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Winston Churchill was not only a highly virtuous man but he

was also selfless.When the world was facing the worst of
hardships, Churchill was willing to die to save it. Winston
Churchill was selfless because he cared more about his country
than himself, wanted to end World War II at all means and took
responsibility for all defeats he faced during the war. Winston was
selfless because he cared more about his country than himself. For
example Churchill stated "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil,
tears and sweat."(Churchill). This showed everyone at the start of
Churchills time as prime minister that he would work effortlessly
in his term. Churchill was selfless because he wanted to end World
War II at all means. As an example Churchill states We shall go
on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas
and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing
strength in the air..(Dockter). It is obivious, Winston is showing
how highly he values victory of the war. But, Most important of
all, Winston is selfless because he took responsibility for all
defeats faced in World War II. To support this Churchill said If at
first all the States of Europe are not willing or able to join the
Union, we must nevertheless proceed to assemble and combine
those who will and those who can.(Dockter). While not seeming
directly connected to a battle, it shows Winston wouldnt mention
the defeat and would make up for it. Winston Churchill was
selfless because he cared more about his country than himself, he
worked hard to end World War II at all means and he took
responsibility for everyone of his defeats.

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