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Swachh Bharat Clean India to Green India

18 October 2014 , 10:30 am in the morning at Bhatkal bus station is when

the two leading institutions of Anjuman Hami-e-Muslimeen, namely Anjuman
Institute of Technology and Management- MBA dept. and Anjuman Institute of
Management and Computer Application took the initiative of a cleanup drive, this
initiative is in accordance with the program launched by our Prime Minister of
India on 2nd October 2014 called Swachh Bharath.
The students of both these institutions were accompanied by the General
Secretary of Anjuman Hami-e-Muslimeen Mr .Abdul Raheem Jukaku, Mr. Javeed
Armar, the staff of both these colleges, Principal - Mr. Uday Prasanna(AITM), Mr.
Aheed Mohtisham(HOD- MBA), Principal - Mr. Mohsin K (AIMCA) were
present to support and encourage the students on this initiative, the students were
addressed and educated that their responsibility is beyond their college curriculum
that includes the college and the cleanliness of the town as a whole.
The volunteers from the MBA department took the charge of different teams
and they lead the cleaning activity.
Entire bus station, the road upto Shamshuddin Circle, a portion of Bunder
road and Sagar road were cleaned by the students. At 11:15 am the students and the
guest re-gathered at the bus station and the cleanup drive was appreciated by the
available guests and dignitaries, the workers and the KSRTC staffs were presented
mementos as an appreciation for their services to the community.
The event was co-ordinated by the faculty Miss. Dcosta and Prof. Zahid
Kharuri from the MBA dept. and Prof. Jameel , Prof. Prakash Naik, Mr. Mohan
Mesta (Physical Director) and the other staff members from AIMCA.
Mr. Nazeer Kashimji, Mr. Nisar social workers were also present to
facilitate the event.

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