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Teyaka Thomas

March 5, 2015
Bida John
Twenty years ago students walked into a classroom with a long white or color piece of chalk and
a black chalkboard with an eraser there for mistakes that will be made. On days that illustrations
was used to bring home the point of instruction the teacher was making we would have the
27inch big television and VCR rolled in on a stand. When it was testing time to get prepared the
teacher would drop the projection screen and pull out the projector set it up so it centered in the
middle of the screen and the laminated paper was on the screen with a black eraserable marker
there to teach every step of the way. Technology is the new embankment upon education. Its
arrival has come to make things easier not only for the new advancements for personal usage but
also for educational purposes. What technology does is it comes to present new innovative ways
learning can be exciting as well as scholarly. Students role in a digital class is to not only learn
the lesson their teacher is giving but to also understand the technology. If the lesson is given
properly the students will learn. The more educators use technology is their lesson planning the
more they start discerning the significance of electronic device as an efficient tools. One way to
retain information, pupils are encouraged to instruct the device or utilize the software to show
things they know rather than transmitting things the instructor or reading material has taught
them. Realizing the web supplies luxurious and pliable correspondence for presenting the
information that the pupils have retained coincide with the things being taught. An enormous
amount along with information supported by Internet along with other sources have proven that

technology is not taking the place of the traditional learning ability from the instructors,
contemplating our gradual thoughts about electronics as instrumental devices because scholars
being taught neither separating, allowing impressive character of the apprentice academics norm
changes. Effective technology integration is accomplished meanwhile affecting handling
technology is accepted also diaphanous although technology reinforce educational programing
ambition. Trusting digital devices has come to make the relationship between pupil and teacher
stronger than ever. This offers the students the chance to become a role model in the class and
teach the instructor what they know already about the enhancement of technology. New tech
tools for visualizing and modeling, especially in the sciences, offer students ways to experiment
and observe phenomenon and to view results in graphic ways that aid in understanding(Eutopia,
2008). This helps also build class participation by having the students to do presentations of the
way they used technology to interpret the lesson. Technology has come to make education a new
astounding desire. Every student wants to be heard and noticed in the academic field. Computers,
Smartphones, Smart Televisions, Tablets, and Video Games are things that all children regardless
of age wish for. Everytime you go somewhere or cut on your television and see its for something
students will ask for. Make education the exact same way offer them excitement, educational
games, streaming and digital concepts that they make acquire in traditional settings. Laptop
computers and wireless networks offer an appealing alternative, promising greater access for the
learner and reduced infrastructure (Raoul, Sullivan, & Al-Bataineh, 2012). The understanding
received was that with wireless technology assignments using multi-media tools, with files
often exceeding 15 MB too large to work effectively with wireless technology. The wired
solution offers ten times the capacity at less than one half the cost (Fielding, 1999).

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