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Component I: Classroom Teaching

Task C: Lesson Analysis and Reflection

Intern Name: Elijah D Edwards Date: 2/27 Cycle: 2
To ensure that your lesson analysis and reflection inform instruction, this task must be completed no later than two days after each
observed lesson.
1. Explain how you determined the levels of student performance on your objective(s)/learning targets. Refer to rubrics or criteria
used in this determination. (What was effective? What was not effective? What would you keep? What would you change?)
Because of the nature of the walk through, I used their score on the pratice ACT to determine their level of performance.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to determine how successful the lesson was until we receive their ACT socres in April. Students
that met benchmark (18) were in the meeting criteria category. Students that had below an 18 were "below criteria," while
students with a 28 or higher were "exceeding criteria." I thought the lesson was very succesful because it followed a format
proven to bring success. I ran out of time, so I wish I had focused more on the questions that were missed by most students
rather than trying to walk through each practice question.
2. For each lesson objective/learning target, sort the student performance into three categories

Below criteria 5 # of students

b) Meeting criteria 17 # of students


Exceeding criteria 2 # of students

3. For each category, describe the students strengths and learning needs.

Below criteria
I met with these students after class and refered them to the ACT prep program. They could also be sent to Catch Up Caf to
do another practice quiz once they have studied some more.

b) Meeting criteria
These students have met benchmark, indicating a high likelihood of success.

Exceeding criteria
These students are gifted in English and have many strengths in grammar, usage/mechanics, and rhetorical strategies.

4. Reflect on the following:


How effective was your instruction based on analysis of student performance indentified in number 2 above?
I think that my instruction was effective based on the analysis. However, I still need to do better with intervening with
students who are below criteria. I also need to manage my time more effectively.
b) What new professional learning and resources could help you increase your instructional effectiveness?
I need more training on intervention.

Describe patterns in student performance. How will these patterns be used in planning and instruction
Students that are higher performing are generally the students that stay engaged in class. I need to do a better job of properly
managing classroom instruction and making sure that students have their phones away at all times.

5. For each category of students, how will you differentiate instruction?


Below criteria
An intervention needs to occur for these students. They need more activities to learn the skills before applying the skills on
the ACT.

b) Meeting criteria


Exceeding criteria
Students can help other students master the material.

6. Describe how you communicate continuous progress with students and parents/caregivers (other than school grade reporting).
I have a return system with students where I place their graded assignments in a folder. I communicate with parents by entering grades
into Infinite Campus and allowing them to contact me by phone or email with questions. I upload all assignments to my class website.
Additionally, if a student is struggling, I will reach out to their parent to see what I can do to help them. I have met with several
students after school for ESS.

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