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You are on page 1of 16

What's Inside

Travelling India - PAGE 3

Sumptuous Delights - PAGE 4
Three years. Three majors.
One big change..-PAGE 5
Hamelt revisted - PAGE 6
Magnificat - PAGE 6
Pioneer Talks - PAGE 7
One World, One Family - PAGE 8
CSA Works
though you to the world - PAGE 9
DrEAm Chaser - PAGE 10
Blessed Saints - PAGE 11
Media Meet - PAGE 12
Across the generations - PAGE 13
Unband - PAGE 14
A journey we started together - PAGE 15



Travelling India
Written and photographed by Tarangini Jayram

There are two sides to Jammu &

Kashmir as the name suggests,
Jammu Region and the valley
of Kashmir. While the Jammu
region is predominantly Hindu
dominated, Kashmir is now Muslim
dominated. The great divide is
also due to the geographical divide
created by the mighty Pir Panjal
range of mountains. Nestled in
the foot hills of the Pir Panjal is
this small quaint town of Poonch
which is about 7 hours drive from
Jammu after crossing the River
Chenab at Akhnoor
Poonch was ruled by the Mughals
in the 16th and 17th Century till
the Sikhs took over in the early
part of the 18th century. In the
19th century, Dogra King Raja
Moti Singh established supremacy
over Poonch and ever since, the
palace which houses the Indian
Armys 93rd Infantry Brigade Head
quarters is known as Moti Mahal.
Today Poonch is divided between
India and Pakistan and is witness
to frequent border skirmishes
between the two countries. The
United Nations has a military
observer office here which
monitors the escapades between
the two arched rivals.
The valley of Poonch is beautiful
with the perennial flow of the river
that runs through the town. The
population is a mix of Hindus,
Interestingly, Poonch has a short
airstrip and the road connects to
Rawalkot in Pakistan. Interesting
tourist spots are the Sikh Shrine,
Loran Mandi temple and Saujian
which is a small border village
about 45 minutes drive from
Poonch.There are small time hotels

and lodges that are available in

Poonch which basically play host
to the tradesmen who visit the
place to buy lucrative things like
the Kasturi of the mountain deer
which has medicinal value, Guchi
a mushroom which is very high
in protein content and cannot be
cultivated and has to be picked in
the wild, Koot which is a root of a
plant which is found in the higher
reaches of the Pir Panjal known to
cure arthritis and joint pains. A
walk into the border areas ahead of
Saujiyan can treat you to a valley
of flowers between March and
May. . This lovely place is, it is
frequently disturbed by terrorist
movement and shelling by both
India and Pakistan.
Jim Corbette National Park.
This is amust visit place for the
adventure seeking soul.
There are a few things in life that
one must do and one of them is to
visit The Jim Corbett National Park
nestled in the plains of the lesser
Himalayas that is the Kumaon hills
in Uttarakhand. It is one of the
oldest National parks of India and
was earlier known as the Hailey
National Park which protected the
endangered and Majestic Bengal
Tiger. We got there after a four
hour long drive from Dehradun. It
was a bright sunny day as we got to
Ramnagar to book our rooms at the
famous Dhikala range of the Park.

"We got on to an elephant

to hunt and spot the Bengal

The first night was a night to

remember as we were well secured
within the high fences of this
sanctuary that caged us from
the wild animals that were in the
open. My dad had carried his night
vision binoculars and through the
passive night sights technique to
use ambient light of the stars, we
could see a herd of deer around our
camp, a herd of wild elephants and
a few hyenas. The tiger remained
The next day, we got on to an
elephant to hunt and spot the
Bengal Tiger as we thought the
elephants cross country capability
would assure us of a spotting.
My Mother decided not to go
with us but chose to use the SUV
instead and Woah did she beat
us to it. The shy tiger let her have
a glance at him and she alerted
the entire Dhikala range. We got
back after spotting other animals
like the wild boar, spotted deer,
Sambar, barking deer, peacocks,
Macau, jungle fowl and of course
the Indian Magarmach (Crocodile)
basking on the banks of the
Ramganga River.
My dear Mom kept waiting
frozen in her seat where she had
seen the tiger till we reached her
SUV. The beast was hiding in the
tall grass barely 800 meters away
from where we were parked on the
dusty jungle track. As the spotter
crowd increased in strength, the
big guy bolted out of his hiding
into oblivion. That moment of
spotting a tiger in the wild would
have forever remained etched on
the minds of every one of those
tourists who were with us. Long
live the Royal Bengal Tiger.

