Dota 2 v1014 Non-Steam, Offline Lan Guide

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Dota 2 v1014

Full [Non-Steam]
Setup and LAN guide
This version allows you to play Dota without an internet connect and without Steam. Yes we know
you can play Dota 2 versus bots in offline mode. And yes we know you can set up an offline LAN with
the proper Steam version and the dedicated server files. This is for people who for whatever reason
may not have a Steam account, or Steam access, or just don't want Steam. It is also very convenient
for lanning. Trying to set up an offline LAN would still require everyone to have the same version,
and people would have to be updated over the internet. This installs alongside the Steam version of
Dota 2, and will ensure everyone always has the same version.

BONUS: Enable Techies (aka Goblin Techies)

Techies can also be enabled, for bot bot games AND for LAN games. A guide on how to do this is
included. Similar steps can be followed to enable Techies on the proper Steam version of Dota 2 for
both bot games and local lobbies.

Thanks to Miya for the non-Steam version of Dota 2, AlliedModders user DS for posting the
scrcds.exe with instructions and AlliedModders user psychonic for posting the d2fixups.



INSTALLING DOTA 2 FOR OFFLINE BOT AND LAN PLAY .......................................................................... 3
PLAYING A BOT GAME .......................................................................................................................... 10
SETTING UP SERVER (HOST ONLY) ........................................................................................................ 13
RUNNING THE SERVER (HOST ONLY) .................................................................................................... 16
RUNNING DOTA (EVERYONE) ............................................................................................................... 18
PROTIPS ................................................................................................................................................. 22
Setting up Dota_2.exe to automatically run as administrator ......................................................... 22
Enabling Techies (and the slightly broken Oracle and Abyssal Underlord aka Pit Lord) For Bot
Games ............................................................................................................................................... 23
Enabling Techies (and the slightly broken Oracle and Abyssal Underlord aka Pit Lord) For LAN
Games ............................................................................................................................................... 27
HOW TO ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Setting up a firewall exception ......................................................................................................... 30
Determining hosts IP address .......................................................................................................... 33
TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................................................. 34




Step 0. Ensure you have a torrent client installed.
E.g. BitTorrent or Torrent:
Pick one and go to the download page. The free version will be fine. Download the relevant file and
run it. If prompted allow the program to make changes to your computer. Follow the prompts to
install the program.
The program should automatically create the file associations so torrent files automatically run in
the program.
Step 1. Download Miyas torrent.
Choose to open with uTorrent (or BitTorrent).
Your client will proceed to download the files.
Your client will look something like this.



Note that under General is the field Save As, which is the save location for the files. When the
Status reaches 100% it will start seeding and your download has finished. At this stage you may
delete the torrent by right clicking the listing and selecting Remove Torrent. However I recommend
allowing torrent to seed until you reach a Share Ratio near 1.000. Do not choose to delete files or
data as this will delete everything you just downloaded.
Step 2. Uninstall your previous version non-steam version of Dota 2 (i.e. v866).
If you have not previously installed Dota 2 v866 Full [Non-Steam] skip this step and go to Step 3.
You DO NOT need to uninstall the proper online Steam version of Dota 2 which will still function
To uninstall Dota 2 v866 go to Add or Remove Programs or Programs and Features (depending
on your OS). The quickest way to do this is open the Run prompt by pressing Win Key + R, then in
the dialog box type appwiz.cpl without quotes and hit enter. Right click the Dota 2 v866 entry (will
have 866 listed under Version) and click Uninstall. Follow prompts to complete installation.

Note the Dota 2 folder may still exist in Program Files. Go to C drive > Program Files (x86). i.e.
C:\Program Files (x86). Delete the Dota 2 folder. This folder is only for Miyas offline version. The



proper version, if installed, will be located within the Steam folder. Note that if you are running a 32bit version of Windows, you will probably not have a Program Files (x86) folder. In this case Dota 2
will simply be in Program Files. i.e. C:\Program Files.

Step 3. Install Dota 2 v1014.

Run the setup executable within the Dota 2 v1014 folder you downloaded.

Running this app may give a warning. Allow the app to run. For example if running Windows 8 click
More Info, and then Run Anyway:



If prompted click OK to allow the program to make changes to your computer.

Follow the prompts to complete installation.



When complete, deselect Launch Dota 2 and click Finish.

Step 4. Modify rev.ini file.

Open the installed Dota 2 folder wherever you chose to install it (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Dota 2)
and copy the rev.ini file to desktop.
Copying the file to desktop makes it easier to edit due to administrator rights issues.
Open the file on your desktop. Scroll down until you find the ProcName field. Ensure it contains console as indicated in the screenshot below. If you installed and are using v866 instead then you
will need to add it. If you installed v1014 it should already be as is and not need to be edited.
Continue scrolling to the PlayerName field.





Change MiyaTao32 to your desired ID.

Save and close the file. Copy it back from your desktop to the Dota 2 folder from whence it came.
Choose to overwrite the original file when prompted.

Allow administrator access.





