eee expression. I see a lot of Barbies erect Ditty, MSI, Otep, Pantera, RO aces Buddy Guy, Dresden Dolls, theartwork of feral Tidwell ree een Nina Simone, Celldweller, All Peete ene on 4 think for some its become more of a novelty instead of a form of artistic expression. ‘I see a lot of Barbies with sleeves now. EUesmryrenn Pree rene Se eo tamag, diag Miss “Mischief i i H = J like to jump on skateboards with Litre ei Oe aS eee ner Perea when you wer it = is Tee act Pivivre would hold? | ic hoid? How much misc with o nar Y still fascinated by archeology guys make: omer ero enmnn at ern retort) Tam the oa en Tg eee et ee meee ed ee fire in my front yard, shoot my were afraid to talk to me when Rene ee meet ert ol ts Plans for the future? paee ee tee peaesieetertd reeset ty partying. And that’ justduring them! The truck drivers Tdeal awesome clothing designers and on ‘with ona regular basis know photographers. Fhope to get to me now and ean goof with een ene ser enn gece enn eset yd Pre pears) Pee cd Pci! Poser tects mag, Magazines for Al) Se ee pee 1) Sec ee re em eaee Se ee SMO cas 3) pnea cy borne ryt rene hy and FNGS, er ene ns Involved with video production Eoin atts Twas really attracted to girls Peete art) Pere OR Sy rune de oats raed Preteen ratty Pee eee hs reat ney ens y Creme rnc eet oe ey yc After a few months of having, remenonnsnae started getting paid jobs and emetic rs Sor emg student of biochemistry? Who would have thought... pS ae Prete ore Ce ed ee ey Cee ns Coens een ete oneetrs ts ‘Chase has been running Sean eee mien nies renee eee nity Peter ee eee sted renee cn eee nea) his work is pushing him to show &* Ce eeees ns eee ae em ee eee After a few months of having pictures of me on the internet, T started getting paid dobs and then one ReleasesiStoreMags & Fantamag. Magazines for All Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magazine Poet ences to start printing them so people Perr ioerneerea eens Seer models in higher heels, but Renee acs high heels corner er tetera) er rne ee om but Lended up using it more eee nen years. For the first wo years of Pests erg Perr mere area pee eects Seated Prete ean ee tonny ren ent ‘met Chase and he was a photo entrain eee ne es een g td ee On ener ee et orien nee enna) grew up around my step-dad Perret pratt it Ceca cs Ree etre cert Renae ie eens ‘my family with them hada erin a eee eee ea ete) eee rena eerie ta tind ome ae! CT Toe ay enna enn Ta oesi sAgS a Nace m3 FeO ee E Men sear tress hf epost Tats : ] ‘Stoweldege - Fires (ewe en eet coat nt eeu eres Peoria! Pees ees ct Pec orgs ees Peer cen tt nee eee een The timing of ftall worked out reeset ey ee ee ee es Deere eee) resort Pees eta Perens eer een eee tetas een erent ee nts Popa I got a few bad tattoos that I wish 4 didn't have now. J’m in the process of getting a three emer on eet eee estes something fashionable like a Pee git’ motivation, Some people Peery Romreeenmee toner Coe eee On Pere treet ot col ee een te! Pete ered starting to develop stereotypes Stren meena as Soca pte one eee ane erent Benes eiceet ested eS eta ane yy Sener esc Prenat ett iy ‘enough for one lifetime. Parc nng Penner ent ote the aesthetic appeal. The stories Pennine tet Pog omen eran Apnea Panes errr Senses eae raid oe or ue oe oer eatin any key to syehe. Tt’, cameos, or it sort of thing, Ralsosez Storshags &Fantimag, Magazines for Al Since her first feature in Skin Deep back in June 2009, Laura has really been kicking out the jams! rte oral emer nny Pea ert aT teary Tam fortunate to have a very Peete lets me show off my tattoos. Since being in Skin Deep See eee nr conta , a of LS Fs o tee roe We Mee i. Sa rnd ee erence ae ee toed poet on ee een eons oT CSS Ror ts ame Ur aconTs 19 and worked organising Rrra) ’ Tere eerste ae ey BL a eed La ey Pe eeeesets Lor dee em eee Ce enn eey Breen en erty tohave fiends in the industry, Thave been influenced to get esd SS 1 | - 5 rS a : & i ‘ H 8 Ss a Q kK ~ 2 ] oe S ee 5 Cee Se a oe een caer enn ad so people always stare, But 99% Bresaterent Poaneeeteh ety ty iesy eee eran ee eee aoe Roce eens burthen Tact in a completely ee ene ats eee Net enn Tne have significance and others 6 eres er i Nive Se meas Base Pee ints Pes crened ts PennNet nes 3: SPs pee een eta ee) re Rares SO eae e: s cae : cS ¢ n + Peo eae tay ete eet Perea a numberof reputable artists oO already tattooed and see ‘and pick someone they feel 12 what sortofreaction they get comfortable with, who can from theirfriends,familyand produce something unique their workplace, Iwould also and timeless. @Akasha OOO hells Akasha Is a former model turned photographer with a fiendish twist, proving that there is always life on Sell Aare ol Aa at ee Dostalesh started as o photographer? ireertene eaten Pi aie ees Mae COR Cane ae ee tg Se Club and leamed the principles Case rrr develop in the dark room. A few: See To nnn Par nee eee ee ce ey ero meer cea torr a back then and Suicide Girls were un aun Potrenea cet Soe Maeno pictures of bad ass girls Tell us about your business and what led you doun Pee ie Rsics traditional photography. Seer Pot eee enn) Conon enon Prone naar ens Pee en og nd Trook a course on "Casualty ene eee! eer rs specialized in horror and gore Tconsider myself as being a strong and independent woman TattooVixens ie EEE Reet a Cree Se eo Akasha D"Eville eee eg Peace ea) ene nase tg Peete era Peron mcan Moen) Pe eee er te Suen een ns photos surely do that. Sere a eos Sy eee aetcre nec) often these days and that is Pe aos ree eae eid Picea hel Renan e ett cng (or nightmares) put into practice. You cant take life t00 seriously, so try to puta smile Coro eae ea aces Pets Nos my horror photoshoots from Cee ets thinks are disgusting), macabre eed pce phan poetry Se come Akasha D'Eville en a Od Pee e eet bord ‘Argento's bizarre and gore-filled eetirer emt o ior Tony ENaC ere ene ens Tice enor ooe eee) coco! eae ay ‘and macabre styles allow me to emacs ones tee IGT sea od AN TattooVixens vey Cen ey Crue ed ae Rtg pO Cer caur a tun Dero ek Peg tien en) oe anes Perret e always wanted to be a vet. at mero Preece eee rc menos) Perret Rene en CER