Sumptuous Delights
Written by Shivangi Rastogi

Swad is a Food Festival put on by the Department of Hotel Management on 12th

December, 2014 to commemorate Terra Madre Day. Mr Jayaram, founder of The
Green Path inaugurated the event. Celebrity chef Abhijit Saha graced the occasion with
his presence
Terra Madre is a project conceived
by Slow Food. Slow Food is an
organization started by Carlo
Petrini and a group of activists
in the 1980s with the initial
aim to preserve the equity and
sustainability of the food we eat.
With the change in time and our
eating habits, we have forgotten the
essence of our traditional cuisines.
Terra Madre day is an initiative to
bring back the dwindling interest
of our young generation in the
world of traditional food. The
disappearance of our local food
is taking place at a very rapid
rate. Therefore, to celebrate and
revive the authentic taste and
beauty of our food, Slow Food
was celebrated in our university to
preserve our indigenous delicacies
Professor Kerwin Savio Nigli
attended the Salone de Gusto
Terra Madre festival held in
Turin, Italy between 23rd and
28th October, 2014 where,he got
inspired by the movement, and
decided to celebrate it in our
university by gathering all the first
year students.
India is a country which boasts
of its authentic and indigenous
dishes and to experience the lost
taste again, the students of the
Department of Hotel Management
tried their best to take us on the
wonderful journey into the world
of our traditional and cultural


cuisine. Wheat, rice, raagi, jowar ,

pulses and jaggery are considered
as the staple food of India; but
who thought that these ingredients
can do wonders and be blended
together to give us some mouth
watering dishes like muruk roti,
bhugga, makki roti churi and
mochar ghonto? Dont all these
dishes sound queer and eccentric?
These are our some traditional
dishes which are forgotten and lost
in the world of fast food.
Bhuga is a Sindhi dish which is
cooked with rice, lots of onion and
our Indian spices. The ingredients
used are surely less, but the taste is
divine. Mocha Ghonto is a unique
Bengali dish prepared using
Banana plant , grated coconut,
spices and sugar. One bite of the
dish and all the taste buds get
tantalized. The subtle sweetness
and a dash of fresh coconut please
the heart to the core. Shastralu is
a speciality of Karnataka which
is made of rice flour. The flour is
kneaded and pressed into noodles
like strings. Boiled vegetables and
spices are added.
This recipe is quite simple but
the taste is scrumptious and it is
extremely healthy and nutritious.
Pathrode is both a Maharashtrian
as well as Gujrati dish prepared
using colocasia(Arbi) leaves. The
leaves are stuffed with gram flour,
tamarind and jaggery. The tangy

sweet taste surely makes your

heart crave for some more.
Porulvilankai is sweet of Tamil
Nadu which is made of wheat,
rice, jaggery and garlic powder.
Popping one ball after a meal can
be a really satisfying experience.
On the whole, the festival was a
huge success and the department
of Hotel Management surely
deserves accolades. The first year
students put up a great show and
enticed us with delicious aromatic
To be fair this entire fest not only
brought back the focus on the old
and traditional foods of various
cultural backgrounds but also
made one think back to the days
their grandmoms used to cook
these lovely dishes and served it to
us with love and adoration in her
Kalpalatha , a cookery book by
Late S. Vedamma was distributed
to all the students. The funds
collected during this fest went
to feeding the underprivileged
children sponsored by our
The Department of Hotel
Management and the students of
the first year along with the HOD
was applauded for its efforts.
They made the whole food
experience even better with the
interctive and infomative way of
presenting their dishes.


Three years. Three majors.

One big change..
Written by Nush Lewis,
coresponded by Madhavi Gangadharan

If anyone asked me to recount

my years in Christ College
(Yes, it was Christ College at
that time), Three majors and
One Big Change was exactly
what it was. Three years was
all it took to convince me to
NOT get into F, E and P
(Now C, E and P). I distinctly
remember sitting in on our
batch orientation in 2006
amongst a sea of students.
Some looked scared, some
looked worried, some were
familiar while the others
didn't care. The curtains
went up in the magnificent
auditorium and on the right of
the stage stood three rows of
students. The spot light went
on and what I heard after that
defined those three years and
what my life is today.
The Christ College Choir,(then
led by Mr. Sunil Chandy), was
a group of students who were
extremely passionate about music.
Needless to say, they were led by a
man who had music in his bones.
At the orientation I remember
leaning towards my mom and
telling her that I wanted to join the
choir. Classes started and tryouts
and auditions for every extracurricular activity were on I, of
course, didn't pay attention to the
notice boards and therefore missed
the choir auditions. By the time I
found out about it, the auditions
were over and the list of the new
choir members were up. I then ran
to Mr. Sunil Chandy's office and
asked if I could be given a time to
come and audition.

