Running Head: Team Assignment 1

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Running head: Team Assignment

Treton Communication

Ralph Paun

Team Assignment

Discussion Questions

1. Specific issues were, discrimination, harassment and religious persecution. For

example; being asked to provide information pertaining to his religion. Then
when co-workers left derogatory material on his desk and in his office.
These actions were in violation of Title 7-discrimination law, which covers
harassment, religion, gender and ethnicity.
2. We believe Marta Ford handled the situation professionally, but she sensitivity
training sooner than later, to prevent the complicated situation. Provide annual
mandatory training with acknowledgement form every employee.
3. Very unprofessional, and big part of the problem, while condoning the behavior
that transpired. Which created a larger problem by electing not to promote
Maalick to the new position, which he was qualified.

Judith Dixon should make an example by retraining along with a suspension for
Clive Jenkins. Also put out a memo to all employees and management that there
will be zero tolerance for this going forward.

Team Assignment
5. That they are racist and discriminate against people who may be different. She
will need to enforce the company policies, and make sure the image of the
company is not damaged.

Society for Human Resource Management, Gwendolyn M. Combs, PH.D.

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