Cen eeu era erm ee) eae ean forefront of this - but do See ae ean) eae nereeet eee eres ere eed Pee tees Petree ene also be gaining momentum on the Continent. Fean only hope eet een) Peet sre results ina more colourful and Petros Lo near) work - what got you started, Pee ten Peta eae nd Nan etna et at atomic Tattoo Studio in Lisbon, one Rebs ese ers Core ete re) cree eee een sett Peete heeteng Pesaran eres oa eres ‘These are some Barth elements eee ese erg Der ee ee fener Se tdi Os eg era Ua sz Storshilage & Fav Se a eee peer noenntn are just because Tlove stars and. Perna rear metinst Seon eet ike to be original when itcomes Poe Ang eee ee Dperesacd Pence esr eee ees Peer ins Perret pen Seer: ma incon heey at Pore etc) Ree ea eg Se ote ego Serres mag, Magazines for Al) ere eee Pee Teena Peete Peete sc tiag Renee Martner een etre intrigued by cannibalism, Future Pea eee tong body meticulousty planned but Renee ones ey TatcooVixens SIDICp abs Ee eae ed MU foe ee eeatsy tes Eee Mae ge lees} (Utica Tis: Myleft arm is sleeved out in my favorite horcor movies and sheis my host. J remember staying up late when Iwas not supposed to and seeing her host late night horror movies on “USA Up All Night have always loved her style and humour. She became favourite of mine at ayoungage. Ihavea life size cardboard cut outof her in my livingroom - and she is totally UMA J around. She actually has a reality ‘TVshow called “The Next Elvira fee RRS ens Errniesae Minas enn f view thot ifs easy to bond with others Eimiienemecira Yes! Asa make-up artist they are always a conversation starter, People notice my horror tattoos and always seem to love them. talk to random people all the * time that happen to be inthe industry just by them seeing my tattoos in passing. Iris cool. I's like advertising by accident. ain ee renoe nen actually have considered this. Twoulda't mind bur Tam not ‘rained in acting, Sol get a litle scared about it: guess that doesnt really matter in B-rated horror movies though! The Exorcist The Omen, ‘ANightmare on Elm St. Amityville Horror Poltergeist Bere ‘Oh, me too! Hollywood has really messed everything up. It is so watered down! [really love the remake of Dawn of the Dead though. eee eRe EMP MeK: Seneca I Tewas both I think. But really, ‘when I was a teen in school used to draw all over myself anyways. did itbefore Teven thought oFgetting tattoos. [ used fo bean art major. [twas really the only thing Iwas good atin school. Tam dyslexic so art was the only subject always SC Eee wae woloecd ty Tite POF se O ae~ Fics Mae ‘Sion made top grades in, Sometimes when Teame home from school, my mother would yellatme and tell me I was going to get ink poisoning from all the pen drawings on my arms~and now Thave sleeves. Go figure Whot sort of things do. (manera en never live my life mundane! Ido many things. Make-up on films, create and shoot insane photo shoots from the depths of my horror obsessed mind and I perform all aver including Europe now. leven sell the rhinestone pasties I make on ebay or my lingerie that Ihave ‘modelled in and no longer need. wre Saeed imeem Nem anne Tam the type of person that needs (0 go a billions miles a minute. 'll doa photo shoot during the day, then perform acnight. Ihaven't done more than one show in anight but T ‘I came home from school, my moth yell at me and tell me ‘I was going to get ink poisoning from all the pen drawings on my arms wouldn'tputitpastme.teant 3 just sit around, Tris actually an amazing traditional piece by my good friend and amazing artist Matt Kolling based out of Minneapolis atTvlight Tattoo She is my Burlesque fan dancer, simply asked fora Burlesque fan ancerpin-up. [vas only in Minneapolis fora few days. 1 walked into his shop and he shovwed me this huge drawing and told me tsi and say peeeeieceeteeeeret this tattoo to get tall ished. Heywas right because have not madeitback since. Everyone should ook him up. He seul ‘anamazing artist and topin the country i my opinion. [have ‘worked in several tattoo shops ndall my artists wete drooling ‘overmy leg piece by him. ‘avtamag, agazinse for AD ate The Vixen behind the latex clothing felon me la Aer MN lao Col (are Ca) Cole cota meee hots Se eg oe UU NER Cd ee ql Pe eestor eee tee em ee eae “sis For the last 5 years I've been running my latex clothing, company, Jane Doe. I stil have alot of goals though! At the moment working on my latex clothing and modeling and acting are about 5, EXE Matelmre maa BIO 1 grew up in Camden, but moved to Cambridge at about 13, then back to London at 18 to starta latex clothing apprenticeship, Asa child we travelled around alot due to my dad's job. pyro-technician, When I hit 17 Tstarted going to places like the Torture Garden, which really op tal of latex clothing and Fun stuf ike that, twas around then too that! started \ arted going to places like the ‘Torture Garden, which really opened my eyes to the potential of latex clothing and doing fun doing a few modeling jobs. ee F eter ars esol toe peuenieer recealiedganie ieayancoeat seh fray gt it done a1 twas Tit peceet ony oan Tere of peng anal ip rallye math the Cart ps peaneer eyty ned geting more sient Sa rie aittineech oececrbtuo pnb nor Meatey eee tna ttre becuse Biecuag ena: tara aost ning to oueerenae eae aimed ben alent ‘Stoweldage - Ares Megeninss Cownloect to Thus POF tocwnst BQ TattooVixens Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al ENE etd De ae tere page Tm definitely a believer in working your way up to getting things like necks, hands and ches done, ‘It seems crazy to me that someone who 18 would go get their neck done first! suppose the ones on my fingers and neck as they are the most visible, but [think all of them as.a whole tend to get peoples' attention, which Thave to say Treally hate! If fon the street I wish I knew ESS MRE Sc AST Wel it makes me happy to ook at them and Tknow I'm doing exactly what Twant to do with myself. [know that 1 won't get older and feel like T Talso missed out on anythi get a lot of commercial work due to my coverage, so ina way they pay for themselves! ‘Not really, [mostly get them because they are