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Name: ________________________________ Period: _____ Date: ____________

Genetic Engineering Simulations

Go to the following webpage and complete the
questions below. Answers should be written in complete sentences.
Engineer a Crop: Selective Breeding
Why didnt farmers used to eat the best of the seeds that they produced?
Complete the Selective Breeding simulation until you have successfully
produced the largest crop possible.
How many tries did it take you to successfully produce the largest crop possible
using selective breeding? _______

Guess Whats Coming For Dinner:

Complete the Simulation: Click on each item and learn how each is being genetically
engineered and why they are being genetically engineered
13. Bananas:___________________________________________________________
16.Sushi: (rice)__________________________________________________________
19.French fries (potatoes):_________________________________________________

21. Now reflect on the foods listed above and think about how many of the food items
you eat on a daily basis. With this in mind, does it matter if you know whether or not the
food you are eating has been genetically modified? Why or why not?

Now go to the following web page on the Utah Learn.Genetics site:
Read the page that comes up and answer the following questions as you read through
information genetic modification of foods. Answers should be written in complete
22. In your own words, summarize one way that scientists can put bacterial DNA into
the cells of a tomato plant (hint: see graphic with tomato plant on the right):

23. What are some of the risks involved in producing genetically modified foods?

24. This website offered very little support of the benefits of genetically modified foods.
Would you conclude that this site is biased for or biased against genetically modified
food use? Explain and support your conclusion in paragraph form below:

Finally, visit the Who Wants to Be a Genetic Engineer Site:
25. Circle the plant you chose to modify:

Bt Corn
Corn resistant to Corn Borer (an insect)

Create Cina-apple
Cinnamon flavored apples

26. How many tries did it take for you to get the sequence right? _______
27. Before clicking on the button Breed Plant please write out the correct order in
which genetically engineered plants are created.

28. What is genetically modified (or new combination) of DNA called?

In the space below, answer the following- On the next page is an informational
graphic (infographic) with some data on which countries produce genetically
modified foods.
Recently in California, a bill was voted on that would allow for genetically modified food
to be labeled as genetically modified. This bill, Proposition 37, lost because 51.4% of
voters voted NO versus 48.6% of voters voted YES. Based on what you learned above,
choose whether you would have voted YES on labeling genetically modified foods, or
NO, do not label genetically modified foods. Explain why you would vote YES or why
you would vote NO on this Proposition 37. Include your reasons why you think

genetically modified foods are useful or why you think they are harmful (to the
environment, to our health).

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