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Roosevelt High School _ STANDARD RHS Staff Standard IB Diploma Programme Media Center Weekly Bulletin Academic All Star Breakfast Grammar Releases Album Weekly Reflection by China Guzman Arts At Roosevelt Click here and add your info to the 1/49/2015 RHS Standard Weekly Reflection IB Diploma Programme China Guzman Relationships ‘While we continue to brainstorm around ways to support our students to be lifelong leamers and increase achievement, they are carefully observing our behaviors. Based on more than 800 meta-analyses of 50,000 research articles, John Hattie found that the teacher-student relationship has one of the highest impacts on achievement. As leaders, we are constantly reflecting on our behavior and the impact that it has on others. As second quarter comes io an end, I would like to invite you to reflect on. the things you have done to develop, maintain and strengthen your relationship with your students. + How do I show my students that | care? Do students believe that | care? Do I listen to student's ideas about class? How do their opinions, impact my teaching? Do understand how students feel about things? Are my words matching my actions? 1am sure that you have an answer for every question. | also hope that you take advantage of these relationships to help ‘our students believe that they can accomplish their goals. Most likely, by this phase of their education journey, they have developed some defense mechanisms that sometimes makes teaching challenging or, conversely, problem solving skils that make our teaching effortless. My advice is that when you are feeling overwhelmed, stop, take a deep breath, and think about why you became a teacher, rely on your core beliefs. If we believe that intelligence is changeable rather than fixed, then we know that every student can reach success criteria. | want to thank you all for the hard ‘work you do for our students and their future. Every student matters and we must have that be our driving force for the remainder of our school year. Professional Development “The idea of coming in front of such an experienced group of educators was ‘energizing for me as an aspiting principal. | hope that my presentation on Tuesday with ‘Ana Vasquez created awareness around ‘our needs but also acknowledged all the great strategies that are taking place every day in your classrooms. When | visit classrooms, | see the dedication and passion you put into teaching. Every great Jeader, scholar, professional, politician, and ‘successful person we know, tad an amazing teacher that guided their steps. (ur future depends on the job we do as instructional leaders. China Guzman Carrero Aspiring Principal, Roosevelt High School STUDY UP! JOIN US FOR THE IB INFO NIGHT SAMUARY 22,2015 ROOSEVELTMEDIA CENTER G:30- PRESENTATION 700-084 Pena YS oe 410th grade program choice time is coming up! Please encourage your 10th graders to attend the IB Info Night to learn about the IB rogram options for next year. Spanish translation will be available. Note: Every student has the possibility of taking at least ‘one IB class. A student who might not be ready for IB English could excel at IB Math Studies. Please encourage students to be tisk takers and consider taking an IB class in an area in which they excel or are passionate about. Questions? Talk to Candida Gonzalez, IB Learner Profile Attribute of the Month: Inquirers The 1B learner profile describes a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond academic suceess, ‘The attribute of Inquirers states: We , developing skills for Inquiry and research. ‘We know how to learn independently and with others. We lear with enthusiasm and sustain our love of leaming throughout life. ‘Tamie Fritz, AVID Coordinator and IB History of the Americas teacher, embodies the attribute of inquirer. This month she is, excited to be learning about ice fishing as she tries it out with her husband for the first time since she was young. Be sure to ask her how her trip was and what she learned! IBDP Teachers: Have you taken a look at the Roosevelt Staff page lately? IBDP has i's own section of resources, check it out! If you have a suggestion of something to add, talk to Candida. httos:// me.aspx

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