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Junior Kids Day Manual

What is Junior Kids Day?

Junior Kids Day is a four-hour activity for children whose ages
range from 4-8 years old. It is during this activity that the children of
this age group are formally accepted and committed to the Kids for
Christ (KFC) ministry of CFC.

The Goals of the Junior Kids Day

1. To introduce the kids to a loving relationship with Jesus Christ,
making them experience His love and allowing them to respond
to it.
2. To help introduce community life to children, through interactions
with their Youth for Christ (YFC) kuyas (big brother) and ates
(big sister), and through the friendships they develop with fellow
KFC members who participate in the Junior Kids Day.
3. To give the children a clear identity as Kids for Christ members.
4. To help introduce family prayer time to the children (and their
parents, if this has not been practiced at home).


People involved


Participants are kids ages 4 to 8 years. For the group sessions,

the children are divided according to their age range: 4 to 6 years,
and 7 to 8 years.
Planning for the Junior Kids Day is to be conducted by the KFC
Couple Coordinator, some volunteer parents and the YFC
Service Team. The KFC Couple Coordinator is required to be



Junior Kids Day Manual

present at the Junior Kids Day, in order to give guidance to the
service team and conduct the Parents Orientation.
The Junior Kids Day team is composed of the following:
The team leader (male) and assistant team leader (female)
college level YFC members
Facilitators (ratio of children per facilitator is 5:1)
high school level YFC members
Music ministry YFC members
KFC members aged 9 12 may also help out.
The registration team YFC members
KFC members aged 9 12 may also help out. This team
will also be responsible for the physical arrangement and
the serving of snacks.
At least another couple should be present at all times to
assist the Couple Coordinator in all aspects of the event.
Parents (at least one, but preferably both) of children
participating in the Junior Kids Day should be present for the
family prayer session and the parents orientation.

The YFC Service Team

The YFC Service Team is crucial to the success of the Junior
Kids Day. Young children are very impressionable, and learn more
from what their elders do than from what they say. It is therefore
important that good role models be used to serve the children. The
following are the requirements for an effective YFC service team.

The YFC Service Team should be

Active members of YFC in the college and/or high school level.

Friendly, approachable, and should have a natural liking towards
Self-motivated (they take the initiative when needed), and yet
teachable at the same time.
Lively and animated in an appealing way to kids (important for
such things as action songs, storytelling and the like).
Prayerful and emotionally stable.

Junior Kids Day Manual

The Necessary Preparations

A. Preparing the Service Team
It is the responsibility of the KFC Couple Coordinator to
orient and train the YFC service team prior to the Junior Kids
Day. The training should include a backgrounder on the
characteristics of 4 to 8 year olds, and how to handle kids in this
age bracket (see Heart for the Kids manual on Caring for Kids 4-8
years old). The Junior Kids Day team leader and assistant team
leader will be responsible for organizing the service team
meetings prior to the Junior Kids Day, under the guidance of the
Couple Coordinator.
B. Preparing the materials
It is important for the team to walk through each session
in order to anticipate the different requirements of each activity.
Although necessary materials have been given in each outline,
there may be other details that need to be prepared beforehand.
The team is free to modify and/or change the materials, based on
what is available in their area.
C. Suggested Timetable
4 weeks before Junior Kids Day
The couple coordinator meets with the team
(CFC and YFC components) and orients the team. During this
meeting, roles and responsibilities are assigned. A more specific
timetable (deadlines, etc.) is set. The team may also decide to
have a common prayer time (everyone prays at a certain time
daily for the intention of a successful Junior Kids Day).
3 weeks before Junior Kids Day
The different teams (facilitators, music ministry,
materials custodians, creative team, prayer warriors, etc.) are set
in place. Training in handling junior kids is also scheduled at this
time. The different teams meet separately, as often as needed.

Junior Kids Day Manual

2 weeks before Junior Kids Day
All materials are sourced and gathered. Work on
picture cards must be underway. Distribution of information
sheets is also conducted during this time. Additional service
meetings are scheduled as needed.
1 week before Junior Kids Day
Final detailed walk-through of the whole kids day, a
run-down of all materials is conducted. Actual materials are
checked and modified, if necessary.

