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Log #1

November 24-30, 2014

This week we made sure the songs we had picked
out would work to put together. We also narrowed the songs down to
three for sure songs to use for the arrangement

Log #2
December 1, 2014
Today, we met with our mentor to discuss the songs
we picked and talked about writing the soprano and bass lines. It went

Log #3
December 8-13, 2014
This week we wrote the soprano and
bass lines. It went really well. We also talked about a good stopping
point for all the songs

Log #4
December 14, 2014
Today we had our second meeting
with out mentor. We checked off the soprano and bass lines. We also
talked about adding the inner voices. It went really well until I thought
we were done but we forgot ten measures to write. So we had to
erase what we had so we could get the missing ten measures where
they belong

Log #5
January 12-18, 2015
This week we started putting the final
conductors score/piano score together. It is going really well now that
there are no missing measures

Log #6
February 1-3, 2015
When we were working on the project today we found
a problem. It delayed us for a couple days. The voices were not
adding up very well. There was a repeated measure that threw the
rest of the piece off. There were also some notes that were not adding
up very well. We went completely through the whole song and fixed
the problem.

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