28 - Slope Deflection Method

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Slope Deflection Method N Yee NN Table of Contents * Introduction ——~—~~——~—~—~—-~—-—-~~— Page 2 * Sign Rule —————————————-——— Page 3 * Fixed End Moments —————————— Page 4 * Slope Moment ——————————————— Page 19 * Sway Moment ——————————————— Page 20 * Jol Slyke —-———-—--_-—-_-__~ Page 22 * Examples on Beams——————————— Page 23 * Examples on Frames —————————— Page 33 * Structures with Sway ———————-——— Page 50 * JI Slybs —--———_________ Page 64 * Examples ——————————-—-—-—--—— Page 65 Slope Deflection Method Page No. 1 Introduction . Indeterminate structuresJ) Jo) GybIl yao) yo (FBLA! pyjell) Final moments JI Glas gle Ub ybl ode aies N.P.DI\ 5 S.F.DI\ 5 B.M.DI\ poy Sez lade 9 member JS Aylaig Hla gd Example: 108 cary Sys) Sal BLM.DI\ puss! 5t\m | Final moments J) ta Glan aj a fe «member JS Alas, ly are 10t Man & Moa & Moc & Mow Mab 5t\m Moa Moc | Moo a c Example: 10 any FSI) oda BLM.DII psy) St\m | Final moments J) Xy5 Glan * {member JS tylasy Hylay wie 10t Mar & Moa & Moc Moa Moc Mar 5i\m J Moo= 0 pee oe Example: Sim Mab 5t\m Mbe ny Frame J) \ialB.M.DSI poo) b Final moments J) tS Glan . member JS %lasy Gla sic May & Mog & Mi 101i ‘ab ba & Moc & Mey Moo c c © Copyrignteng Aram Woustfe2013. AI copyrights reserved ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is llowed for personal use only Page No. 2 Commercial use of these notes Is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) : Final momentsJ) Glee Lit BID ge geht By tem ve BkLe Final momentJ| Final moment=Fixzed end moment+ Slope moment+Sway moment 1)Fixed end moment : pall ode 5 member I! gle Jledl p86 dass moment! Yeo syle se thins 4) LI 5 Consistant deformationsd| tsb plsiul cues g! Ll Leb yLoad JI 5 member J JS% cum GBS QUI y Ly oI! pI + ppl bins Sys 2)Slope moment : dag gmember J) Glbf ac Slope JI 8b ta momentII ye syle ge Ody Uj Gye Slope IN y lylu 6 gold 3)Sway moment : dag gmember I! Gib we Sway JI 8b in moment! ye tle 5 ASy> 92 Sway IN 5 Ajey U je Gow Sway Ig Lolo Ob Bld + dua gle Yogeememberdi SIGN RULE smomentss| 1,L) s1cl5 (+Ve) BLE) 5955 (Clockwise) Tell Wilke go SLgWl GW 151 on) (-Ve) & LS 55% (Anticlockwise) delul Gylde uke gl gal OS 13! (- ) © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No, 3 1)Fixed end moment : a)Fixed—Fixed members wl? 12 ) Kos & wos " | E ‘ 5 nf PL, Vy * ‘aa () 7 Pab? L LE Pabe "HCD Ie (>) PL Cee) PL aA 8 ‘ LE an ‘ ae “2 “2 ae 3 Greg D ys / aoe 8H L aue * wl? w wl? * asm 20 30 as ((lltim=~ ) N N > 1/2 1/2 ~ t { RN X \N \N 5 7 G> 7 . NX LA Roy a|x ain © CopyrightEng Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes Is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 6 1)Fixed end moment : wl PL P PL a Ge 2 2PL L j 2PL Pb a P Pab? “9 LF ) L? (i aa Annan (HH) —_L 6EI A 6EI A — LF L ¥_ Mb(3a-L M LT — x ae A FX +—— ‘ ° wh? wy we Ltwi? Sw? 20 I 30 92 19 ( D = —_1/e—--—4/2—~ -——L/2. L/2— wLL whe PL 12 12 8 P PL —— [ # 2 Lite MS L/2- L/2- © CopyrighténgAiram Movstafe2013. All copyrights reserved ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 7 b)Fixed—Hinged members bos Y gmembersJ| oil Fixed end momentJ) g@litinl ay F.E.M w b & | Za L - Fimed—Fixed lS members) Jos -\ wl? 12 wl? 2 1 w b a L ray lImomentJ\ momentlaic pa Hinge lore gl) dbal -1 + & + phe gghsmoment)l US Gad uy 2 2 wl wl? wl 12 12 a 12 q w b ‘ / I A / L Shall oles! ya® ys WAY AL admoment I! Nia des -¥ .Carry over momentJymomentdi lis yaw 9 Consistant J\ 3 giCar over moment J) OL) pb deformations C2 & Ty eT RO 9 0.5wh* wi? wl? wi? 12 12 12 12 O w b\) %\ \ a J ~ L 2 + OadybJ| wemoment | gare 1.5 we . Super position IN gud Uz bl odng w b TL © CopyrightEng.Akram Moustofe2013. All copyrights reserved Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. & P fh atte) ~L/2-=L/2- PL PL PL © PL 0.5PL 8 FLEL P | An Sw ‘ \ Cs {= \ Cs 1) } ~~ Q— ~ WL /2--1/2-* * @ P 152L @ = Pb o? P Pab? Pab® L? | L we 2 P OT TF FP \ i ° { | ) =DP\ | howe \ / \ ~/ ba “ / pa — TL © CopyrightEng.Akram Moustefe2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 9 C)Fixed—Hinged members with cantlivers bios Y members J| ois Fixed end moment) glitinl ay FEM P pot peo" ie + OBoe it baal! pad) pasta —c <4 at @ it : Fixed—Hinged, gw on 25a)! Jos -¥ 1.6 wi whe poo poo a POCO poo i _—l-! : ~s pals BWI 252J) yes -¥ - Cantliverd) ls gi moment JI Gus # P b | Meant = Ple af Zs o> af a) at > ‘Cc -Carry over moment y >%l ta ask moment JI lin da # oF Meant. Meant.= PL © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 10 Example: 0x6" 1ox6* 1026" 0x6" 0.5 = “72, 10t\m. pene >» ———_¢m Sa 45m.t a 10t\m ——— mr Example: 20t 20x25 20x25 20t 20x25 20x5 0.5 8 8 8 +. = (4) * 2.5m ———2.5m— 2.5m ———2.5m— 20t 18.75m.t J (Ka —2.5m——2.5m— Example: \ oes =8mt “| 1203.26 16m.t ——6m—~-3m~ I —3m~ Example: 12t ) 8+0.5216=16m.t | om e | oe —6m—--3m— ——6m—--3m— © Copyrighteng Aram Moustafe2013. Al copyrights reserved Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 11 Example: 2at0x9 0x9 2x10%9 10t = =10t | ot 10t 9 | | 20mt 20m.t booed - Gets Example: 164 10t\m 10t\m. J ——6m = potting 4 => 16t —2m — br —2m— | @ | 6 —— bm —em— plone 1026" 0. ~12— 16m.t 32m.t r 10t\m. A ‘ a el ~) ~ me em mn 0.5106" 10%6° 16¢ 16m.t"" 12 12 v c 10t\m \ et | Q ~ ~ 6m —2m— I 16t 29m.t (I 10t\m 6m —2m— © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 12 Example: at poi 10t\m ——_6m => @ ‘ot\md —2m— —— tm —2m— ——m- —em— i. x6? Lore ae 0.52 18 8m.t 36m.t ». =a eH) —2m— 2 ee 10x6° 18m.t°* 72 12 WV 10t\m © | Pes ~ —2m— CF at m Example: 16¢ a 16¢ 6t F 0.516a10 texto | | —5m——5 m ——2m— =24mt © CopyrightEng.Alram Moustofa2013. All copyrights reserved. Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www.yosserelleathy.corn) Slope Deflection Method Page No, 13 Example: 12t 10t 5120326" 12t 10t 20 0. 