D. Other Matters to be considered

1. The venue of the Junior Kids Day should be large enough to
comfortably accommodate the children, with ample space for
all activities (games, group work, and generally moving
2. Sanitary toilet facilities must be provided for both boys and
3. Ideally, the number of participants is 35. It is up to the
discretion of the coordinator, after considering the facilities
and the number of youth facilitators available, to decide
whether to add to this number.
4. It is suggested that the Junior Kids Day be held in the
morning so that the children are more alert and active.
Seven-thirty AM to 12:00 noon is a good time for the
activities, although this schedule is subject to the discretion of
the KFC Couple Coordinator.
5. Fees may be collected for the venue, snacks and materials.

Junior Kids Day Manual

0:00 0:30
0:30 0:45
0:45 0:50
0:50 1:35

1:35 1:40
1:40 2:25

2:25 2:45
2:45 2:55
2:55 3:00
3:00 3:45

3:45 4:00

Arrival and Registration

Teaching of Songs & Opening Prayer
Grouping Game for Session 1
Session 1: God Made Me Special Because
He Loves Me
Hand painting activity
Teaching of Song for Session 2
Session 2: Jesus is My Best Friend
Rosary bracelet making activity
Snack / Lunch Break
Gathering Song and Game / Energizer
Teaching of Song for Session 3
Session 3: Jesus Wants Me to Make
Others Happy
Bubble making activity/game
Card making activity
Parents Orientation
Closing Session
Awarding of KFC Certificates / Medals
Family pray-over

Junior Kids Day Manual


Junior Kids Day Manual

Session 1
God Made Me Special Because He Loves Me
To help kids realize that God loves them for who they are.
Watercolor paint, in assorted colors
Paper plates (laminated or foil; must be able to hold liquid)
Sheets of white cartolina
Pentel pens
Soap and towels for each group
Preparation of Materials:
1. Pour watercolor onto paper plates; one color per plate.
2. Have three paper plates ready for each group.
3. Have one cartolina and one pentel pen ready for each
1. The team gathers the kids in the center of the room and plays
a game to divide them into groups of five (e.g. the game The
Boat is Sinking, may be played ending with groups of five).
Kids aged 4 to 6 must not be grouped with those aged 7 to 8).
Facilitators must assist the kids.
2. At this point at least one facilitator should be assigned to
each group.
3. Once the groups are formed, a short getting to know you
activity is held. It can be in the form of a game, or an action
song. What is important is that the kids and the facilitators
get to introduce themselves and become more comfortable
with one another.
4. After the game, the kids are asked to sit down and the paper
plates are distributed (each group must have at least 3
different colors), together with the cartolina and permanent

Junior Kids Day Manual

5. As the materials are being distributed, the team leader tells
the kids that they will be making works of art using only their
hands as instruments.
6. The team leader instructs the kids to fill the cartolina with their
handprints by using the paint from the paper plates (one color
per hand). When the kids are done, the facilitators guide the
kids to the wash area and help them wash up.
7. The team leader has everyone settle down, and asks the
facilitators to hold up the cartolinas for the whole group to
Processing (to be done by the team leader):
1. Instruct the kids to look at the artwork that they made.
2. Begin the processing by saying something like this: Look at
your handprints on the cartolina. From afar, people may
think that they all look the same. But if you look just a little bit
closer, you will see that each handprint is unique. Your
handprint is different from everyone elses in your group.
That is because God made each of us different from one
another. There is only one of you in the whole world!
3. Have the kids feel their noses, their ears, and their elbows.
Tell them at each point that these parts are specially made for
them. (e.g., Touch your nosethat is a nose that is yours
and yours alone! God made it just for you!). Then go on to
say: This is all because God made you special. You are
special because God made you unique. He gave you gifts
and talents. And you know why He made you special?
Because He loves you very, very much! Can everyone say,
God made me special because He loves me? Have the kids
repeat after you.
4. End the session by having the kids write their names on at
least one handprint that they made, taking turns using the
pens. Have the service team collect the cartolinas. Later on,
the service team will need to post the cartolinas at the area
assigned for the parents forum, with a sign prepared
beforehand that says, God made me special because He
loves me! These will be viewed later on by the parents at
the parents forum.

Junior Kids Day Manual

Session 2: Jesus Is My Best Friend


To introduce kids to a special friendship with Jesus.