extremely sure of was that

I wanted music to be a part
of my life. Even if it was
a hobby. All I told myself
whatever my decision was I
needed to do something that
made me really happy. So, I
asked myself, what made me
really happy. Singing made
me happy,music made me
happy. I promised myself that
I will never look back at my
life and ask What if?
Now, regardless of how
supportive your parents are
you still worry about how
they'll react on telling them
you want to be a musician.
Nevertheless I went and told
them that I wanted to get into
music production, since it
Photo credits Nush Lewis
sounded more lucrative.
He looked at me blankly and said They looked confused but didn't
"How about now?". I stood there want to discourage me. Before I
panting thinking to myself "You've knew it I was on the phone with
got to be kidding?". I didn't have Tanvi Rao discussing my next
much time to waste as I had a class move. Tanvi at that time was
about to start so I quickly caught studying at the KM Conservatory
my breath and sang Amazing in Chennai. I applied, set an
Grace. Literally hoping it would audition date, auditioned and got
save me. "Cool! See you every accepted. What came after that was
afternoon at room 209."
something that I was not prepared
I then became a partof something for at all. I joined the school very
that was much larger than life. excited about finally learning
Those forty five minutes that I spent music formally but to my bad luck
in room 209 were the best forty (now good luck) things in the vocal
five minutes of my day. Regardless department didnt really pan out as
of how my day had been, when I Id expected. A week at a school
walked into that room and sang annual day function I witnessed
with those people, nothing else in the harp teacher perform. Intrigued
the world mattered to me.
by the instrument I thought Id just
By the time I was in my third year I do a trial class. The harp teacher
was still confused about what to do obliged and we scheduled a class.
in life. But one thing I was
The rest is, truly, history.

Hamlet Revisited

The tragedy of the Prince of Denmark

Written by Madhavi Gangadharan

A princes vengeance, mothers

love, a lovers dilemma and the
ruthlessness of a brother. The
students of School of Law, Christ
University put up a production of
Shakespeares tragedy Hamlet:
Prince of Denmark on the 29th and
30th of November 2014. It was
held in the Main Auditorium,Christ
Directed by Professor Esther Yates,
Head of Department of the Theatre
Studies Program, the play proved
to be one of the best productions
presented by the School of Law.
The play was a grand success with
great applause and appreciation
especially following their second
The titular role was played by 2nd
year law student, Feroz Sunil who

did a brilliant job of bringing the

true of nature of the character come
alive on the stage. When asked
what it was about Feroz made that
her see him as Hamlet, Professor
Yates said A directors dream is
not just that the character meets the
wishes or demands of the director
but goes beyond it.And that is what
i saw in Feroz. He had the X-factor
which I was looking for.
The students thoroughly enjoyed
their experience working in the
production and many have said
to have learnt a lot about theatre
under the guidance of Professor
Yates. We have all become close
friends because of this experience
and the memories we shared with
each other said many of the
students.The production of Hamlet

was a mesmerizing show to watch

and Shakespeare's true genius was
brought alive by the students of
School of Law. It has raised the bar
for all future productions and has
left everyone looking forward to
.their next production


Truely magnificent

Written by Tarangini Jayram

The most intense moment when

something is going on, is that,
when it is just about to happen,
and indeed it was so, when the
Christ University Choir (CUC)
stood on the risers on stage for the
curtains to be drawn and the event
to finally begin. How big would
the crowd be? What would be their
response? How will the 3 days
of this magnificent event called
The CUC began practicing for
this event a good two months in
advance and it was time now for
their hard work to pay. The students
were no less than any other choir
they have faced. Not only did they
sing in choral harmony but each
individual had a bold voice of his
own. The students would sacrifice

their lunch hour to practice as a

team and would also wait after
college got over, just to make
their musical pieces sound better.
Mr. Jason Kishander, the CUC
coordinator is indeed a man who
can bring out perfection with the
least amenities. Mr. Jason is so
well versed in music that he makes
Christ University Choir what it is
today. Day-by-day and bit-by-bit
he made each student master the
pieces, so that he would not falter
in the end. The choir performed
5 songs. Each piece was more
complex than the other With an
8 part harmony it is indeed a
tedious job to pieces together and
bring them even a bit close to the
original version. But Mr. Jason is
as fast and good a tutor as he is a

musician. Few would know that he

has a magical ability to be able to
count the beats as he is singing. It
is this ability of his that comes in
hand of the CUC.
The decoration of the stage was
done by the CUC students. .
The artistic minds of a few, was
brought together and it resulted
in the beautiful stage dcor. The
stars and risers were made and
decorated by the hands of the CUC
After all the effort put in by the
CUC team, MAGNIFICAT did pay
off well. With a few minor issues it
got over on the 7th of December,
but left each student not only with
warm and wonderful memories but
also with a warm smile on his/her
face which will last forever.

