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Testing the ability of Grade-8 St.

Faustina Kowalska of Manila Cathedral School,

Batch 2014-2015 in Algebra Factorization
Name: ________________________________________
Researcher: Diane Angela A. Diolola

Score: _______________
Date: _______________

One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys. - Proverbs 18:9

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Strictly NO ERASURE.

1. When x3-16x factored completely, the result is?
A. (x-4)(x+4)

C. x2(x-16)

B. x(x-4)(x+4)

D. x(x-4)2

2. If 3x is a factor of 3x2-27x, what is the other factor?

A. x-3

C. x-9

B. x2-9

D. x+3

3. Factor completely: 5m2+20m+20.

A. 5(m+2)2

C. 5(m-2)2

B. 5(m+2)(m-2)

D. 5(m2+4m)

4. When factored completely, a2+b2 becomes _________?

A. (a+b)(a+b)

C. (a-b)(a-b)

B. (a-b)(a+b)

D. none of the above

5. Factor: -12x2+27.
A. -3(2x+3)(2x-3)

C. 3(2x+3)(2x-3)

B. 3(2x+3)2

D. -3(2x-3)2

6. If a student factors an expression that is the difference of two squares, the factors could be
which of the following choices?
A. (2a+b)(a-2b)

C. (x-5)(x-5)

B. (3x-4y)(3x+4y)

D. (3x+4y)(3x+4y)

7. Which expression is equivalent to 16a 2-49b2?

A. (4a-7b)(4a-7b)

C. (4a+7b)(4a+7b)

B. (4a-7b)(4a+7b)

D. (2a-7b)(4a-7b)

8. What are the factors of x2-5x-6?

A. (x-6)(x+1)

C. (x+2)(x-3)

B. (x+6)(x-1)

D. (x-2)(x-3)

9. The side of a cube is represented by (3x-2). Find the volume of the cube.
A. 27x3-54x2+36x-8

C. 9x2-12x+4

B. 27x3+8

D. 27x3-8

10. Factor completely: y2+18=11y.

A. (y-9)(y+2)

C. (y+9)(y+2)

B. (y+9)(y-2)

D. (y-9)(y-2)

11. When y2-16=0 is factored completely, what is the result?

A. (y+2)(y+4)=0

C. (y-2)(y-4)=0

B. (y-4)(y+4)=0

D. (y-2)(y+4)=0

12. Which of the following trinomials is perfect square trinomials?

A. 4y2+10y+25

C. 9a2-12a+4

B. r2-6r+36

D. x2+16x+16

13. What are factors of x2-10x+25?

A. (x+5)(x+5)

C. (x+5)(x-5)

B. (x-5)(x-5)

D. (x-2)(x-5)

14. Solve a2-12a=-27

A. (a+3)(a+9)

C. (a-3)(a-9)

B. (a+3)(a-9)

D. (a-3)(a+9)

15. Factor the polynomial 4x2-25 using difference of two squares.

A. (2x-5)(2x-5)

C. (2x+5)(2x+5)

B. (2x-5)(2x+5)

D. none of the above

16. What are the factors of 2x2-50?

A. 2(x-5)(x+5)

C. 2(x-4)(x-5)

B. (2x-4)(x+5)

D. 2(x+5)(x+4)

17. Factor the perfect square polynomial 25x 2+90x+81.

A. (5x+9)(5x+9)

C. (25x+9)(x+9)

B. (5x-9)(5x-9)

D. (x-9)(25x+9)

18. When 4b2+16b+16 is factored completely, what is the result?

A. 4(b+2)(b+2)

C. 4(b-2)(b+2)

B. 4(b+4)(b+2)

D. 4(b+2)(b-4)

19. Expand (2x-5)(2x-3).

A. 4x2-16x+15

C. 4x2+8x-15

B. 4x2+8x+15

D. 4x2-16x-15

20. What are the factors of 32x3-8xy2?

A. 8x(2x-2y)2

C. 8x(2x+y)(2x+y)

B. 8x(2x+y)(2x-y)

D. 8x(2x-y)2

21. What is the correct answer when you factorize 3x-9?

A. 3(x-9)

C. 3(x-3)

B. 3(x-6)

D. 3(x-2)

22. Factor the following: 2x2+5xy-3y2

A. (2x+y)(x+3y)

C. (2x-y)(x+3y)

B. (2x+y)(x-3y)

D. (2x-y)(x-3y)

23. Factor the following: -9x2-6xy+3y2

A. (x+y)(9x+3y)

C. (-3x+3y)(3x-y)

B. (x-3y)(-3x+2y)

D. (3x+3y)(-3x+y)

24. When 5x2-7x-6 factored completely, what will be the factors?

A. (5x+3)(x-2)

C. (x-6)(5x+1)

B. (5x-2)(x+3)

D. (x+6)(5x-1)

25. Which of the following CANT express the polynomial 4x 5+20x4+24x3?

A. 4x3(x2+5x+6)

C. 4x3(x+1)(x+6)

B. 4x3(x+3)(x+2)

D. 4x3(x+2)(x+3)

26. What are the factors of x2-12x+36?

A. (x+6)(x+6)

C. (x-1)(x-12)

B. (x+12(x+1)

D. (x-6)(x-6)

28. When 4x2-64 is factored completely, what would be the result?

A. (2x-8)(2x-8)

C. (2x+8)(2x-8)

B. (2x+64)(2x-1)

D. (4x+64)(x+1)

29. Factor the expression 4x2-8x-5.

A. (2x+5)(2x-1)

C. (2x-5)(2x+1)

B. (4x+5)(x-1)

D. (x+1)(4x-5)

30. All of this are perfect square trinomial EXCEPT?

A. x2+4x+4

C. 12x2+6+1

B. 16x2+32xy+16y2

D. x2+2x+1

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