My Best Friend, Jesus read-aloud story (see Appendix A)
Colorful picture cards
Elastic nylon
Big beads
Preparation of Materials:
1. An assigned member of the service team makes the picture
cards, basing them on the different story segments given at
Appendix A. The picture cards must be big enough for all
the participants to see, and must have simple lines and
vibrant colors. The story can then be copied to the backs of
the picture cards.
2. The team leader, assistant team leader or assigned
storyteller will have to practice reading the story with the
picture cards. He / she must be able to read it in such a
way that will make the story alive to the children (using
animated tones of voice and facial expressions).
3. Elastic nylon should be pre-cut to a length that will be
enough once braided and looped around the wrist. One
strand should be allotted for each child.
4. Purchase several color of beads. Allocate 2 or more colors
per kid. Allow the children to choose what colors they want
to use.
1. The team leader starts by teaching a song that fits the
theme (e.g. Jesus Loves Me, Beautiful, Jesus Youre My
Superhero). Action songs may also be used.

The team leader asks the kids what they learned during the
previous session. After a few answers from the kids, he

Junior Kids Day Manual

reinforces the message (and clarifies the answer) by saying
something like: We learned that God loves us so much
that He made us special. But you know what, He did even
more than that. He actually came to be with us! A long
time ago, before you were even born, He sent his Son
Jesus to show us that He loves us and wants to be our best
friend. Today, we will get to know Jesus through the things
that He did when He was here on earth.
3. The team leader asks the kids to sit down and gather
around the storyteller (preferably on the floor while the
storyteller is seated on a chair), telling them that a story
about Jesus will be read to them.

The storyteller reads them My Best Friend, Jesus (See

Appendix A), making sure that the picture cards can be
seen by all the kids, and making the story as alive to them
as possible.


After the story, the team leader tells the kids that Jesus can
be their best friend, too. He can explain that a best friend
will always be there to help them and make them feel
happy. Jesus wants us to make him our best friend. He is
always there for us. When we pray to him, he listens. We
can tell him all our secrets. Jesus will always want us to be
happy. He sends us little gifts every day so that we will feel
His love for us. He can briefly share that, he also made
Jesus his best friend, and because of this, he is a lot
happier than he used to be.


As soon as the kids are finished the team leader excites the
kids about making Jesus their best friend. The reaction of
the children will depend on the enthusiasm of the team
leader and the facilitators. One way is to ask them
enthusiastically, Who wants Jesus to be their best friend?
If the kids are not very enthusiastic, the question may be
repeated again and again, each time with more and more

Junior Kids Day Manual

excitement. When the kids are ready, the team leader tells
them that today they will do just that by praying to Him.
7. The children are instructed to hold the bracelets they made
in their hands, and are led into the following prayer (the
team leader asks them to sit straight, close their eyes and
repeat after him):
Dear Jesus/ thank You/ for coming down to earth/
to show me/ how much You love me// Starting
today/ I want You to be/ my best friend// Please
be with me/ all the time// Please be my friend/
when Im alone/ and when Im with other people/
when Im happy/ and when Im sad// I promise/
that even if I dont see You/ I will believe/ that You
love me/ and will always be with me// Help me/ to
be just like You// I love you Jesus!// Amen.

They are then asked to wear them around their wrists.

9. The team leader may opt to end the prayer with the song
taught to them before the activity. He should make sure to
instruct the kids specifically to sing along with him.
10. After the prayer, the team leader explains that they just
talked to Jesus and made him their best friend. He tells
them that the bracelets around their wrists will help to
remind them that Jesus will always be their best friend and
will never leave them. He may ask the kids to repeat with
him, Jesus is my best friend! to reinforce the message.
11. The kids are also encouraged to pray to Jesus every day
from now on (e.g. now that Jesus is your best friend, it
would be good to talk to Him every day, the way you talk to
a best friend, or your mommy and daddy). The team
leader explains that prayer is simply talking to Jesus, and in
prayer, they can tell Him anything they want (give


Junior Kids Day Manual

examples, e.g. asking for help in school, thanking Him for a
toy received, etc.).
12. The kids then commit to daily prayer (e.g. So, are we all
ready to talk to Jesus every day from now on?)


Junior Kids Day Manual

Session 3:
Jesus Wants Me To Make Others

To help kids understand that following Jesus means being

kind and compassionate to others.

Gentle detergent
Large plastic containers (e.g. pint-sized ice cream containers)
Material for blowing bubbles (walis tingting, papaya stalk, wire
or drinking straw)
Optional: gumamela petals or glycerin (to make the bubbles
more stretchy)
Preparation of Materials:
1. Prepare one tub or jar of bubbles for the team leader
2. Prepare one plastic container for each group. The
containers must be large enough for all the kids to easily
dip their loops all at the same time.
3. Material for the loop for blowing bubbles should be
enough for each child to have one a piece.
1. The team leader gets the attention of the kids by blowing
bubbles from his own tub.