pretty! Sure me have significance, like the Till Death’ Ihave on my ists - my husband and ot them done together ‘on our honeymoon, | also have a portrait of my cat, Maurice on my calf Tm definitely a believer in working your way up to getting things like necks, hands and chests done. Itseems crazy to zme that someane who is 18 would go get their neck done first! [think you really have to be sure of what you want to do in your life before jump into something that'll rally affect your ability o get ‘normal’ jobs. I'm lucky in that T work for myself so I don't have to worry about that so much. (COENEN NSTET (Oh Leouldn' pick just one! Tm hoping t Ores ESEN Thave freaky kidneys! Tattooed by... bona @ Howted de Noe Love os he Ars Zale StoreMags & Fant ‘Stavelkye - Aes Megantivse Dow 86 Tattoo Vixens Does anybody work harder than Chesty von Ellem when it comes to making a name for themselves? If they're out there, they're probably too busy to talk to us! to stop. IfT want Tgo for it and alot that I want in this attoos, I got my first one as soon as Tturned 18. Me and my ex-boyfriend got each others in hearts with ugly-ass sson the sides! I drew tall myself andl was very proud ~ ha! could smack that tattoo artist around forletting me get that fas my very irs tattoo at 18 years old, he didn’t seem to care ‘enough fo even try to tell me was being very stupid. Itwasn’'t so much the name as that was easily covered, but the big ugly Croreaiits reer Ctr y CN eee ent got each others names in hearts h ugly-ass wings on the sides! “I drew it WE olme UR Nene ea ett See ee Se era cr etal eer | sould be. Tthink the next etal Perea ensign) which ended up in me getting Peer nnrtetn) Se Se ees dd in True PDF form: other pretty silly ide re tee Breer hmoeent ey Perec eens ee) ean eons peered eet sree rata Se ed Senter eee eee ee en et ee et ee Se ey ee ee mee ee eens andhe's workingon the heart- As far asthe modelling Pee eee ee ene Serre ania peer near amr eT tint Ppeenneetneny that once wa Seer eater enn a ee Ce ea ee eet ee ee Coe lasereverythingwellenough to Twas around 17, but I had eee as beabletogetdecent coverups. neverthought of myselfasa_—_photographer contacting me. Tmaulyaworkin progress, model and didn’thave enough The nextday I checked my &# TatcooVixens Mage &| mag, Magazin: inbox and I had over 30 emails oe enn Pore tec Beets ‘worked with pretty much anyone who owned a studio ere ns nea ey Seen Merrit ee ena Peete husband stopped me. He got Seamer for him for about 2 years until ee eat ech ey Perea et I started performing about xen eae Pee acd represented by wanted to put Pee acetate Rees ren ot ee eas ae etsy chance and created routines Pee ar ce) perenne eee Raney eee ee tera Penna ee ‘does being tattooed set you Ce ence Caen eens) Ee Meal) nao Well in Sweden I'm definicely Seen Peace) emer eerie rete ea ena eres ees ies doing eee ey ete ei premroett rancor dancing or modelling = or Ce ek ores Peireatol- Ld scone Ee some shows as well but there cee eent atntd got back last week - I've been, Ree ear tad almost three months doing shoots! I got to work with so eee oer nary Perea rene Perret Der aed Cee Ocean Seer Pen eta Duc Treally love doing this for eee a modelling and performing | Ronny sculpting all the time instead artes express myself, That said, [work See eee ean on Recon ng es Pech eetnr eteTy Peet ea nents ‘work with amazing people, be no ea and havea great time getting it Poste ene ey small country with such a small 7 Morel“ ecc a Ghesty V6nBllem alternative scene, it's hard to bea shows, practice for them, getting, successful alternative model and ‘wardrobe together (Imake a performer unless you work very ot of my own wardrobe for hard to promote yourself my performances), and then would love to beable to work ‘of course Lalso do shoots and full-time with this andl make a shows on a regular basis decent living out of without T wish Twoul So guess would advise having to do jobs that don't about the industry before | anyone who wants to start to appeal to my personal taste started. Iwish Teouldtravel back model and/or perform to do of ereativity, But for that be ‘me and hit myselfin the yourhomework, work hard and possible would probablyhave head forbeingstupidenough _teneverlet anyone stand in fo move from Sweden, which I'm coletaguystop mefromdoing your way, cliché but so true. You actually thinking of doing! anythingIwanted to do.When will not get anythingforfree, Itcomes to people thinking youhave to make ithaappen, Tove what I do, and for that might start to come to ' reaonitiseasyformetodo ——youaswelland your itbuttobeabletoworkasa hard workwllbe model and performeryouhave rewarded. Tongas it's fun and Teel that oconstantly promote yourself, im getting something out of improve, challenge and push it Iprobably won'tbeableto yourself Ifthey spent week support myself withitforthe with me they would realize how rest of my lfe unless I stop ‘much work I really pur into this. / ageing though! Atleast not spend almost every day themodelling, Iwill definitely networking finding new always work with artistic things collaborations and jobs, though. Artis whatdrivesme,1 promoting myself, updating, love traveling and Tlovedoing my portfolios, answering something different. would ‘ons.and tons of emails etc probably feel very limited and When Tdon'tdo that, Tm bored with anormal job.Ide_planningnewshoots or however have another job as well I'ma personal assistant foran awesome guy who needs assistance because he’s paralysed, Lalso love animals {especialy lizards), history, literature. who knows what be doingin twenty years? “I would love to be able to work full-time with this and make a decent living out of it , without having to do job: that dont appeal to my personal taste of creativity. ‘Storeldage - Ares Megenince Downlosct to Thue POF tocwnst TuwoViem 90 Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magazines for Al first I didnt plan a pin-up career. husband gave me a pro smile! In shoot with astarphotographer the meantime, Tam in the very from Germany asa birthday gift. lucky position that Ican choose ‘Two photos from this shoot ‘what