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Jamaica Trade Union het (Chapter 389: Ober, 1919) Registration of Trade Unions (Se. 6) Alliade unons upon establenment ere required fo be veytered tin tity days arte dates eaabahont Purposes of Trade Unions not Unlawful (Se. 3) “The purposes of any radeunion shal nob reason rere hatthey sein resrant of rad: + be deemed be unawfiso aso renders members Hable fo ‘etminal prosecution or conspiracy oaths ‘Agreement or Trust remains vad (Se, 4) ‘Th purposes of any rade unio shat nat by reason meatal hey ‘2 esa of rad, be unto o 10 ron vod or vows {ny agreement ors. {Labour Officers (Powers) Act, 1943, ‘Chapter 208 Power of Labour Oficars ‘labour offen empowered a al reasonabie es oar upon ‘any premio oterthan ode house forth prposeotearyng ‘ut any inspection or inguy to ensure the absewance of al about reglaton ‘The Labour Relations and industal (Gctno. 140! 1975, Ap 1978) Labour Relations Code (Part, Seo 2) + In accordance wih th Act te Mister prepared and ‘Latour Relations Code, 1976, wh praca romaton of good labour relations, aking nto aceon +" the pines o he colecive barganing: tna rquements for onde procedures dusty ‘fecive resco of Sister by negotatn, ‘rami: the aveidance of ura ibourpractoes on bath ies +The approved an published Labour Relations Co, 1076, secortingy proves direction and guidance on he flowing raters: Tesponsitis of payer, employees, ade union ‘employers associations; + personne management practices: empoymont poco ‘manpower use and planning, secuy of workers woking environment, payment of wages: + _ woes rprosontaton athe cotlctve Bargaining process ‘wade rion recoriton, bargaining uns cece bara ‘and callecive agrees = eammuncaton and conan * gievance and dscipinary procedures: pute Indivdal pute procedure and spina proce + Tho Labour Ralatons code a rterenee pont fx bw ondueh coflaburrlatons, and provides guidance tthe dust Dispute Tatura and any Soar of nqury 0 deernng any relevant sue Ballots to Determining Bargaining Rights (Se. + The Minister empowered to atl calogry of workers to detemine. nwt ta the Minstrel te mater tothe Disputes Tina or sated arobean Labour Reatons Sens: An Overview Tribunal atthe Request ofthe Partos (Se. 11) Sections even "Barony 1240 Seu 8690 Any 29 0 50 008 U8 amieu 8 yans uo seams suse 404k 0 vonvopy ue oon pon ‘yeDxe 1 swan Suera1.0uopeuedsuen wayne

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