The team leader gets the children excited about the bubbles.
He must be excited himself in order to do this. He can say
something like: Wow! Does everyone see what Im playing
with? What am I playing with? (Kids answer, bubbles!)
Right, bubbles! Who likes to play with bubbles? (kids
answer or raise their hands) You know, I like playing with

Junior Kids Day Manual

bubbles, too! We all like playing with bubbles because they
make us feel happy. Do bubbles make you feel happy? (kids
answer, yes!) Okay! So lets make some bubbles!
3. The kids go back to their groups. Facilitators should be ready
with the materials.

The team leader tells the kids to listen to their facilitators so

they can make the bubbles. Its important to tell them also
not to play with the bubbles until he says so.


Facilitators should ensure that the kids are doing the right
thing. This includes giving specific assignments to each
member of the group (e.g. one member takes care of mixing
the soap and water, two other members make the loops on
the walis tingting, another one grinds the gumamela petals,
etc.). The kids should remain in their respective groups
throughout the session.


When everyone is finished, the team leader starts the session

by saying something like: Okay! Is everyone ready to blow
some bubbles? (Kids answer, yes!) Does blowing bubbles
make us happy? (Kids answer, yes!) So, we like blowing
bubbles because it makes us happy, right? (Kids answer,
yes!) Connect the session to the idea of following Jesus by
making others happy: You know what, when Jesus was here
on earth, He made others happy by being good to them the
same way bubbles make us feel happy. When people were
with Jesus, they felt the same way we feel when we blow our
bubbles. In that way, Jesus wants us to be like Him. He wants
us to follow His example of being good to others. We can
show that we are really His friends by being good to others.
Jesus said that if we make others happy by being good to
them, its the same as being good to Him too! And that will
make Him very happy!




Junior Kids Day Manual

The team leader then gives the instructions for the bubbleblowing activity and gives examples so the kids understand
the rules: Were going to find out how we can follow Jesus
and make others happy by having a bubble-blowing game. Is
everyone ready to listen to my instructions? (kids respond)
Okay, Im going to say some things that show how we can
be good to others. But sometimes, I will say things that show
us not being good to others. Blow your bubbles only when I
say the things that show being good to others. For example,
if I say, I will help my mommy set the table for dinner, will
you blow or not blow? (Kids respond. Correct them if they
give the wrong answer) If I say, When Im angry, I will push
my classmate, will you blow or not blow? (again, get their
response and correct the wrong answers) Make sure the kids
understand the concept before going on. When everyone
has got it, tell the kids that the first group that blows their
bubbles at the right time gets a point. If they blow at the
wrong time, they lose a point. The team with the most
number of points after 10 rounds wins (see Appendix B for
examples of wrong and right situations). Facilitators should
assist the younger (4-6 year old) groups.
After the game, the kids are encouraged to celebrate together
with the winners (e.g. In KFC, when one team wins,
everyone wins, too! And when everyone does good things to
others, we all become winners! So lets all celebrate our
being winners by blowing our bubbles for them!!!). After that,
the leaders can tell the kids, In KFC, we are all good
children. We make other people happy. We can make our
parents happy by being good children to them; when we
listen to them, when we obey them and when we tell them
how much we love them. Now we will make our parents
happy. We will make cards for our parents and tell them how
much we love them. Each child will be given paper and other
art materials for the card making activity. For the younger
kids, pre-designed cards will be given and they will just color
the designs of the cards. The kids will be asked to write a

Junior Kids Day Manual

simple letter of thanks and saying I love you to their parents.
The facilitators should assists the younger kids in this activity.
Note: Instead of the bubble making activity, the team may opt to
use Yes Clap using the same mechanics.