9 1226 23" | 2M 9” | t—_z— an t——za— SOQ 6m —--3m— 2m m3 2m 12t 10t 8.5mt | | ¢ 6m —--3 m=" 2m-=! Example: 10t\m, 12t poy pooch — >» 3m ie ® iat 3m —-— 3m— J —3m—-——3m— 10%6° 1026" 12%6 1226 12 12 g 12 é (I = AD q 3am — — 3m — —3m—-— 3 m— 1 12%6 10x6° 10x6° 12%6 Bo gg tat 72 Rg «89m 39mt 10t\m, 10t\m eS => 3m —-— 3 m— ——3m—— 3m — © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 14 Example: 0.51022 25° 0.512428" \ 12t LOD aso 12° 122824" | . Sr ae a 12’ 12’ / y i i i { +—__—_. ‘ C oe ~ 44.42m.t G ——5m—-—3m—-—4m— 10t 12t © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 15 tsoleall yacy plew gf yl lias Mbp obey Ul! dS oD Rigid Joint Ayala a Jointd) odm 5% Sf 2Y gall ymoment fant of gals Yall Joints! yo ~~ . Fixed \ Rigid Joint Rigid Joint LZ roan “XN me / Hinged Joint smoment fant of galing ¥ yl Joint)! ye mN~N / \ Hinged Joint Hinged Joint CL/ oS NS / Partial fixationJ\ , Total fixationJ\ j. gi Total Fixation Bye Bacls of Tades Gis Le de lar od ed Gd Le GG Joint we LLs glow! Ge Aegiee GI LULS tds 4955 Ls ITotal fixationlale Gls 4 . Fixation Support ,f Real fixation ,f Total fixation lass Rent Fixation tot , 5t\m | ' (a a ——- NL? ¢ wos) - . Rotation Sus, Y Total fixation JI we 5 O= ON 555 SW y © CopyrighténgAiram Movstafe2013. All copyrights reserved ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 16 Partial Fixation oat member die lam 653 Gal ted Gd Cus Ladmemberd! os Joint ye Bg3 Coe Cat do 50 JS gf wlay3 4 Partial Fixation yaus Mis HLL Hide Cua LY glygs Lye Susy Joint JI oie 4 memberJ| Partial Fixation jot st \ ‘ b ‘t a a a Fixed Point lanle glky Total Fixation J! y Partial Fixation JI gf yf ULE gb 9 O= OI! 45% Total Fixation JI UL 43 of y2 leaiy Gil» - OF OS) G3% Partial Fixation JI ante te DDL dybke py pladl yi Gabill sic y Fixed—Hinged | Fixed-Fired(, 5; memberJ\ J» 43,00 1iS -MembersJ\ jo sae gl Structure JI ppalliy p9f-1 og Member J) GlbI a! wc police moment JI oS J3 -¥ . Hinged 3 yl lie os Member J) Gljbl ae) arc ganas moment JI lS lal -¥ « Fixed 3 yl! Ide “lap ole Abo Roller support ,f Hinged support «ules Cantliversgy UL yf +4) data) member IN ga Jol i oidL Intermediate hinge sf ULadl ge dba Firedayls Cantliversyny UL gS# © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 17 Example: 5st 20t at ee | s s & | member(bg) sember(ef)” “\ 10m.t 4 3t_»> 3t—_»> member(ba) (ab) s t ———__ = 3t—p| 3t—p»| 3t—»> 4m.t 4t—_»> _member(Ce)s wt yA TTA amt Y ¥ y" (bc) | 5 fret member(bC, (EH — a @ ee 12m.t 4t\m 12m.t oe pesoy 7 ee ¢ V) pe Vv" | © © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 18 2)Slope moment : Slope (Rotation) J) 4a% memberI\ yiyb usc moment Il ge -memberS\ g55 uum ahd, y member II gi pb sie Case! (Fixed—Fixed member) Myp= 451 9, + 25I 9, ie oe fect yy My, = 4£L9, + 2£Lg == Where : E£ ==> Modulus of