Pioneer talks
Written by Elizaba Abraham

Alyque Padamsee, an Indian

theatre personality and ad film
maker, best known for his
performance as Muhammed Ali
Jinnah in the Richard Attenbourgh
film Gandhi, made a special
appearance at Christ University
on 15th February 2015 as the
chief guest of the World Premier
of the play The Agony and the
Ecstasy. The student initiative of
Christ University which involved
students from across the deaneries
and was directed by the Head of
Department, Theatre Studies, Mrs.
Esther Yates saw the presence
of the legendary personality . A
mentor to Mrs. Yates, Alyque, as
he is liked to be called, attended the
showcase and was seen radiating
with happiness as enjoyed the
performance of the story of
Michelangelo, the great Italian
painter. A well-known personality,
commonly referred to as the Father
of Indian theatre and advertising,
his presence was truly intimidating
to the entire cast and crew of the
production but the efforts were
clearly appreciated as expressed
through his standing ovation.
There were smiles everywhere as
Alyque continued his adoration of
the productiont hrough his speech
soon after the play and also the next
day, where he addressed the Media
Department of Christ University.
The 83 year old legend of
Advertising took time out his busy
schedule to address the Media
Department on 16th February. He
shared his experiences in life and
titled his talk Leading the Double
Life where he expressed his
views on theatre and advertising.
The audience were given glimpses
into the life of Gandhi

through Alyques descriptions of

his role in the movie titled Gandhi
and also show reels from his iconic
ads were played.
The infamous Humara Bajaj and
Cherry Chaplin were screened
for a generation that only heard
of these advertisements from their
parents, but the familiarity was
odd. He also spoke about life in
general and gave a much younger
insights. The session proved very
interesting and truly captivating
as the audience didnt even realise
the three hours they sat listening to
Alyque Padamsee.
An important part of his time
at Christ University was his
Theatre studies students and a few
selected from other deaneries. I
was privileged enough to attend
the session where the Alyque
gave the students an indepth look
into his life in theatre and the 74
productions he has been part of.
His current play Jesus Christ
Superstar was the prime topic of
discussion, he also talked about
his favourite actors like Marlon
Brando and his great appreciation
of Shakespeare.
The most memorable part of
the interactive session was his
impromptu enactment of Shylock
from Merchant of Venice. The
students sat in absolute awe as
the iconic theatre personality
Alyque Padamsee, a truly eccentric
man engaged the students of
Christ University in one of a
kind experience that enriched the
students with quality advice and
insight into the life of advertising
and theatre alike.


The 2nd Edition of Sahyog, a spectacle of astounding talent, was successfully

organized at the Christ University Auditorium on Monday, 24th November by the
Department of Professional Studies in collaboration with several Non-Governmental
picture credit Christ university website

Written by Elizaba Abraham

Sahyog is an initiative of the

Studies at Christ University
which recognizes talent among
differently abled individuals of
the society. In collaboration with
Christ University's Centre for
Social Action and three NGOs, the
event showcased an array of talent
that left the audience spellbound.
The NGOs which participated
included The Deepa Academy
for the Blind, Diya Foundation
and Samarthanam Trust. Sahyog,
stands for encouraging a sense of
turning the impossible to possible,
of promoting pure talent.
I may not be perfect yet, but I
am capable, the phrase resonated
throughout all the performances.
The presentations varied from
Indian classical dances by the
children from 'Deepa Academy for
the Blind' to Samarthanams own
differently abled band. There was
a great sense of enthusiasm and
sheer admiration for pure talent.
The presence of three eminent

Indian sportsperson contributed to

its sense of achievement. Strength
does not come from physical
capacity, but indomitable will,
said Padmashree Dr.Malathai
Holla, winner of over 400
international medals in athletics.
Dr.Holla has been confined to a
wheel chair since her contraction
of polio at the age of 14 months.
Her cheerful spirit was radiating,
and provided great encouragement
to appreciate talent in all its forms.
Similarly,young swimmers like
Mr. Sharath Gayakwad and Mr.
Niranjan Mukund offered great
inspiration. Mr. Gayakwad was
born with a disabled arm but
has achieved many accolades
including the title of Most medals
won at the Asian Games,beating
P.T Ushas record of 5 Asian Game
successfully,that, a young visually
challenged man can entertain
the audience with his astounding
Mimicry, while, the children with

Down syndrome proved they too

can shake a leg wonderfully.
Preceding the final stage showcase,
the Department of Professional
studies also conducted an Art
Exhibition on the 13th and 14th
of November. At the exhibition,
several products manufactured by
the NGOs were sold.The Blind
Walkathon.It saw students step into
the shoes of visually challenged
individuals and experience the
world through blindfolds. It proved
to be a challenge that helped gain
great respect for the visually
challenged community. Another
grand event was the Cricket match
between 'The Karnataka Blind
Cricket Team' and the 'Christ
University Faculty'. The Karnataka
Cricket Team delightfully won the
match to prove that disabilities
cant curb determination.
Sahyog was a successful attempt
by Christ University to promote
equality for differently abled
individuals. It aimed to encourage
acceptance of disability in society .


