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March 7, 2015

The BMOA Board meeting was held March 7, 2015. Members present were Liz Posner, Hans Wile, Terry
Straup, Carol Leech, Lillian Bagus, and Dave Keener. Also present was Toto Jost.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Ken Skahn. The minutes from the last board meeting, held Dec. 13,
2014, were read by Secretary, Carol Leech. A motion was made and second to approve as read. Motion was
passed. Treasurer, Lillian Bagus, gave the financial report. It, also, was passed as read.

Lillian said that our attorney will, once again, take nonpaying residents to court. The board will have
to determine which people will be taken first.
Lillian, also, brought up that we still need addresses for a few people on the mountain.
It was brought up that not all roads are getting cindered every time. This has just recently been a
problem. We talked about the fact of the truck and spreader being old and needing replaced or fixed.
Also, the fact that Harry and James might not always be able to do the cindering. After some
discussion, it was decided that Terry will talk to Dave Keller, Brandon Dyer, and Harry about possibly
making some changes in the future. Terry will bring us the results of these talks at the June meeting.
We also talked of the need for a contract between the mountain and whoever will be doing the cindering,
to specify what is needed between the two parties. Dave Keener, Hans Wile and Ken Skahn will come
up with a proposal to be discussed at the next meeting. It will then be brought up at the annual meeting
in Sept.
Concerning the brush that was to be cut on private property, some has been done.


It was brought up that we get permission from the owner of the lot at the bottom of Bear Mtn. to enlarge
it so more people could park there. It was stated, again, that Bear Mtn. has nothing to do with that lot.
Anybody who parks there, is doing so on their own.

Someone wanted to know if we could use salt, instead of, or in addition to, the cinders on the mountain
roads. This would be too costly, plus we dont have the equipment, or the space to store salt.

Lillian said the 3rd round of bills has been mailed to those who have not paid yet.

The meeting was adjourned, to meet again on June 6, 2015 at M-26.

Respectfully Submitted,

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