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Brand value chain

module IV- Brand Performance


Brand value chain

Brand value chain
is a structured
approach to
assessing the
sources and
outcomes of brand
equity and the
manner by which
activities create

The Brand Value Chain

Value stages
Marketing programme
help to develop of a
brand value.
It includes:
Personal selling
Public relation

Marketing programme
Sponsor different kind of national and
international games and events.
Building campaign to develop public
relation like Health message campaign
Publicity through media, newspaper,
magazines, signage and banner
Telling brand story through media by
relating it to any occassion
Brand endorsement through various
young and popular celebrity like Ranbir

Program Multiplier Plan

The ability of the marketing programme
to affect the mind set of the customer
depend on quality of marketing
programme investment Like Thunda
matlab coco colato create the effect in
customer mind in such away that
whenever they think about cold drinks
coca cola comes in the mind

The four features of program Quality

1) Clarity
2) Relevance
3) Distinctiveness
4) Consistency

Customer mind
Brand awareness-high
level of awareness
Brand association-strong
favourable, and unique
brand awareness
Brand attitudes-positive
brand attitudes
Brand attachmentintense brand attachment
Brand activity-a high
degree of band activity.

Market performance
Price premium
Price elasticity
in India 45.8%)

Shareholder value
Stock price
Coca cola stock price is $38.33

Price Earning Ratio p/e ratio of coca cola

is 19.47
Market capitalization of coca cola is $
170.o1 billion

Market place condition

Soft Drink
Competitors reaction:reactive marketing
programme of Pepsi
Channel support
Customer size and profile
not define (for every one)

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