through you to the world

Written by Aishwarya Palaparthy

Photo credits CSA Blog

The Center of Social Action of Christ University

organized Prayatna 2014 on the 6th and 7th of
December . CSA volunteers joined forces to rid the
streets around the university off garbage and discarded
construction debris.
The volunteers lined up early on 6th morning, to collect
their t-shirts and get their faces painted. A week prior
to this, the area starting from Christ University till the
end of S.G Palya was divided into fifteen blocks, each
block had five to eight volunteers . The volunteers
were asked to go around their assigned blocks and
make note of all the areas that needed special attention
and report it to their group heads, who in turn reported
it to the heads of the event.
The volunteers then gathered eagerly in front of block
one, faces painted, huddled in their groups awaiting
the masks, gloves, garbage bags and equipment.
Once they collected all they had to, they marched
out of college and started work, ridding the streets of
rubbish while some volunteers went around speaking
to people watching about the importance of a clean
environment.CSA's very own street theatre group
Drishti performed a play to make a bigger impact
with the audience, large crowds gathered around to
see what the volunteers with brightly painted faces
and loud voices were trying to say.
After two exhausting days of cleaning the volunteers
gathered for a feedback session where they talked
about the problems they faced and what they learned
from this endeavor.On the whole the event was a
success as the volunteers learned about what it took
to keep our streets clean .

Warm smiles, excited eyes, and playful chatter filled

the main auditorium of Christ University the morning
of the 15th day of December. Gracias is an event
organized annually by the Center for Social Action
(CSA), it is one where the children from variously
project areas that students sponsor get the opportunity
to come to our massive auditorium and perform for
them to say thank you.Children start practices for the
event months in advance with volunteers teaching
them to dance, learn their lines for the plays guiding
them with any other help they might require, including
the equipment and costumes they might need for their
This year Gracias saw 400 children perform and
had children from five project areas come watch
the performances, laughter galore. The auditorium
was packed with students, lecturers and children
going wild with chatter, hooting and clapping for the
multiple children performing on stage for them. The
look they had in their eyes the smiles on their faces as
they stepped foot on the stage was beyond measure.
The christites were dumbfounded by the talents and
capabilities of all the participants, they cheered the
children,encouraging them. The smiles and laughter
from the children was infectious, made sure that
people walked out joyous.
The day of festivities came to a close on a touching
note,a child from L.R. Nagar gave the vote of thanks,
in English and was something he wrote himself, he
thanked the university and CSA for sponsoring the
children but what his speech really did was remind us
how blessed we were.

Photo credits CSA Blog


Dream Chaser
Written by Shivangi Rastogi

Beti bachao beti padho

is a movement launched
by PM Narendra Modi
to save and educate
the girl child. The
movement has surely
gained momentum,but,
the truth is there are
still many girl children
who are abandoned,
neglected, and left on
the lurch.
However, the scheme
does bring a hope of
light too. There are millions of girls
who have been inspired and desire
for a better life. Christ Universitys
paper unit Parivarthana workers
are the optimistic people who
struggle and slog to make their
life easy and get educated.

Written by Tarangni Jayram

The National Cadet Corps'

(NCC) aim is to train the
students, keeping basic
principles in mind. This
and gives exposure to
basic military skills and
knowledge. These students
are taught a basic syllabus
and in addition, State
Directorates conduct Social
Service Activities in the
form of rallies of any nature
to carry social messages in
the form of posters, street plays,
placards etc.The NCC also aims
to inculcate a sense of patriotism,
secular values and motivate each
cadet to contribute towards nation
building through national unity
and social cohesion The Drill they
perform is to create in them a sense

last three months.

Ayesha is an enthusiastic
girl, who loves reading
books and has a keen interest
in sports too.She left her
studies after completing her
matriculation exam, due to
financial constraints,but her
passion to learn something
new was still alive. She
learnt how to use the
computer to find work so
that she could support her
Photo credits Shivangi Rastogi family financially. All was
As I enter the small Parivarthana fine until she was hit hard by
office. I see a young woman pneumonia fever. Due to her
working on the handmade sheets. condition, she was forced to leave
She greets me with a lovely and her job, which was the only source
a heart warming smile. Ayesha*is of her income. however life had
a young chirpy girl who has been some other plans for her. She soon
working in Parivarthana for the
found work in Parivarthana.

adequate leadership traits
to contribute effectively
in all walks of life.
The NCC at Christ
University comes under
the 9 Karnataka Battalion
with whose support it is
able to effectively carry
out all its drills, shooting
and other activities. NCC
at Christ University is
headed by NCC Officer
Mr. Padmakumar. He has
Photo credits Tarangni Jayram
been affective till this
date to nurture these
of discipline, improve bearing, With his help in training, the Christ
intelligence, and turnout, and to University NCC had the opportunity
develop the quality of immediate to represent Bangalore in the Republic
and implicit obedience of orders. Day Parade held in Delhi, which was
The cadets are also subjected to honoured by the presence of United
personality training and development States of America President Mr.
and leadership which develops in them Barack Obama. With each step NCC
an all-round dynamic personality with marchs forward with heads held high.

