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Worksheet No.

4: Literary Appreciation
Direction: The following are the steps to follow in choral reading.
Group Name


1. Listen to your teacher as she reads the poem once.

2. Next, try to internalize the poem.
3. After internalizing the poem, with your teacher as guide, read together the parts
that you might find difficulty with, e.g., rhythm, sounds, etc., or a phrase
containing a new word.
4. Decide how the selection shall be broken up into group or solo parts.
5. Decide how the class shall be divided into higher or brighter voices and lower or
darker voices. These terms apply partly to the pitch but chiefly to the texture of
the voice. The light voices are generally a little higher in pitch and are of a
lighter texture than the dark.
6. For practice in the classroom, the light voices should be on one side and the dark
on the other; or the dark voices may be behind the light voices. When the class
stands, the members of each group should stand close together in the form of a
wedge to help them speak as one person.
7. Here are the points to remember in choral reading:
a. Talk over what you think the basic mood of the poem. Work to get the feel
of the poem.
b. Enunciate clearly; do not be guilty of lazy lips or tongue. Use the dictionary
to check on pronunciation.
c. Feel what you read. Let voice and body show the feeling.
1. As a rule, speak sad, gloomy, or serious lines in low-pitched tones at a
slow rate.
2. Speak light, amusing, or exciting lines with a high pitch and at faster
d. Make sure that each speaker or group comes in on time.
Now, this is your challenge. Do this challenge by group. Follow the steps and points
to remember in choral reading.
It is so exciting, right? Common prepare yourself for the task and be guided with
these criteria.
Facial Expression and Gestures
Creativity (Costumes, Props, Sounds, etc.) 20%
Audience Impact
Good luck and congratulations for a job well done in advance!

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