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act Interns Name: Olivia Robinson

Subject: Career Portals

Date: 2/28/2015
Grade Level: 6th

2. Goal/Big Understandings
Students will discuss the impact of identity theft The students understand personal financial
on credit.
management and recognize the value of
personal fiscal responsibility.
The students will discuss and apply their
understanding of the impact of identity theft on
credit by creating Identity Theft Awareness
3. Assessment Evidence
The federal government has learned that Ms. Robinsons Career Portals class has been
learning about identity theft. With this being said, the government needs our help! They
would like for our class create Identity Theft Awareness flyers to post throughout the
community. These flyers will include the following; the definition of identity theft, ways
your identity can be stolen, and how to protect your identity. The federal government
would like for these flyers to also include one picture and last but not least, it needs to be
creative. When you are finished with the flyers, you will write on the back, where in the
community you will post your flyer and why.
4. Opening Hook
The students will watch a 30 second identity theft commercial. Students will have 60
seconds to list as many things that they think they may know about identity theft based
on the commercial and life experiences.

5. Instructional Strategies/Student Activities

Students will work in groups of 2 or 3 to define and discuss the key words, identity and
PowerPoint presentation, Identity Theft on Credit, will be presented.
Once the notes are presented, students will be able to understand and define what identity
theft is, ways identity can be stolen, and how to avoid identity theft.
To check for understanding before the assessment, I will use the thumbs up, thumbs
down method by asking the students the following questions:
o I can define identity theft in my own word.
o I know at least 3 ways identity can be stolen.
o I know at least 3 things I can do to protect my identity.
6. Materials/Resources
Colored construction paper
7. Grouping Patterns
Silent line up birthday
o Students will work in heterogeneous groups to break down the key terms identity
and theft.
Students will work independently on their Identity Theft Awareness flyers.

act Interns Name: Olivia Robinson

Subject: Career Portals

Date: 2/28/2015
Grade Level: 6th

8. Ending, Summary/Reflection
Students will write an I care why? response on an index card, as an exit ticket, to explain
the relevancy of identity theft to their current and future lives.

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