Blessed Saints

Photo credits Google

Written by Aarthi Kumar

Kuriakose Elias Chavara a name

so prominant in the reacent past
was a man who was a saint from
birth and on the 24th of November ,
2014. Blessed Chavara Lived in the
19th century in Kerala and is still
known as a great social reformer
and priest of his time. He was well
known during this time as a man
who took it as his lifes mission to
introduce reforms in Kerala and
within Syrian Catholic Church
also. This visionary was born
on the 10th of February 1805 at
Kainakari , district of Alappuzha.
On completion of his religious
studies , he was ordained a priest
in 1829. From then on he was seen
to have had a constant intervention
territories of the human life , until
his death on 3rd of January 1871.
Chavara was declared as a blessed
in 1986 along with sister Alphonsa,
who was made a saint in 2008. As
an ecclesiastic, Charava tried

his best to propagate the Sunday

sermon as a faithfully satisfied
ceremony in churches and retreat
for laymen. He was known to
have started the first press at
his monastery at Mannanam in
Kottayam in the year 1846. Later,
the press was used for bringing out
the first Malayalam daily Nasrani
Deepika at the behest of Chavara.
Saint Euphrasia was known to be a
humble CMC nun, Carmel heritge
prayer was personlized by her. She
lived a life which was according to
the devine inspirations and rose to
great hights of sanctity, Euphrasian
Eluvathingal (Rosa) was born on
17th of October, 1877 in Kattur,
Thirissur district. On her 8th day
she was baptised and at the age of 12
joined a boarding school attached
to the then indigenous Carmelite
community founded by our very
own Kurikose Elias Chavara and
Rev. Leopold Beccaro, 1866 at

In 1897, Rosa received her

headdress and the name Euphrasia
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
and in 1898 the Religious Habit
of Carmel. Euphrasia took her
perpetual vows on 24 May 1900
during the blessing of the newly
founded convent at Ollur. After
that, she was appointed assistant
to the Novice Mistress. Though
frail in health, Euphrasia exhibited
rare moral courage, spiritual
power and a very high sense of
responsibility and so she was soon
appointed Novice Mistress of the
Congregation. Later she was made
Mother Superior of St. Marys
Convent, Ollur. People called her
the "Praying Mother" and the
mobile tabernacle.Her whole
life was full of continuous prayer,
penance and reparation. Mother
Euphrasia found contentment in
loving Jesus. After a long life of
75 years, Euphrasia, the praying
mother passed away in the convent

Media Meet
Written by Shivangi Rastogi

Media Meet is a National Media

Seminar organized by the
Department of Media Studies
annually. The first seminar was
held on November 29 and 30,
2010. Media Meet aims to provide
a platform to the students where
they can showcase and share
their creative thinking, hidden
talents and innovative ideas. The
objective is to encourage, actively
involve and engage the students
in the world of media. Media
Meet was my dream. The overall
objective of it is to bring the media
industry to the Christ University,
says Fr. Biju Chacko.( Coordinator
and Lecturer of Media Studies).
A seminar of this calibre is not
easy to pull off. A lot of hard
work, support and encouragement
is needed. The AVM (Film
Production), Art Film Industry and
Musician SP Balasubrahmanyam
played a major role in contriving
the seminar. The contribution
made by the teachers and M.S
Communication students cannot
go unnoticed. The dedication,
diligence and the tenacity of people
associated with the seminar surely
deserve accolades. Each year the
seminar gets bigger and better.
Cooperation, strategic planning
and execution, brain storming and
open to criticism are strengths
of the students which make the
seminar a huge success.
Media Meet-Moving Frames,
2010-the theme focused on the
potential and influence of cinema.
The events conducted were quite
creative and tried out to bring
out the true essence of cinema.
Photography, One Minute

Photo credits Christ website

Documentary, Film Screening

and Film Trivia were some of the
events. Media Meet- 2011 centred
on Advertising. The theme focused
on advertisements and how they
have succeeded in making an
impact on the mind of Indian
Media Meet -2012- Lets Networkwas the much awaited seminar. The
key- note speech was addressed
by Mr. Suhas Gopinath, CEO,
Global Incs. Digital Animation
and Gaming, Adobe Connected
and E-Crusade were some of the
events. The events were surely as
creative and innovative as their
. Media Meet 2013, focused on
The Importance and Impact
of Television News Channel.
The seminar was followed by a
powerful and impactful speech
of Mr. Arnab Goswami the
Editor-in- Chief of Times Now on
Broadcast Media.
The workshops conducted were
proved to be interesting and gave
few guidelines to the students on
animation, radio broadcasting,
studio lightning and news
reporting. The theme for Media

