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Date Activity

St Anne’s Catholic School, Southampton – WEEKLY CHAPLAINCY LOG – WB 23.11.09

23.11.09 Spoke in assemblies to Year 11 and 6th Form re hamper

collection for Medaille. This should begin this week. 6th
Form will collect goods every Thursday. The hampers
will be used in an ‘Offertory’ procession during the
Advent liturgy at the end of term.

Posters about hamper collection into all registers.

24.11.09 Attended Y8 assembly on bullying. The spoke re

Medaille, inviting Y8s to bring foodstuffs asap.

Emailed all tutors reminding them that there is a

weekly prayer/reflection sheet that should be used for
daily classroom reflections. Spoke to SWI re visits to
monitor reflections. She will speak to her team this
week and I will begin to see Y7. Comments and
feedback will be recorded here.

Called Wheelers to confirm booking of coaches for Y8

Day of Reflection 22.01.10 (Testwood Baptist Church,

MCA confirmed that hall will be available on Friday

26.11.09 for staff reflection.

Liturgy Group meeting 3.40 – 4.45. Arrangements for

Staff Advent Reflection and end of term liturgies
firmed up. Minutes to be sent to all members.

25.11.09 Invite for Staff Advent Reflection done. First names of

staff to be added to invite. Posters placed in the staff

Spoke at the Y8 assembly about Medaille. Also (with

KMA) invited any girls who would like to do
dance/signing for Day of Reflection on 22.01.10.

27.11.09 Delivered reflection to staff on ‘hospitality’

(characteristic of LSU spirituality)

Contacted Testwood Baptist to confirm venue for


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