Close the console and compendium windows.



If you attempt to join a bot game and you receive the following error message, this is because you
did not run as administrator. You MUST run the game as administrator.

You can now play bot games without steam. Hint: see protips at end of guide.






You only need to do this if you intend to host a game for LAN play (i.e. local lobby).
Go to the install directory and copy the Dota 2 folder.

Paste in your desired location. E.g. root of C drive (C:\).

Rename the folder to dota 2 server.



Download the following package (MD5: 21CD9DF5242CA198DBDC15F50C52A605).
Copy the dota folder, srcds.exe and start.bat to the Dota 2 Server folder.







Run start.bat

If running for the first time you should be prompted to allow through the firewall. You must allow
access otherwise no-one on the LAN will be able to connect to your server.

If you are not prompted you can ensure srcds.exe has access over the network by accessing firewall
settings. See the end of the guide for an explanation of how to do this.



After running start.bat you should see something like this. You may need to scroll upwards to see
the green/grey server status bar.

Server will hibernate until first user connects.




Run Dota 2 as administrator (as described in step 2).
In the console type "connect <host ip>:27015" without quotes where <host ip> is LAN IP of the host
PC. E.g. "connect" (27015 is the port number). If unsure how to determine the
IP address of the host, see the end of this guide.

Hit Enter



Once connected click the minimise button at the top left of the screen (top menu bar will appear on
mouse hover).

In the Dota 2 console type "jointeam <side>" without quotes where <side> is either "good" or "bad"
depending on whether player is joining radiant or dire. E.g. "jointeam good".



Hit enter. Press escape to return to game.

As you can see both the host (DSMB running 64-bit Windows 8) and another user (Deadbeat running
32-bit XP) have both connected using the connect command, and selected Radiant side with the
jointeam command.
When the countdown reaches 0:00 you can pick your heroes. While you can populate bots during
countdown, you are better off waiting till after you have picked your own heroes. The bots are
automatically assigned heroes as soon as connected, so they may pick a hero you wanted.



To populate with bots enter the dota_bot_populate command without quotes in the SERVER



Setting up Dota_2.exe to automatically run as administrator
Navigate to your Dota 2 install directory. Right click dota 2 and click Properties.

In the Compatability tab, under Privilege level check Run the program as administrator. Click OK.



Enabling Techies (and the slightly broken Oracle and Abyssal Underlord
aka Pit Lord) For Bot Games
Download the following zip file (MD5: 2731A179C942FFEACBA347AF42AB0E54)
Copy the npc folder into the dota\scripts folder. E.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Dota 2\dota\scripts. If
prompted, select OK to overwrite.
In the Dota 2 folder open the rev.ini file as described in Step 4 of the installation guide above. Scroll
down until you find the ProcName field. Add -override_vpk without quotes so it looks something
like this:

Start Dota 2 and start a bot game.









Enabling Techies (and the slightly broken Oracle and Abyssal Underlord
aka Pit Lord) For LAN Games
Everyone follow the above steps to enable these heroes for bot play. The host should download this
plugin posted by AlliedModders user Dr!fter:
Ive reuploaded here as a backup:
Copy the addons folder to the servers dota folder.

Copy the same npc folder as above into the servers scripts folder.

Done! Simply run start.bat to run your server, and connect just as described for offline LAN play.


Enabling Techies (and the slightly broken Oracle and Abyssal Underlord
aka Pit Lord) for bot and local lobbies on your proper steam version of Dota
Download the same zip file as above.
Copy the npc folder into the dota\scripts folder of your proper Steam version. E.g. C:\Program Files
(x86)\Dota 2\dota\scripts. If prompted, select OK to overwrite.

Run Steam, go to your library, right click Dota 2 and click Properties.

Click SET LAUNCH OPTIONS and enter -override_vpk without quotes. Click OK and CLOSE.





Setting up a firewall exception
To do this press Win Key + R and type firewall.cpl without quotes and hit enter.

Click to allow an app through the firewall.

Click to change settings.



Find srcds and ensure it is checked.

If it is not listed, click Allow another app.

Click Browse and navigate to srcds in the
Dota 2 Server folder.



Click Add.

Recommend checking both network types to avoid problems on other networks.

Click OK.



Determining hosts IP address

On the host PC press Win Key + R, in the run box type cmd without quotes and hit enter.

Type ipconfig without quotes and hit enter.