T would like to do and what ‘tumed into my first wo not todo. Since I'm doing all {ne covers. was totally the shoots in my spare time - of From the ice-capped surprised with howfastthings which I dontthavea lot -'m mountains of Switzerland, we "8° Reet beane Lost went i : have fun on the shoot and good bring you the pin-up queen Ere pictures to balance out from my of the decade - Miss Ivi: busy job. Fwo photos from thisshoot turnedinto my first two magazine covers. ‘Twas totally nitinaiiervene wt | surprised with how fast thingscango. + Acs Maganic Dowtloed te Tuc FOF tonne Ralsose Storshags &Fantumag, Magazines for A GiGi ei Uso Ce LL Geese Peet ae eee ee eee Bora OT Pierenhace Miss Wi Yes, my third c ‘coming outright now. with Different? Sounds good - thanks greatphotographers again this for the compliment! No -1 year. Check itout.You can order am notalone out here, my yourown Miss IVI calender2011 husband's here, my dad, and my here: or ‘sweet pirate hamster Pip - and ‘ dont forget my friends! Seriously Talso get asked to do lots though - getting tattoos are nota of other stuff, poster model for tattoo conventions, flyers, internet shops, t-shitt motif, jury for tattoo conventions, skateboard decks and so on. Also lady in town, but Tam the most Imourshop of courseandwe tattooed one! ‘hool charity project “I would guess that at le: 50-60% of our custome: are female. §o no, Tm not the only tattooed lady in town, but “I am the most tattooed one! ‘Sioucldage - Arcs Megeniinss Dowuloect to Thue POF towns 92 Tattoo Vixens See eee em Eee ea Sane 93 Se ed Pere ‘Stoehiage - Ares Megeniivcs Download tu Thus POF towne as [still do today. Setting myself apart from the others wasnt on ‘my mind so much. [just always liked tattoos and always wanted fohavea lorof them. Iewas not until met my now husband, (ovho was my tattoo artist before) that ic all snawballed into what 1 have now.1'm such a lucky girl, ‘that my whole life developed that way; because in my old job asa secretary it wouldnt have been possi. Can they? ¥es, they can try - but not every girl who tries, is also a eal pin-up just because they are dressed up like one, Theres a big, difference between playing one and living it Iesimportant to be your true selfand to love yourself, to be confident in your own body... and to shaw tin front of the camera. Alot of girls seem to be jumping up on the pin-up train instead of living it passionately! Era Eames RENN erent I think it may have changed mein some ways. 1am feeling stronger and more self contids and more in touch with myself, but mainly Cam still and will always be the same and crazy and happy gitl as before. Of course, there are always complete opposite reaction from other people. ‘Some good and positive - and ‘other not so funny ones, but if people reduced me 10 my tattoos for put me in a box just by my appearance I just dont care. I think tattooed people are the ‘most flexible in the world. We don't care ifthe people we meet are tattooed oF not, we treat them all the same and accept ‘them as they are stil find it strange that just because Thave a few pictures on my skin some people treat slike dirt Half of the time I don't notice my tattoos anymore, they area part of me and what makes me unique. as I think there is only one thing 10 say. Be yourself! Don't play act or ‘dress ikea pin-up! Being a pin. think tattooed people are the most flexible in the world. “We don't care if the people we meet are tattooed or not, we treat them all the same and accept them as they are. up isa passion anda lifestyle, not dressing up occasionally. Yes spend alitile bit more money on your first shoot and get a good professional bbotgape: Ill deity pay off! TntcooVixens Radlzosz Storshlags &Fankanag, Magazine for A) My dad had them and the singers of bands Iloved had them. 1 as crazy about art drawing, {tattoos and body art drew me ind Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al a Hubbard >, Saman I was crazy about art — drawing, tattoos and body art drew from a young age. I was dying to get tattoos from the age of 13... thank God T “ waited though. from ayoung ay got tatoos fro thank God Iwai ge. Twas dying 10 cage of 13 cd though. Wes acquiring significant tattoo coverage a conscious decision or a by-product of discovering the number of Great tattoo enlists available to you? found it was more ofan addiction. Once Thad my feet done f coulda stop, I guess a bit ‘of both because once I found a artist Lwas comfortable with, 1 just wanted to plan my sleeves. janine Download | Uhich of your fatloos has had the most impact, ia regard to how you are. perceived by other people? Tguess my chest piece... itsthe fone you see first but normally getnice comments ifsomeone sees it on the underground. I'm. so unaware of stares now. Do your tattoos have any Ralonex Storshlage & Fankunag, particular significance, or do you callect them purely because of their oesthetics? Not really [have afew which, mean something, butits mostly ‘due to the fact I hate uncovered skin, Thavea few Tregret though. Uhat advice would you offer to people who ore ‘considering tattoos on public skin before they've worn much coverage elseuhere? Think really hard before you get itand make sure you really want it. Twould also tell people to look hard for attooist and ifthere is awaitthen I'm sure itwould be IF just one person could tattoo you, who would it be? Tcwould have been Claudia Sabe = she tattooed my kneee months ago and its 1 by far, She isan amazing ‘woman to be tattooed by and socomfortable as well. ress eer) Pon ene ney Sees Tenjoy my job but its never isomer Enters at Pree een ea eee sens TattooVixens bumerfor along time: neo Tt Sarees Ree oc oe Poe ed Do you do ony modeling in [your spare tine or have you lever considered becoming full tine mocel? nro teeny ee do too regularly Seniesa Seas esd ire Getrag ta) SO UT cop octet POCO MS aa LC BUR a Ome L arti OPT amr aod ideas and playing piano LPT recone te rite mare ec US A ‘It's been on the back burner for a long time and now ‘T'm back in “Iondon it Pm Ey Dei ones Ces TatcooVixens Tell us something about your childhood, uhot