War Pwrs 1871 PG 228-256

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RETURN REBELLIOUS STATES TO THE UNION. THE RETURN OF REBELLIOUS STATES TO THE UNION* TWOFOLD war. However brilliant the success of our military opera- tions has been, the country is encompassed by dangers. Two wars are still waged between the citizens of the United States — a war of Arms and a war of Ideas. Achievements in the field cannot much outstrip our moral victories." While we fix our attention upon the checkered fortunes of our brave soldiers, and trace their marches over hills and valleys made memorable through all time by their disasters or their triumphs ; while, agitated by hope and fear, by exultation and disappointment, we see our brothers and sons mourn- * During the spring: and summer of 1863, efforts wore matte by cortain citizens of Flor fds, Louisiana, Arkansns, and in to obtala the assent of the President to ‘heformation of local State governments, and to the recognition thereof by the Executive snd Legislative Departments. ‘The views on thia wutject contained In the following pas Inaving been communleated verbally to The President, were subsequently embodied in Jetter to the Union League of Philadelphis, publlsled July 23, 1963. (229) 230 RECONSTRUCTION OF THE UNION. ing the loss of thousands of their companions in arms, yet marching joyfully to the post of danger and of honor; while we follow with intense solicitude the movements of our vast armies advancing with unfal- tering courage against a powerful and desperate foe, — jet us not forget that more majestic contest waged by men not less heroic, for victories not less renowned than those which have been won on battle-fields. The deadliest struggle in this rebellion is that of barbarism against civilization, slavery against freedom, aristocracy against republicanism, and treason against loyalty. The true patriot will watch with profound interest the fortunes of this intellectual and moral contlict, because the issue involves the country’s safety, pros- perity, and honor. If victory shall crown the efforts of those brave men who believe and trust in God, then shall all this bloody sacrifice be consecrated, and years of suffering shall exalt us among the nations; if they fail, no triumph of brute force can compensate the world for our unfathomable degradation. Let us, then, endeavor to appreciate the difficulties of our present position. BREAKERS ANEAD. Of several subjects, to which, were it now in my power, I would ask your earnest attention, I can speak of one only. As the success of the Union cause shall become more certain and apparent to our enemies in the rebel States, they will lay down arms and cease fighting. ‘Their intense and relentless hatred of the Government, of Northern men who are not traitors, and

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