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The Teenagers of The Sempronia Family

Delirius and Cinna are twins. They were born on 12th May. They're 12
years old. Their family's got a pet called Bacon. It's a pig. Their father is
Marcus. He is a senator. Their mother is called Popea. She works at home.
The Sempronia family live in a domus in Baetulo. They've got a lot of

Delirius has got brown eyes and short brown hair. He wears a toga on
special days and he worships Mars, the god of war. Delirius gets up at 6:00
a.m and he has breakfast. When he finishes, he prepares all the material to
go to school. At school he studies Greek and astronomy. Then, he goes
home and he studies with his private tutor before he has dinner. He likes
eating nuts and mushrooms. In his free time, he likes playing ball games
with his friends. When he is 17, he wants to be a general because he wants
to fight for his empire.


She's got black eyes and brown straight hair. She worships Venus, the
goddess of beauty and love. She usually wears a white and blue toga. Cinna
gets up at 6:00 a.m. to learn about the house matters for the future. Then,
she helps her slaves with breakfast because she loves cooking. When she
finishes, she prepares to go school. She studies in the same class as Delirius.
Later, she goes home. In her free time she likes meeting up with her best
friend Claudia and they go to the Baths.

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