Meet, 2014 was Print Media

Write Here, Right Now. The
keynote address was delivered
by the pioneering and flamboyant
speaker and columnist Mr. Suhel
Seth. He enraptured the audience
and provided with an insight into
the industry. The much awaited
Media Meet of 2015 will be held
on a larger platform as it turns
international. Countries from all
over the world would be invited
and the University seeks maximum
participation. The theme for this
year is Visual Culture Seeing is
BelievingIt is an honour for Christ
University to go international and
bridge the gap between the students
of India and other countries. The
highlight of the seminars goes to
the workshops which help students
to understand the intricacies and
nuances of different fields of
media. It provides an insight into
what career in media entails and
gives them a practical application
of classroom learning. Media
is a powerful weapon which
can expunge the atrocities and
enormities.Media Meet aims to
give a chance to the students to
rise, shine and succeed.

Across the generations

Written by Tarangini Jayram

Through the generations we

live,gaps are just a hurdle to be
leapt over, for an everlasting
togetherness.- Aarthi Kumar
My father Col. PL Jayram, the
oldest among all his cousins. I
would therefore call him a first
generation Christite, while his
cousin sisters, about 18 years
younger to him would be the
second generation Christites.
I would naturally be the third
generation to enter the folds of the
Christ University.
In 1984 my father joined Christ as
a student of first year B.Com. His
class was full of guys, who would
flood the lane outside Jyoti Nivas
College to add some color in their
otherwise mundane lives. College
life was indeed fun then too, with
student body elections conducted
by the student welfare officer.
Syndicates were formed and
campaigning would begin at the
beginning of the academic session.
The wall along the walk way from
the gate to Block I would be full
of graffiti and posters while the
candidates would wait to shake
hands with the voters on the walk
way. This stage witnessed the
speeches of the candidates and the
famous Spring Fest that was an
inter collegiate festival hosted by
the Christ College. Events were
fun like JAM (just a minute), Dum
Charades, Mad Ads, art, Indian
and Western music etc.
The canteen used to be run by a Mr.
Chacko which stood pretty much
where the present main cafeteria
stands today. Only, it had an
asbestos roof those days and poor
Chacko used to urge students not

to break his glasses venting their

anger at each other. There were no
malls and so no distractions.
Father Manigyle and Father
Augustine were the Principals
during this period with the
former being a terror as he would
slap very hard with his big hand.
The College hockey team was
notorious with a sure fist fight
with St Josephs during a match.
The college band was renowned
as After Christ and my father
was the non playing manager
of the band. The national cadet
corps of the college, were given
an opportunity to go on All
India camps to learn all types of
adventure sports.
Learning was fun and attendance
constraints were still the same as
they are now. Joint studies were the
order of the day with cramming
a month before the exams. Late
night study would always see
students gather at Check post
(area opposite St Anthonys
Church) for a cup of tea. College
was an excellent ground for all
types of explorations. Today some
of us are in service while some are
rich builders like Jitendra Vaswani
of the famous Embassy builders.
Rich or poor, it didnt matter at
all as the thread of friendship was
above all this.
It is with fond memories that
my aunt thinks of her days at
Christ College. She studied there
from 1998 to 2001 for her PUC
and BCOM degrees. Right
from the first sense of freedom
(after finishing high school) and
excitement (of starting a new
chapter) ) I felt walking

up the long and green pathway all

the way to walking up that same
path anxiously when the final
year Bcom scores were posted
up, I look back and smile at the
various moments, emotions and
learning that Christ College gave
me. They were carefree days but
they were also very formative
days where books and professors
were as precious as extracurricular
activities like the Cultural Team,
the Commerce Fest etc. (Okay,
I confess, the extracurricular
activities were always more
important for until exam days
loomed up close.), is what she
Both my dad and aunt look back at
those university days with a deep
sense of fulfillment and gratitude to
have had such a wonderful setting
in which to learn both in and out of
the classroom.
College life was peppered with
everything a growing teenager
needs: good teachers, great
friends, great campus, sense of
progress, sense, opportunity to
create and participate, opportunity
to showcase ones skills be they
academic or cultural, opportunity
to be teenagers and make mistakes
and learn important life lessons,
and Im sure a Christite can go on
with that list. Most importantly,
Christ allowed them to be who they
are. And accordiong to me, that
makes us special in our own ways.
And me being the third generation
I can't wait to create my own set
of memories that this great college
already holds for my family and
carry on the family tradition of
being a true christite

Written by Aishwarya Palaparthy


The Five Legged Funk Machine
is a semi pro Bangalore based
progressive Funk Band
Jesley Antony Vocalist
Milind Yohann Lead Guitarist
Yudhvir Saund Rhythm

1) So how did the 'Five Legged
Funk Machine' come into being?
The Idea of the Funk Machine was
born out of the combination of two
experimental bands that had just
kicked out of the Garage and onto
the stage. Milind found a comfort
zone like no other in Funk rock,
and turned to Yudhvir who was
part of a 4 Piece funk group.
The band then grew with Preran
on Drums, Siddharth Mandrekar
on Bass and Swarna Rajesh on
vocals (initially), at present we
have Jesley Antony as the bands
amazing vocalist.
2) Why the 'Five Legged Funk
Machine'? How did you come up
with the name?
We get asked that a lot, the answer
is pretty obvious, there's five of us
and we play funk music. Milind
came up with the name and we
thought it fit so we kept it.


