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1. List the events when St. Francis found Gods love
When he tried to chase the little bird when he was still in the process of
conversion. That time, he started to appreciate Gods creatures.
When he saw Jesus eyes opened during the mass.
When he once visited the poors quarter.
2. Describe how he responded to Gods love
He rebuilt the ruined church
He gave up all his possessions
He traveled to Rome just to ask the Popes permission to let their
community be accepted by the church
He showed mercy and love to the poor and lived like one
He took care of the lepers and helped them despite their illness
3. Name the gospel values that Francesco enumelated from Jesus (how did he
live this in his personal life)
Compassion and mercy (he had served the poor with all his heart
without any hesitation and doubt to do so)
Humility (when he gave up all his possessions just to show how willing
and able he was to serve God without the wealth of anyone)
4. Why do you think our Pope adopted St. Francis name?
Because he had adored St. Francis because of his compassion and
mercy for the poor, his longing for peace and also his love and
protection for the nature and all of Gods creation.
5. Why is the film entitled brother sun and sister moon?
Because he treated every creature (biotic or abiotic) as his family. For
him, every single being created by God has a significant and distinctive
purpose in this world. Nothing in this world exists autonomously. It was
also mentioned in The Canticle of Creatures and natures purpose
has been expressed there.
6. What struck you most in the movie? How do you live it?
By the time Pope Innocent III said, Your poverty put us to shame. It
had struck me because of the thought that the Pope himself saw
Francescos passion to serve God and his pure intentions to help the
poor. Everyone had seemed to forget to value the poor in their time
and that people often consider them as burden. Everyone even the
church. As what I have observed during the Papal mass, almost every
people attending the ceremony was wealthy. The line aforementioned
above implies that even Francesco in his materialistically deprived
being had shown that we need not to have the power and money to
show our love and faith to God.

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