Junior Kids Day Manual

Parents Orientation
1. To explain to the parents the process that their children have
gone through during the Junior Kids Day, and to help the
parents understand its purpose.
2. To brief the parents on their role during and after the Junior
Kids Day.
3. To encourage parents to become actively involved in their
areas KFC program.
Talk Outline:
Brief parents on what their kids went through
A. The gospel was introduced to your kids in ways they can
understand and appreciate.
1. God Made Me Special Because He Loves Me
celebrated each childs uniqueness and Gods love
for each one of them.
2. Jesus is My Best Friend introduced the kids to
Jesus as a real person, and the kind of friend He was
to His followers.
3. Jesus Wants Me to be Good to Others taught the
children that being Jesus friend means being good to
B. They made a commitment to Christ appropriate to their
age level.
1. They prayed to Jesus and asked Him to be their best
friend, and promised to believe that He loves them
even if they dont see Him.
2. Although they made a commitment to Christ, this will
not amount to much if it is not made real everyday
through the parents and the family.
C. Dont expect major changes in your childs attitude
1. They are the same kids. Four hours of talking to
them about Jesus will not turn them into saints.
2. When they continue to exhibit the wrong behavior,
dont nag them, or use this experience against them

Junior Kids Day Manual

(e.g. KFC ka pa man din, tapos ganyan ka?);
instead, encourage them to do well and praise them
when they do so.
3. Relate his everyday experiences to what was learned
today (e.g. )
Advise parents to nurture what was started
A. It is your job as parents to bring Christ to your child.
1. KFC can only support you in this; it cannot and will
not take your place. Ultimately, you are responsible
for developing your childs relationship with Christ.
2. You are Christ to your child. He/she will know Jesus
by the way you show your love for him/her.
3. Service in community can only be real if it is real in
the family stress 1Timothy 3:4-5.
B. Some practical tips in nurturing your childs relationship
with Jesus
1. Show him/her Gods active role in the everyday
events of his/her life.
It is important to keep communication lines open
with your child, so that he/she can
wholeheartedly accept it when you point these
things out to him/her.
2. Pray daily with your child (but keep your prayers in
level with his/her age).
3. Give a blessing to your child every day before
bedtime and before he/she leaves the house. (Give a
4. Support your childs follow-up and monthly activities
in KFC.
Encourage your child to participate in the
different activities, and talk about them
afterwards (how it went, if your child enjoyed
them, etc.).
Encourage your childs friendships with fellow
KFC members.


Junior Kids Day Manual

Volunteer your time and resources for the
different activities.

Brief parents on what will happen in the closing session and their
role in it
A. Awarding of certificates (distribute the certificates to the
parents at this time)
B. Pray-over session
A. In a few minutes, your children will be welcomed into the
Kids for Christ Program
1. They will officially be called members of CFC Jr. Kids
for Christ.
2. Follow-up activities and monthly assemblies will be
conducted in order to help your child grow in
community life.
B. The KFC program is dependent on your support, just as
your child is dependent on you as his parent to provide
for his physical, emotional and spiritual needs. You are
as much a part of KFC as your child is.
C. Welcome to the Kids for Christ Program!
At this point, direct the parents to the activity area
(where the kids are), to move on to the Closing


Junior Kids Day Manual

Clossing Session
1. To formally welcome the participants to the KFC program.
2. To wrap up all the learning in the Junior Kids Day to the
3. To introduce the children and their parents to family prayer (if this
has not been practiced at home).
KFC Certificates (See Appendix C for design) or KFC pin for
each child
1. The session begins when the parents enter and join their kids,
while the music ministry plays a lively gathering song (no
announcements will be made to the kids about looking for their
parents, to avoid letting down those whose parents are not
around). The facilitators must be sensitive to kids whose parents
have not arrived yet. They should gather these children and go
through the session with them until their parents arrive.

The team leader runs through the different lessons of the three
sessions with the children, asking them to repeat these lessons
with him (e.g. Okay, lets remember what we all learned today.
First, we found out that God made me special because He loves
me Can you say that with me again? Repeat with the kids. If
they dont get it the first time, have them say it again. Do the
same thing for the rest of the topics).


The parents are asked to present the certificates or KFC pins

(distributed earlier, during the parents orientation) as the
childrens reward (because you were so good at learning all
these things today, you will all get a special prize. Parents, can
you bring out the prizes for your kids?). As the parents bring out
the certificates or KFC pins, the team leader reads out what the

Junior Kids Day Manual

certificates say and welcomes the children to the Kids for Christ
program. (Congratulations! You are now official members of
CFC Kids for Christ!).
After the awarding, the kids are
encouraged to give themselves a big hand.
4. After the distribution of certificates, the kids will be instructed to
give the cards they made for their parents. The team leader can
explain that the kids made cards to show how much they love
their parents and that it is the kids way of making them happy.