ambitions you had, uhere did you ‘grow up end what has inspired you? 1 grew up in London. Uhated itasakid, then again, Thated ‘most things asa kid. [always ooked around me and thought ‘everything looked pretty ru down and aspired to higher id 1 guess. Fwanted more than I had and knew that the people around me weren't inspirational characters. SoT moved to Brighton and went to aboarding school, Sounds simple but boarding school was a nightmare justlike you would imagine i tobe and girls really do some messed up and weird things! always wanted to be a big rock star and nothing ever changes except maybe the reality oflife and the things that get inthe way. However tue that fs, 'vealwuys bolieved that i ‘you want something strongly ‘enough that you'l find away of makingithappen for you. Unless i's something ridiculous like sprouting another beac. What was the initial attraction of tattoos? ve had to really think about why T chose to get so many tattoos because i's something that people will always ask you. Hiked thelook of them and the fact that they stood for individuality intially. loved the fact that it crossed social barriers also, 4 3 a g Was acquiring significant taitoo coverage © conscious decision or a by-product of discovering Peter the number of great tattoo Fee crticts available to you"? a Be) A of my tattoos aredoneby the same person bar one.1 decided to getso many because lowed that Ralooee Storshlags & Fankumag, Megezines for Al siyleand kept geting more ideas etc. havea lot more ideas now ira soTguessitwillresultin me being [i ameaatatea ote covered when [find the right person to do the work, and the one with mos Mysleeve. Itis the bloody topic of. conversation throughout my days and nights and drives my friends ‘mental I didn't consider how much itwould draw people in, thought ifanything itwould be avoided me for Tmind talking about with the right peop just loathe getting caught up in the wrong conversations with someone who then proceeds to show me their cartoon character or tribal piece. Inever really know what to sayin response. I's always nice when people are genuinely curious and are thinking of geting their own done. But Lenjoy the way they look on my skin and that's really the only thing that matters, Wsnice to be offered different ‘opportunities from having lots of ‘attoos and Twould say that 'm. glad it sets me aside from others Do any of them have any particular significance, or do you collect them purely becouse of their aesthetics? ‘They all hold strong meanings for reand echo some of my views. 1 dohave plans to getsome that are purely for aesthetic reasons-~ don't thinkiematters why you retthem done as long as you enjoy having them but t would say you should always make sure that you're getting something that really suits you and dont-be afraid {ojust go fort Inever imagined | a 4 Pritts ‘It's nice to be offered different opportunities although itean bea nightmare from having lots of tattoos and “I would say always talking aboutit Ident F 5 ae that “I'm glad it sets me aside from other: ‘Stouchtegs + A Relsoex Storel witamag, Iagezinse for AD ea oe da Dann ee e irra ry POE orom cco og eit eavon tir SOc ORC TOY ec en PTO oe Ug Pivot pane eg tig “ | ca ve Steffi Rox is one of the better known names amongst tattooed ladies in the UK - think it's been an easy ride? Read on... ane ene is Teme enor See eee eerie ere ra crete cs ene eee ear ne eas everest Pe Sree Rue Poorer mite ias teen ey Thave renovated and now rent rae gee Pees ne eet Sen emer se te iy Poe cients een feat eaters) Pec ney rere tency retary cae er ty eee Se eee) me eee ny Core mrereOe eer) oem cro Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al Se eed UR Le 132 Paced arti komen ytd from my time playing in chess tournaments across the country. Bea acid Pee Eee, Fsoinconesoyoung 0 tr and Eroeine rane eee eo ucaey [One interesting fact ESenneT Coton ent Po aang secant Perr ace ec ete enc What intially attracted you emetic Teo ere ens ere ernest nie eae nL favourite cartoon characters, eae oars Peres eee oe nes Seen nog ay Deen ay make skin lot more fun and tell pres eae icone SORE Ueda eee cal ree eee Cea ec! Perret arc Peete nm een ‘option to me, but Lalso have tattoos that I've got purely Peetrinereni sien) erect Mysle Peet ee ee eo Pease teeing Reger eames byit.T've had people say they've ometeeee nny th tiny Peres ety ee ren sa ae er Soe ee Penner’ eter eee ar pene ees ng sr) eee teen rescue Teese) reer eae try model for companies, like today aetna et nipple pasties in the post! [also like that having tattoos means, eo ey Peretti ncrna Seema era purely because of my tattoos. And ‘obviously thanks to my tattoos Peete arvana ieee eee cme Most of my tattoos have come eee ani a eee says "God Bless Catastrophe" and tment sets Poeny eee erent neta tits ee noene game) Ser ene) times Thad Tactually came out Sore ee at Pete norte ig the better It reminds me that Se ent ret ny friend Veg who died tragically Press Rone eet Pet ae ee alotof meaning for me, the eee na reese ene ety Se ee Pat eee etc ee eee) Pe erste ne Peers eat t Pee eta oy tea ne Td in my heart for my first love i, erat ees Seer! Petrone cites Peete eee net nga eet mney pec eet ‘one manager didn't like the 3 Peneemniet ean sn ear earns its realy irresponsible that ete angen) Pee a ree) Pena et teetet Cesena er lightly. Get tattoos where they eo enn rte Pyrenees are really committed to getting Peseta 133 “[.eah She may be a down to earth dreamer but Leah is all there when it comes to understanding who she is.. ech tn Thus POF tocunett 3 (ene ful. [don think | to say any more than w froma very early age that wanted 10 be tattooed. When I ‘was 23 [fell in love with someone ‘who was incredibly creative and talented and he ended up doing alotof work on me. Even though we are no longer together, [feel Iucky to have gon ‘with him, through 7 his tattooing and to watch him progtess into one ofthe most talented artists in this eountey right now, Lhe enough to meet s people over the years and get ‘work by them too, Many have ended up being riends Twill value for life. ‘wars tattoos because I guess they