3) Do you only play progressive

funk music or have you tried
experimenting with your sound?
Over the past months, the band has
grown in their perspectives and
playing, working on a few covers
and a lot of new material, with
Prashant Gnanamuthu (on Bass)
pushing them all to new limits of
musical prowess. Yeah, Prashant's
the man. And keeping up with
these leaps and bounds is Vocal
Powerhouse Jesley 'doesn't need a
microphone' Antony.

sound all intellectual! We write

about anything that's on our
minds. But we try to stay away
from mainstream stuff. Sherlock
is about a detective with a split
personality disorder, and doesn't
realise that he's the killer too

7) What's one of the best memories

you have as a band?
One of the band's greatest
moments was when they all sat
down together and wrote a song 3
hours before a show at Goa. That
there's some good ol' rock n roll
4) How long do you practice before stuff, Son.
There's a lot of different kinds of 8) What keeps your band together?
practice that we put in. Sometimes Debauchery, and a gooey feeling
it's just me and Prashant figuring post gigs that we call family!
things out, and sometimes its just
3 of us with a couple of acoustic 9) Describe the band in one
guitars, figuring out harmonies. sentence.
I would say that the real practice The Five Legged Funk machine
happens pretty close to the show.. is a disgustingly charming blend
But we manage to make it seem of awesomeness and old school
like not quite the mad rush that it music (except when Milind goes
all EDM on the 'Monkey Do'
5) what's your process for writing
10) how do you plan on keeping
new music?
The band believes that anyone the band together after college?
can and should contribute to the Frankly, we have no idea. This
creative process.. So whenever band is more of an 'elastic band'.
someone gets an idea, they post it We'll stretch what needs to be
on our WhatsApp group. And we stretched when the time comes.
develop on that.
The Five Legged Funk Machine is
just one of the few semi pro-bands
6) What inspires your music?
Haha, I guess you could say ' The that is from a college level . christ
university is a host to many others.
Human Condition' and make us


A journey we started together

CEP a journey we all started together.
We all walked into this class room exactly a year back with many
dreams brimming our minds. There was a mix of apprehension and
anticipation amongst us , to find our niche in the vast class of 70 odd
students. It was not easy in the beginning but in the past year together
we have found our way.
Here is what I call the CEP journey, from our very own CEP-ians

"I'm not into socializing

much but, I was able to
make good friends. Towards
the end of the first
Semester I was pretty much
familiar with who is who
and who does what and
And the group assignments
helped me get to know
people." - Rahul Ravi

" Never gone through

soo many emotions all at
the same time. Its been a
rollercoaster ride
I have grown and the
experience has been fun."
- Sharnya Govindaraj

"Its been rocking and a lot of

fun, I am glad to be in this
class and I like the
people in here with me"
-Adam Khan
"Right now its just the
beginning, we talk about
the journey at the end... but
so far its been an upward
- Swastik Saxena

"I have "mixed feelings" to

sum it up in a few words. I
like the college and
opportunities it gives me"
"VERY NICE..? initally I
- Ann Elizabeth
thought it would be very
" So far so good, basically
boring..our classes are
I realized a lot of personal
boring! But the assignments
changes in myself. I stopped
are fun so its pretty cool.
being an introvert and
Our class is cool, even
started interacting with " Experience has been like of
though we are culturally
various people and made like a roller coaster, initially
different we are one unit"
new discoveries
I felt alone and isolated but
-Ayman Hamzaki
in others."
once I found the right kind
- Aashmi Kumar
of people to hang around
with I feel now I have a
"At first I didn't like it, I felt
proper family
the crowd is really different
from PU but once we had
"Been an amazing
the Antony and Cleopatra
experience, bonding and
play and stuff we bonded
making friends has been
and gelled and its been
loads of fun. I am excited for
loads of fun"
the upcoming future."
-Lalawmpuii Chawngthu
-Vivek J Chirsty


Team Members:

Sub Editor :
Aarthi Kumar

Elizaba Abraham
Madhavi Gangadharan
Tarangini Jayram
Aishwarya Palaparthy
Shivangi Rastogi
Aarthi Kumar

Rough draft editing team:

Elizaba Abraham
Madhavi Gangadharan
Tarangini Jayram
Aishwarya Palaparthy
Shivangi Rastogi

Design and Layout:

Elizaba Abraham
Aarthi Kumar


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