The parents and the kids are led into the family pray-over
session. The team leader can say something like: One thing
Jesus wants us to do is to pray as a family. Were going to try
and start that habit today. So can we all stand, close our eyes
and pray?
a. The session starts with a general prayer thanking the Lord for
the activities, for being their best friend, etc. The team leader
can also add a promise from the kids that beginning today,
they will talk to Him every day, as well as a request to help
them to be good always, and to live out what they learned
b. After the general prayer, the parents are asked to sit down,
and the kids are asked to lay hands on their parents
shoulders. The team leader then leads the kids into a prayer
over their parents. An example would be:
Dear Jesus/ thank you/ for giving me my parents/
who love me/ and take care of me// Please bless
them/ and keep them healthy/ and safe always//
Im sorry/ for all the times/ that I did not obey
them/ and made them sad/ or angry// You know/
that I love them/ so please help me/ to be a good
child/ loving and obedient/ to them always//
c. Next, the parents lay hands on their kids and the couple
coordinator leads them into a prayer and blessing over their
children. An example would be:


Junior Kids Day Manual

Dear Jesus,/ thank you for giving me my child,
_______, as Your special gift to me. I pray that
You grant me the grace to be the best parent
he/she needs me to be. Forgive me for all the
times that I hurt him/her in any way. Teach me
how to raise him/her to be the man/woman that
You want him/her to be. Help him/her know that I
will always love him/her, no matter what
happens. May You bless him/her, and allow
him/her to always find his/her joy in You. This I
pray in Jesus name. Amen.
d. The prayer session is then ended with a Glory Be.
Note: In case the team leader and coordinator choose to
use their own prayers, it is important to remember to
make the prayers short & child-friendly.
It is not
advisable to practice the gift of tongues at this point for
this may frighten the children.

Immediately after the pray-over session, the music

ministry plays a lively action song that the kids learned
during the Junior Kids Day.

7. Before breaking for lunch, the team leader may announce

the schedule for the next KFC assembly.


Junior Kids Day Manual



Junior Kids Day Manual


Junior Kids Day Manual

Appendix A
Storytelling Session: My Best friend Jesus
The picture cards for this story must have simple lines and
vibrant colors. They should be kid-friendly and large enough for all
the participants to see and appreciate. It is important that the image
of Jesus presented in these picture cards be one that the children can
relate to.
The storyteller involves the children by using their names in
each story segment. Before reading each segment he/she asks the
participants, Who wants to be part of this story? Then he/she uses
the name of the volunteers in that particular segment.
Story Segment 1: The First Christmas
Picture card 1: Four shepherds in a field with sheep and a big
smiling angel
Picture card 2: Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus in a stable, with
Once upon a time, there were four shepherds who lived near
a place called Bethlehem (show picture card 1). Their names were
(name 4 kids). One night, while they were watching over their sheep,
(name 1 kid) saw a bright light. The others saw it too! When they
looked closer, they saw the light was coming from a beautiful angel
named (name a 5 kid). Angel (name of 5 kid) said, Dont be
afraid! Ive got good news! Were celebrating the first Christmas,
because Gods Son has been born tonight! You will find him in a
stable nearby. So (name 4 kids) ran straight to the stable, where
they found the baby Jesus lying in a manger (show picture card 2).
They were so happy!
Story Segment 2: The Scary Storm
Picture card 3: A stormy sea, with 4 frightened kids, and Jesus


Junior Kids Day Manual

Picture card 4: A good day at sea, with Jesus arms around 4 happy
When Jesus grew up, he had many friends. Some of them
were (name 4 kids) . One day, they decided to take a ride on a
boat. While they were out at sea, Jesus decided to take a nap. (show
picture card 3) Suddenly, a big storm came. The waves were so
strong, it seemed like the boat was going to sink! Everyone got
scared. So they woke Jesus and told him their problem. Dont be
afraid, Jesus said, and told the storm to stop. (show picture card 4)
Then the waves calmed down, the wind grew quiet, and a beautiful
sky came out. The storm was gone! Everyone cheered, hooray!
Now they knew that Jesus wasnt just their friend he was their hero,
Story Segment 3: An Easter Surprise!
Picture card 5: Three crosses on a hill, viewed from a distance
Picture card 6: Cave with a large rock rolled away from the entrance,
with an angel sitting on top
Jesus went everywhere, making other people happy. He
cured many sick people and helped everyone who came to him. He
showed everyone how much God loved them especially little
children like you! But some leaders got jealous. They were angry
because people liked Jesus so much. (show picture card 5) So they
killed him on a cross, and rolled a big rock in front of the tomb he was
buried in. Jesus friends were very sad. They thought they would
never see their best friend again. But God had a wonderful surprise
for them! (show picture card 6) Three days later, when _(name 3
girls) went up to the tomb to visit Jesus, they saw that the big rock
was rolled away, and the tomb was empty! An angel was there, too.
He said, Jesus isnt here anymore! Hes alive again! _(name the 3
girls)_ were so happy! They ran to tell their other friends the good
Story Segment 4: A Special Promise
Picture card 7: Jesus and His friends sitting around a fire on the
beach, cooking fish