like it that Lam a bit of geek and they can talk to me about it, but the one that really has the@™* Ralsose Storshlags AFettinag, Nageinss for A) TuwoVvem 135 4 Diageminss for Al a + ‘Stocdege - Arcs Megeniines Downline to Thue POF towne most impact is my thigh. In the summer when Lam wearing a skirt or shorts, people feel the need to ask me lots of questions about it as its such heavy black work that isn seen on too many women, but generally [get a good reception. Ithelps when. ‘you have a smile on your face when someone wants toask you a question about your tattoos, No matter how many times you may have been asked them before. [UTNE ERENT PTT (enienanacaKedeaid Teel happy, Relaxed in my skin, Tknow who Iam and I've never been the sortof person to worty about how look bothering cother people. Me being tattooed doesnt change who Lam or who Iwas before I got them. 1'm not craving attention, Some do, some don't significance is totally personal though and I dont tend to share the reasons why. Though, it’s funny telling people Ihave a er on my leg because [love 1 fee! that Pm not the best person to offer advice on that subject. I believe we should be able to live ina world where, as long as we fare not offending people, then so what if you want to decorate yourhand or neck. However, Tonly just feel read to take that step and I've been getting Any significance is totally personal though and all dont tend to share the reasons why. Though, its funny telling people T hav leg because ‘I love a hig sausage. tattooed for over years now. ‘That sense of social freeciom, it's naive view, I'm sure, but am a perpetual dreamer. Just always bbe 100% sure. ‘So many. [have a Junko Mizuno skull with my fiend Dorothee, lightning bolt with Tom and ‘Woody. My younger brother Joshuaand Ihave our birth dates ‘on our kneecaps which is pretty sweet... only mineis 79 and his isl! a banger on my ‘Lionel Fubey He ithe person ve met through tattooing and consider him a true iriend, est Tattoos by... Lonel Fahey © Ou! Sep once Fore ribs ‘Che ages F2uBohon Toh ‘Adon Sage © 12 rhe Pak neecoos ad nae ‘monde Toy 9 ft ance ~ Chest ones oodtord 32 ote Seve: edie pects Ser0h Ormonde iva Biro ait cle TnttooVixens 137 Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al itele lt appears that Ms Whiteley is Relrale men nal ar408 - watch and lear children! eM nec) eam a ea Ce) Cee currently run and awn my own business called Built For sin Apparel. ( ronnie tc a Pomme nerd Prieto Seen onan) Seen een cs are ec Erect eet] Sa ance Po emen ean’ Ceeeterett ntti ssyles. My opinion isthe more enon ti ee rts Permanence Cree ecm Peron tn ric ril has inspired you? Tam aborn and bred English gicl ere oe tar raat Reet nt a acer ir nen ‘what first got me into the rock, erence reir that signified rebellion Tloved, Paes ee te Cee em eee PS ag jtorshags &Faiunag, Magevines for Al I have always been inspired by people who make their own paths in life. I Cie mC exe WALT aco te rca LTT can work hard enough to achieve it. could make loud noise, dyed my Pee reine Peni Ogre Saati to tour the world singing or Stet mas See ene ng ren eee Pere Unsere ang eaten) peerirere neers ean ns Corr eee eer Coenen Toni) Storablage th Fav Rearend Egyptian-cider-core metal band ere einer DO eae eas Ronni nn rea ‘with the guys doing guy things! Cogent Seca s What initially ottracted you peer lest erent y showed me the world of tatoos. renee ata eee ee ee mag, Magen: 2 for A Eien aCe ecg nace eterna yourself through artwork on. ote Seen Cs Prete teste tt Pace tera er eornn tng tattoo as well, Once you're in, Sones Was ocauiting sianificont ese a Recen) Ceara ecto discovering the number of reek Reed corre suppose itwas because of Parte nc? knew I was going to get covered Pent tes Sonor eared ree ee te Se ea ed LU Ce eeeesee ee ae ea ee renee PS Rag Saas eT | Biles che Se ea oe eee een After being in the scene for a little while PTB entirety amazing artists Tm scared I will run out Oe eC Poe con Perce ne eg ny about choosing the ight artist. emer cen) Prien ete es people in the business. I suppose ee ete eee Beeeen nts amazing artists 'm scared I will Pronto nner saat renee mcd Terk aaa Cn eae ens biggest impact out of all of my eee a Peon eet Tthoughtfong and hard before eugene Rene nnn een pecrenate se nuns before that were easily coverable, Etre Ronan eT rere ented See ea nae Poe eam ere) people wanting to stop and look eee What would you say is the greece) Clee cd Growing up, all of the heavily Pree reats emir one eta eet ea poet tn) Se eee aU Pree nea nse break down any stereotypes people might have in their head Ferenc Detect arlicular significance, or seta mud eee Ree coe ses eee ne eens Pees than others though. Ihave had Serotec and my brother and then also a oneness in-joke type tats too! ama very serious collector and only want Pere one ns artists. In fact, spend my whole Penne Mielec tie eter che and eee eee kata Peace enol Coe aera Twould highly recommend Poe te ea So ess Pottoman ng ed femacnan ge ee coer ant more or youmay Peers Pee en tm Pees et ety Pretest menor Peer oR eoune sy ire eee nad Tdontt know who Iwould choose for that, ita tough question, et enscnt entity Tene er ee ed Pees co eres Pectin nase) {Thad to choose. Although the reason I go to so many different eee ees ancy ee eee) Peg ron eestor Pre aaa Tattooed by... ra peter wo Sota ee eT’ erie tem Or Peck Esiee entre its en ira reer eo creer) Se barca) cay a Cee Meet eerie) » eae Sa Le iE) hes Hovinioad initial SOE format CHorror Who can resist a girl in stack heels and a big Frankenstein monster inked across her chest? No, me neither: METERS RISE Hmmm. The beginning - On the day of my 18th birthday, ‘my mom let me ditch school it wasn'ta common thing, T swear) we drove to Lodi, got tattooed togetherand needless to say was hooked. I had pestered her for years about that day net coming soon enough! Shortly after, | went to Hawaii for my high school graduation, which convinced ‘me that [had to get my arm started the minute I got back home! Thave always had 2 love for Tiki’sand anything, pertaining to the oceans and beaches. hunted for an artist for about 4 months to design what had envisioned and | ‘was lucky to find Big Frank! Originally it was supposed to just bea half sleeve, which was followed by my right arm being started 8 months later. Sinks AlF: Honestly, there isnt theme, Tjust got crazy and spontaneous and every now and then would call Fran idea, Luckily he’ the artist and ended creating. nice flow to both ‘myarms, butno real theme. lam ‘actually inthe process of figuring ‘out what the heck T want to do. ‘about linking them up though. 