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March 8, 2015

Today, the USG Judicial Panel held its hearing on the disqualification of
OSUDivest's more than 3,000 student signatures. The reasoning for this charge
is that we supposedly violated a bylaw requiring petitioners to sign their names
on their petition sheets. Although the JP has not issued its verdict yet, the bias
and partiality of the hearing was immediately apparent to the nearly 40 students
who attended. We are issuing this public statement because we believe that the
behavior of the JP is unacceptable, especially for a body that claims to be
representative of the student body.
The plaintiff in the case was also a member of the Judicial Panel. This fact alone
is enough to create an apparent conflict of interest. Furthermore, it was clear to
us that there had been coordination between the members sitting on the panel
and the plaintiff. Before the proceedings began, the JP asked the plaintiff to join
them outside of the hearing room where they had a discussion that was not open
to our campaign or supporters. When our defense asked the plaintiff if all USG
candidates had signed their nominating petition forms, he said they had not. A
member of the JP immediately cut him off to say that they all had done so, and
the plaintiff changed his answer. When a candidate for USG present at the
hearing stated that he had not signed his petitions and still received approval,
despite the supposed bylaw, the plaintiff responded "no comment." Other
questions made by our defense similarly did not receive answers.

In addition to the bias and partiality evidenced by the JP's actions, members of
the JP also acted in a condescending and rude manner that is not acceptable for
any representative body. After the hearing, when a student was calmly asking
them questions, the JP refused to answer and threatened to call the police.
This outrageous behavior stifles student speech and undermines the legitimacy
of the Undergraduate Student Government. Regardless of the verdict, we will
continue to work to give students the opportunity to have their say on divestment.

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