Presentation Technology Edu225

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Chelsea (Aping) Ihsan

EDU 225
Instructor EmBree

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My Presentation:

Since the dawn of the earliest technology, man has used it to advance. Weather that be the
first club to protect oneself, or perhaps the assembly line that advanced the workforce,
technology has always been utilized to enhance man. As teachers, it is our job to use all the new
technology that we can to enhance our classroom. Not only that, but we have to be able to look at
incoming technology to see what is going to work best for our class.
In the case of this paper, we are going to view a wired versus wireless university and the
pros and cons that they faced when choosing to upgrade their technology. Just like Antelope
Valley Community College, we have to always ask questions on the latest technology and
whether or not we really need it. Though the initial report was done in 2010, the same principals
of this report can be taken into effect today. We now know just how great the technology of
wireless internet and classrooms can be, but it wasnt without failure. Even in my own home, I
know just how often I have to drag out the old Ethernet cord and call my local Internet Company
to do a troubleshooting problem. Imagine that times a whole school or university campus. On top
of that, what about the cost to go wireless?
When looking at the Antelope Valley Community College report, we see that the initial
cost would be almost $200,000 less in a five year review to switch to wireless. Then, however,
you have to think of the long term commitment. What would it mean and how much would it
cost to have the whole campus re-booted if the wireless had problems and the operational cost
involved. With wired network, though it may be slower, each student and faculty member would
always have a connection via a cord and even a higher level of security as some of the larger
pros. As cons though, there would be a limited number of areas that students could plug in and
some areas that it just wouldnt be able to be plugged in. Wireless pros would consist of better
mobility, more locations, and a larger savings over wired networks. The disadvantages would be

security issues, bandwidth issues that can cause speed performance and even radio frequency
interference. After weighing in on the pros and cons, the university, like many, chose to go with a
wireless networking setting, and like most universities, has enjoyed it, even with its problems.
Using technology in the classroom is not just limited to the type of network that is
chosen. As teachers, we have to look at how technology is used in our classroom. The article
How Does Technology Facilitate Learning(2014) list many way on how technologies foster
learning. It mentions that technology can enhance construction of knowledge, a way to explore
knowledge, give students various ways of doing rather than just reading, can be used as a social
medium for conversing, and even as a way of reflection of learning.
One way to show just what technology can do is by looking at the Flipping method as
mentioned within the Technology Enhanced-Learning(2014) article. Flipping is when
instead of going with the normal routine of classroom flow, you change it a bit. The traditional
style is reading before class, classroom instruction over same material, then students do
homework on their own. With flipping, the student could have all of the teachers notes and
lectures BEFORE the class. This way when they enter the classroom they can have questions
ready to go, and perhaps even work on the assignments that day. With one simple change, the
classroom is flipped and enhanced, all because students can view the lectures and notes online.
Truly, we have come a long way from our ancestors and their first tools.

Reference Page
Retrieved December 15, 2014, from
Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., & Crismond, D. (2010, July 20). How Does Technology
Facilitate Learning? Retrieved December 15, 2014, from
Technology-Enhanced Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved December 15, 2014, from

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