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Understanding the

United States
- Click on the following: http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution.html. This will be
referred to as the Homepage throughout Parts 1-5 of the assignment.
- From the Homepage, scroll down and click on A More Perfect Union to learn more about the
history of the Constitution.
1. What is the Constitution and when was first signed?
2. Return to the Homepage and click on Questions and Answers Pertaining to the Constitution.
Answer the following :
1. What state did not send deputies to the Constitutional Convention?
2. How were deputies chosen?
3. What was the average age of the deputies?
4. Who is the Father of the Constitution?
5. How long did it take to frame the Constitution?
6. When did the phrase The United States of America originate?
7. What constitutes the Bill of Rights? _________________________________________________
8. How is an amendment repealed? ____________________________________________________
4. From the Homepage, scroll down and click on Amendments 1-10. Pick three separate
amendements, name them, and in your own words describe what it means (what/who does it
protect, etc.)
5. Click on Amendments 11-27 and repeat the steps from the previous section.
6. Visit http://www.history.com/topics/constitution and answer the following:

1. What was Americas first constitution named?

2. All states were represented except for one. Who?
7. Scroll down to The Constitution Today and think of three different ways the Constitution has
affected YOUR life:
8. Visit http://www.usconstitution.net and scroll down to The Signers located under The Articles of
Confederation. Answer the following:
1. One future president signed the Articles of Confederation. Who?
2. The occupations of these men are listed. The majority worked as
3. In your own words, describe the information you would want to review and understand before you
signed the Articles of Confederation.
9. At the top of the page, there is a tab titled Constitutional Topics and click Checks & Balances.
Review and list four powers that each branch of the United States government has.
Legislative: 1._
Executive: 1._
Judicial: 1._


10. On a separate sheet of paper, write 1-2 paragraphs on the Constitution.

What are your favorite amendments? Least favorite? If you were a
lawmaker, which amendments would you take out? Leave in? Would you
like to see any sort of law added in the future? Why?

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