1 ‘amtomn, ita debate Ihave daly ‘with myself Oh, the Frankenstein tattoo! Tswear that tattoo brings upalotof different rypes of conversatlons. Tam a huge horror movie fan fr starters and [have always loved him, he isthe “perfect monster” in my eyes. Misunderstood, terfying Neos He yetsoloving! a oy Se eg oe Zpae) lolly wood “Horror ORT E thie mae between the cherri SUS Tat od area eee Ld COT ome Cooma wa i e FoR MTU mic Prana cos e Se ee Ug eRe ee ena ‘Stoiclteys - Arcs Meganliuss Download ta Thus POF tout Originally, hadn't planned ‘that at all, Ihad cherries on the sides of my chest already, ‘one day Frank was working 01 ry sleeve and I commented about wanting horror monster tattoos - then he showed mea stencil that he drew ityears ago ‘and the guy never came for it. So at that point, [told him iit, fit between the cherries without ‘any modifying, that he could taftoo it on mel weeks later we ground it out in three and a half hours. Tadded the webs about 2 years later. Boris Karloffis absolutely amazing’ Iswear he was the best actor ofhis time. Hove to lay on the couch during winter and watch all his old movies. not tone of them is bad. DeNiro did a great job but Boris is just perfect Tguess you could say that, 1d. havean extreme fascination with it-and zombies! Even my ‘wedding, wihich was just this October 30th, was goth Victorian theme ata supposedly haunted jon. My house is full of skulls life-size animatronies aswell as random oddities and posters fiom movies. Ihave a zombie on myTikisleeve, my Tiki hasa chain-saw in one hand, shrunken head in the other. also havea zombie My Little Pony on my right thigh. Yeah -1 guess its my niche alright eae tne Sigh. Bands are tough alright, it was going really great last year, butt is so hard to juggle practice and shows plus your ‘own work and life as well as 5 others. It was fun and itis sul hobby but currently there is nothing in the works. We were a metal-core band, 2 gui bassist, drummer, and my husband and I doing vocals Te-was fun being on stage and seeing people getting into the music you had made, Such a ‘unique feeling that's impossible to describe. [guarantee I was far from pretty on stage though, screaming a fall set and running around made me look bit like ‘a monster myself atthe end of a show, but it was a ton of fun! TatcooVixens 47 Relsose Storeblags &Fantumay, Magazines for Al " E Fs SYou set the boundaries and the rules and only you are responsible for yourself, definitely takes the cake, or lack thereof before photo shoots - that’s the one hard part of modelling! Even if the band was still going the way itwas last year, [would still e, more personal. Its you and your photographer ‘making the images and pushing those limits. You set the boundaries and the rules and only you are responsible for yourself. Touring would have definitely been awesome, but at that time in my life I don't think Thad the stability would have needed to succeed, mind when I first entered the modelling world almost two years ago. In school from 4th. grade through high school, I was very active in the drama class, We did all sorts of ph musicals, [loved ev of it growing up and ha of possibly pursuing it one day. But once I got my cosmetology license and started working for myself! got too busy. right now, it hasn't completely dropped off as an option, but isnot at the top of the list at themoment aC Fee Seer Penson SSN aM Sane n ee) Dam social networking! Cant get away with anything theses days! Twas actually ‘on my honeymoon, sill aun - just back in the United States today with access to the world again! I love being Intouch yone but kof doing as Insanely epic woke up, laid on a beach all day drank pina coladas, didn't work out once, slept and just spent 8 fabulous days with th love of my life. Couldn't have asked for more! Set ce eno ae ences ete] This is way, way more and amazing than anything could have ever imagined or dreamed off originally wanted to be a surgeon more ‘than anything - here back to the horror thing but always wanted to be hairstylist! Man, I knew that ata really young age, but a inted tattoos, knew for sure I would have sleeves, but I wasn‘ realy thinking of eck, chin or throat at 8 that's for sure! [feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to work with such amazing, people and to constantly have nothing but love and support others in my life. Sarre 49 GS tele Ele ee aac Me UTM eters RUN ee Rome iotnelceKel seine Lao Mey AV aol ol Perel tcnmocet! 7 Uhat initially attracted you towards tattoos? Was acquiring significant joltoo coverage a conscious decision or a by-product of discovering the. number of great tattoo orlsts aveiloble 10 you? Uhich of your tattoos has had the most impact, in regard fo how you cre ‘perceived by other people? Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magazines for Al) TatcooVixens: Ua 3 2 r Sab 38 Cc ; “ 2 7s > EEE =) 210) ENN) em =tpee yw See TOTS Shiciiree (reo Wea bowie iti e Ruca is Texas bom and bred-Do we need to say anything more about this flame-haired Vixen than that? No, we don't think so: Ruea never set out to ‘model’, that hobby just seemed to fall into place. I was lucky enough to work with a few amazing photographers early on and loved the art we created. Tattoo"Vixens 155, ‘Storeldage - Ares Megeninss Downluect tu Thus POF towne You ore one of the most tattooed ladies that we have In the book! Can you tell us your story ~ how your Journey began, your first tattoo, how long has it taken you to get this for? started when Twas 16, which I ‘wouldn't recommend to anyone! sat for3 hours to get a tribal su in the midalle of my back that I hhad horribly sketched up. Itis now covered up bya giant snake pplece thanks toa dear friend. My collection of art just snowballed from there, Decided to get my feet tattooed... hen legs then chest and then took the big leap ‘onto my arms, back of neck, stomach, sides, ete. 