This is your IP address

I.e. Hosts IP address id



Q. When I try to run Dota 2 I get the error: "Missing MSVCR100.dll. Reinstalling the application
may fix the problem." Or similar.
A. Reinstalling Dota 2 will NOT help. You need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable
Package. If the appropriate file does not fix the problem, install the 32 bit version, even if your
computer is 64 bit. I had a 64 bit Win 7 version where only the 32 bit setup fixed the issue. Also note
that while the system requirements for the package state that XP SP3 or higher is required, I
successfully installed the 32 bit (x86) version on a machine running XP SP2 and this fixed the issue.
Download from the Microsoft website:
Q. When I try to run Dota I get the error: "d3dx9.dll is missing.", or similar.
A. Updating directX should fix the problem. Download the installer from Microsoft and run:
I have also uploaded the dx updater and the above MS Vis 2010 redistributable here:
Q. Dota 2 hangs at the loading screen.
A. Disable your internet connection and run as administrator.
Q. When I try start a game I receive the error message: WARNING, Disconnected from Server,
STEAM validation rejected.
A. Run Dota_2 as administrator.
Q. How do I run as administrator?
A. Running as administrator is required for running the game. Right click the executable (or shortcut)
and click 'Run as Administrator'. You do not need to run the server as administrator.
Q. The host can connect, but other computers on the LAN cant. It keeps retrying to connect.
A. Ensure the host has allowed srcds through the firewall (see How To guides above). Also ensure
those trying to connect have allowed the offline dota executables through the firewall.
Check that the IP addresses of everyone in the LAN has an appropriate IP address. E.g. most people
may have an IP address of 192.168.0.XX where XX could be any number from 1 to 255. Everyone
must have the first three numbers all the same. E.g. everyone must have an IP address of
192.168.0.XX. However no-one should have the same last number. I.e. everyone must have a
different XX. Everyone should check their IP addresses to ensure these rules are met (see How To
guides above). If the rules are not met, then set the IPs manually so that they follow the rules.
To manually set an IP go to your adapter settings. To do this press Win Key + R, type the command
ncpa.cpl without quotes and press enter. Right click your active connection (Wi-Fi or Ethernet) and


click Properties. In the items list, click on Internet Protocol (if running Windows 7 or 8 click on
Version 4). Do not deselect or select any check boxes. Click Properties. Select Use the following IP
address. Type an appropriate IP address, e.g. Press tab on the keyboard. The subnet
mask should now be You can leave the Default gateway blank. Click OK. Click Close.
If still having issues you can try filling in the Default gateway. This will be the same first three
numbers ending in a 1. E.g.
You can check you are properly connected by attempting to ping other computers on the LAN. Press
Win Key + R and enter cmd to bring up Command Prompt. Type ping <peer IP> without quotes
where <peer IP> is the IP address of the PC you are trying to ping. E.g. ping If there is
a 100% packet loss you may need to recheck IPs and check cable connections. Try swapping Ethernet
cables as it may be damaged.
Q. I have steam installed as well as a proper online version of dota, will this conflict?
A. No. You can have proper dota installed and still install and run the offline version of dota.
Q. I didnt install a shortcut to desktop, and/or I dont know which files I am supposed to run?
A. The proper steam version of Dota 2 is installed in 'C:\Program Files
(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta'. You may disregard this version for offline LAN play.
Miya's offine no-steam version of Dota 2 is installed in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Dota 2'. This contains
dota executables. The executable which launches the program is 'dota_2.exe'. This is what everyone
needs to run (not dota.exe). I recommend creating a shortcut of this and placing it on the desktop.
The dota 2 server is wherever you copied the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Dota 2' folder to in the start of
of the server install guide, probably 'C:\'. If you copied the dedicated server files properly there
should be a start.bat in this folder, i.e. 'C:\dota 2 server\start.bat. This is the only file you need to
run from this folder. Only one person in the LAN needs to have created the 'dota 2 server' folder and
only they run and configure the server.
Q. I followed the instructions to enable techies but it doesnt appear.
A. Restart the computer.
You should have an activelist.txt file in your dota/scripts/npc folder. If you dont, you didnt properly
copy the files. Copy this file over.
If you are running normal dota then these files need to be in the \Steam\SteamApps\common\dota
2 beta\dota\scripts\npc\ folder. If you are running the non-steam version it needs to be in that
versions scripts folder; \Dota 2\dota\scripts\npc.
Make sure you entered the -override_vpk command correctly. In the launch options for proper
dota, in the rev.ini file, ProcName field for non-steam dota.
Q. I click on Techies but it doesnt select and I cant enter a game with him.
A. You can NOT use Techies for online games. Only LOCAL lobbies and BOT matches.



If you are trying to select him on the dedicated LAN server, make sure you have placed the npc
folder in the server scripts folder, and not just the normal offline Dota 2 scripts folder. You also
must have copied the dll files to the server addons folder. You should have two files in these
C:\Dota 2 Server\dota\addons\dotavpk\dota_vpk.dll
C:\Dota 2 Server\dota\addons\metamod\dotavpk.vdf
Q. When I try to start Dota 2 the game crashes and I have a .mdmp file in my Dota 2 folder.
A. If you enabled overriding of the vpk try removing -override_vpk from your rev.ini file. Try
updating your graphics driver. Uninstall, remove the Dota 2 folder and reinstall. If you recently
installed other software try uninstalling and/or do a system restore. Try disabling folders within the
Dota 2\dota folder. For example, rename scripts to disabled_scripts. Also try disabling other
folders to see if you can narrow down a specific file or folder responsible for the problem.



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