Junior Kids Day Manual

Picture card 8: Jesus rising to the sky with all the disciples around
After that Easter, Jesus appeared to the rest of his friends.
This made them very happy. Their best friend was really alive again!
Jesus spent a lot of time with them, and they did many things
together. (show picture card 7) Once, they even had breakfast on the
beach, and Jesus did the cooking! But the time came when Jesus
had to go back home to heaven, to prepare a place for them, and
everyone else who wanted to be Jesus friends. (show picture card 8)
Before He left He made a promise. He said, Dont be afraid, I will
come back someday. I am sending you my Spirit, so I can be with
you always.
That is why even though we dont see him, we know that
Jesus is right here, with us today. If you ask Him, He can be your
best friend, too!


Junior Kids Day Manual


Junior Kids Day Manual

Appendix B:
Bubble Blowing Session: Right & Wrong Actions
Kids are given the rules of the game beforehand. Basically,
when the team leader states a right action (an action that treats other
people with kindness and respect), the kids are to blow their bubbles.
When he states a wrong action, the kids should refrain from blowing
their bubbles. Blowing bubbles at the right time merits points for the
team. Blowing bubbles at the wrong time results in minus points. The
team with the highest number of points at the end of 10 rounds wins.
Additional rules may be added to make the game clearer to the
Jumble up the sequence of the following right and wrong
situations for the kids to respond to. The service team may
implement any changes made on this list, provided that they seek the
approval of the KFC Couple Coordinator.
Right Situations
1. When I see a kid is sad because he has nothing to eat, I will
share my food with him.
2. I will tell my mommy and daddy that I love them.
3. I will help my mommy clean my room.
4. I will share my toys with my playmates.
5. If I see my brother or sister crying, I will try to cheer him/her
Wrong Situations
1. I will make fun of other people who are dirty or ugly.
2. I will disobey my mommy and daddy when I dont like what
they say.
3. I will shout at anyone when I am angry.
4. I will not share my toys with anyone.
5. When I see a toy I like that belongs to another kid, I will grab
it from him.


Junior Kids Day Manual

Information Sheet
Hi! My name is _____________________________ but you can
call me___________________. I was born on _____________
which makes me ________ years old. I live in ______________
and you can call me at ______________. In school, I am in grade
______________, section _________________________.
My dads name is ________________________.
He is a ________________ by profession and you can reach him
at _________________.
My moms name is _______________________.
She is a _______________ by profession and you can reach her
at _________________.
They are members of Couples for Christ.
They are not members of Couples for Christ.
God has blessed me with different talents and skills. They are
Aside from these, my hobbies and interests include


Junior Kids Day Manual

Note to the parents: Kindly fill out this form and submit it to the
registration team when you bring your child to the Junior Kids Day.
In order for your child to fully participate in the activities, please have
your child come in ordinary play clothes (e.g. cool shirt, shorts,
rubber shoes), and have him/her bring along an extra shirt. Parents
must be present for the parents orientation and closing session, to
be held from _____ am/pm to _____ am/pm. During this time a
family prayer session will be held.

If your child is under any medication, please indicate below and give
the medicine to the KFC Coordinator with the proper dosage
For (state ailment)
_________________ ______________________
_________________ ______________________
_________________ ______________________
Any other concerns about your child that we need to know? (childs
personality, habits, interests, etc.)
By signing this information sheet, we signify that we agree to let our
child attend the Junior Kids Day at ______________________ on
We also agree to attend the parents
orientation and final session, and will arrive promptly at ___________
a.m. / p.m. for these activities.

Parents Signature over Printed Name


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