've slowed. down a bit recently due to lack of fee skin, I'm pretty much, running out of room! Do you have ony plans to link It all together? Absolutely. After I get all of my ‘main pieces and have them finished, I'll work on blending them all together to create my bodysuit. Only thing not tattooed ‘willbe my hands, neck and face you're weleome, mother! Where are you from and where do you live now? Are you the most tattooed vixen In your street? was born Corpus Christi, Texas, raised in Dallas, Texas and ‘curently reside in Downtown Dallas. Ilive in quite the artist- thrivingarea so everyone seems tohave alittle bit ofarton them. I live in quite the artistthriving arca so everyone seems to have a little bit of art on them, Fora female though, 1am very heavily tattooed. This can't be what you wanted to do when you were {a small child ~ can you tell us what it was that you thought you might be? Pretty close to itl, Iwas a free spirited only child. Loved to paint, dravs, play with my imaginary friends. Iwanted to be nurse when I grew up andam ‘currently in school to be in the ‘medical field. sil ike to paint and create, that never leftme! Do you think you uill continue with this forever in some form or maybe go back to that original dream? Tilalways be the tattooed gi Hove it 00 much to stop. As far as the medical field goes, I'm stil pursuing my dream and will conquer it. hers going on with that cat on your left crm? Is it scratching itself? |s there a story behind that? Flahaha, get more questions on her ham any omer She is Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magazines for Al Mos 157 Ruca TuttooVixens 251) -ataamnS Sioicteys - Fics Mesanlluss Downloet ty Tits FOF tot 158 TattooVixens Ralzose Storshags AFaitinag, Naseinss for A) Ryca the artist's depiction of my and moisturized ~ soaks the ink female Siamese cat, Jins. She up likea sponge. [think most hasafemale human form, soit ofthe time if people have lots makes her quite voluptuous! of reekles, their skin has sun She's actually playing with a damage, making it tough. I wear toy mouse,the test maybetoo —_70spfwhen | go out to protect, ‘graphic to write myskin and ink Wos it a big decision for (OK =I think that's about you to get your chest «ll- but would you care fottooed? We have seen to give some advice to quite 0 few now in this book anybody thinking of going ‘and most have taken along into modeling as a career - time to think about it, but ‘and is there something you have no regrets. wish somebody had fold you Chest was actually oneofthe before you started out? easiest to decide on. Lknew Tneverset out to ‘mode’, that ‘what wanted and trusted my __hobiyyjust seemed to fall into artist. My arms were the biggest place. Twas lucky enough mental struggle. Tknew one toworkwith afew amazing tattooed them, Td be wearing photographers early on and long sleeves for work, Best loved the art we ereated, 1 doit decision I made though. fortheart and for the creative never regretted it process, s0 I say, doit because youlove it,not because you are [have 6 lot of freckles too. expectinganything from i. My tattoo artist told me that frectled skin is really tough ‘Tell us @ secret ‘and unforgiving = do you find Ha! Not sure have too many that when you ore having —_—_ofthose!'m super quirky though work done? and have odd tendencies. I smell Notatall, My skin isrealy pale everything. W's ahoraible habit. ‘think most of the time if people have lots of freckles, their skin has sun damage, making it tough. IT wear 70 spf when ‘T go out to protect my skin and ink. ‘Storeldage - Ares Megeninse Downline tu Thus POF towne TattoorVixens 159 Ralsose Storshlags &Fantamag, Magezines for Al Te ls BOC SURS ae mat P Nari eM D Ueto MU cle (edad ely Ue waar ame ee ets oa) BM lal CesT Mats) ok) - Se Goo ARO KOCUFOIReC MIA) the next OLLI 6 If its yes, then visit: Rael Cleese meee ha) Oe eeu Cay on Lote Neem corr A oll ecole « Flash — all latest designs, including Japanese range. Oe Tia eee eel Ce Order online or call: es eed CoCr eee Cae oR Cu} _ TATTOO MAGAZINES FROM JAZZ PUBLISHING Jee oa Se bocce necg Seta cee eee ree Serer eee epee Reta eeerecs eeteraceee 2) DT eae ee nk CU Order online now at iJ eed Se ea oe aU AACE onan Tala ala eNom saa ao Agia ae FENLE NO AWE ISIS PARA EPC) PVC rUrsiw tL Celeceucn ae Letchworth, WE UOR SY ira COCR Ey Ce eeees nts ee ae ae ee eee ae Se ee Magnetic Micro Dermal Pea Available in fine piercing shops worldwide. ae e @ Ne ee ee Sr on eee) trauma to the piercing. Heads PUA en Creep eel eral erie Micro Dermal Ané ‘Tapered front for easier insertion, contoured sides promote eee esc ee a Rr kan for pricing or catalogues, visit: WWW.METALMAFIA.COM PH: +1 212 279 4655 FAX: +1 212 279 4653 Ceres ees ae Magazines for All ince its very inception, Skin Deep magazine has consistently 4 offered an alternative to the norm when it comes to the 2 media perception of beauty. Now, with Tattoo Vixens, we're pelenrsttonoce sn tata We coined the term "Tattoo Vixens" because "tattooed ec RS SU ac COUN Se eoraceNg emia ater ees neck Ten reer me Cars e COE CeCe Mac ORAM e UO RO RLS twenty first century in a league of their awn. These Vixens live in the Meee ee cece ema recreate pop culture and can be found as movie heroines, recording artists, TV presenters, producers and writers — the list is ong and the list is endless. PO tia cen eure ir er ec ice iy washed away, we are proud to present this selection of women from across the globe: serious collectors and enthusiasts - professional ROR Gura ren ti eee Le Cone URS in common ~ artistically adorned bodies. You'll also find each of them interviewed to get a closer insight into what makes them tick, revealing a Feonttintstes eae ae a cee ten ae ees Ret FROM THE PUBLISHERS OF Eilicay 0-9565307-1-4 I 158N 978 |

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