Eulogio Despujol - Served As The Spanish

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Eulogio Despujol -served as the Spanish Governor-General of

the Philippines between 1891 and 1893. A native ofCatalunya, at first, he ruled
in the Philippines as a Conservative but later became a Liberal. It was during
his term when Jos Rizal, leader of the Philippine propaganda movement, was
sent to Dapitan in Mindanao. He would again meet with Rizal, who was on his
way to Cuba to work as a military medic before being intercepted
inBarcelona, before sending him back to the Philippines.
Camilo Polavieja- was a Spanish general born in Madrid on July 13, 1838, in
a family of merchants. He was an able commander, but considered as brutal
as Valeriano Weyler of Cuba. The revolution in Cuba led by Antonio Maceo
Grajales inspired Philippine insurgents to revolt as well. Being the last
important colony under control of Spain, the Spanish government tried to
contain the Philippine Revolution under the administration of Ramn Blanco
y Erenas. The further spread of the insurgency in the Philippines led to the
turnover of the post of Governor general to Blanco's second-in-command,
Lieutenant General Polavieja. The Filipino historian Gregorio Zaide notes that
Polavieja was installed with the help of powerful Spanish friars including
the Archbishop of Manila during that time. Polavieja oversaw the court
martial and death of Jose Rizal on December 30, 1896. Twenty four more
people were executed with Rizal.
La Independencia- is the eleventh album by Argentine singer Jorge Cafrune,
released in 1966.

Spoliarium is a painting by Filipino artist Juan Luna. The painting was

submitted by Luna to the Exposicin Nacional de Bellas Artes in 1884
in Madrid, where it garnered the first gold medal (out of three). In 1886, it was
sold to the Diputacin Provincial de Barcelona for 20,000 pesetas. It currently
hangs in the main gallery at the ground floor of the National Museum of the

Philippines, and is the first work of art that greets visitors upon entry into the

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