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The Sempronia Family House

The Sempronia family live in a domus. Their house is near the forum, in
the centre of Baetulo. The domus has got lots of rooms. All the rooms
are built of stone. There are beautiful rooms with gold statues.

When you enter the house you see the atrium, with a mosaic in the centre
of the floor. If you go through the atrium, you see a big garden. The
advantage of this house is that all the rooms look at it. The garden has got
bushes and a little pond with many ducks. The twins' bedroom is the
biggest in the house. The parents' room is the most beautiful because
there are two tricliniums and lots of paintings on the wall. The slaves'
room is the poor room. They haven't got anything, only one bed on the
floor. They've got a big dining room and a big kitchen. The slaves cook
and serve the food for the all the family. In the garden, they have a little
house for Bacon, their pet. Bacon's house is beautiful!

Cinna, Delirius, Marcus, Popea and Bacon live in this house. They love
living there.

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