elasticity member J\ las tguadl material II g 9s Guan bdo» I ==PMoment of inertia member J) slest uum ibaa, Case2 (Fixed—Hinged member) a 9 @2__-----__ Z E&I 1) ( E&I a L L M2= SEI 0; May = SEI 2 Mz,= 0 Mz, = 0 Lis Fired Ji Gylall we p5ell poy pe ap Zale Ab yal 0 JI bs gape Fixed support gf Real Fixationsyny UL yi + phe gags cic @=0 © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 19 3)Sway moment : members| yiyb guRelative displacementsy>s uc moments I\ ode gis eT g Ube pa GU 4 GU pb! Jyas of 24) Gybll OLS 4 Gb Joos GI smember J) gle Magee Wyo 49S of Case! (Fixed—Fixed member) L Ha SHA (t E&l > TL => SN A: a og WU lel ge 3H Gs Tension g5% (1) Abe wie asf a5 (2) Aw wie YScJI gy Tension II Mab gle¥ deaw yes moment aati 4 member poay cur moment II Ie gas Gamal! moment JI oles! gos) $4) «Hand Aad y yl Landy Wl BSI pay Seymoment di oles! b5% Anticlockwises) 9+Vejs& Clockwise 3 guw LS moment II 8 L8I g9S 5 SA SA » Ve is (t E&l ) =I PSs ja | pot © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 20 FAI ap A ( __---- BEE SEL A pe" SEL A L ra~p 1 R- BRE “SEL ah 4) nap 0 . L . Case2 (Fixed—Hinged member) “ita (f Ft ee Lok -E& 1 an (4 RET | L pp Bal ) “SEL A L ob pp ee BEI t:) 281 L member) Jo Garb Ge Guw LS pap lit! y pabin pac YLedl Yo y LS SCarry over moment I Jacs 3 Fixed—Fixed lS © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Pane Ne Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) age No. 21 sdNI ol, FEMS) slog! 5 Members I) 0 Legere gil Ua! pri eb + Lane JS ei ple, plariol Lasts IS ipl sie papell GIYsler LLG p5b-1 . Slope deflection I) l3ye +( EM = 0 )bre gle Joint JS Gls GYoler chy pyb-1 Usand! Rotations (6 )JI slay! aXe GYsled! Jou -€ Slope deflection J! SUye ys Rotations II pk yarscl -0 Member JS dibnal GIbYI we pypell olay! We (B.M.D) peo 1 © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Pane Ne Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) age No. 22 Example: For the shown beam draw the B.M.D by slope deflection method. 10t ee) > 6m 4m 4m FEMI) slog) 5 Members I) 0 Ae gane i) Ula! apa -) + Lanse JS 5 ply » Hinged 4 bi lie 59S Member JI Glybl sol wie pyle moment JI GW Is) » Fired Gy! lin G95 Member J) Glyjbl ao) aie Yyaae moment JI gS 13) 2 met 108 10t 12 (ping 2t\m =f.) t D mm =-4Am—— sassy Lande JS pi pb are pyjedl GYsles AUG pyi-¥ . Slope deflection J) oye Mab Moa Moc Mc a 7 2 c 6m 4m Final moment=Fixed end moment+Slope moment+Sway moment f f May = -6 + [45 q,+ 242 o,) + 6 Aa My = 6 + (4 +2409.) + 6 HAs mye = -10 + [4 BL Qe 2a} + 6B Aw Mey = 10 + (4-52 e425! g] + + BL Ase © Copyrighteng.Auram Movstera2015. Al copyrights reserved ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 23 Wb ae Displacement lJ dary oJ Lil JS 4% A sy J # a=0 & Oc=OpslWLyReal Fixation ge Lea & Cube ¥ Ma = -6 +[ 0 +241 J+ 0 Mea = 6 + [4Fla+ 0 J+0 My = -10 + [452 q+ 0 j+0 Mo = 10 +{[ 0 +241 qJ+0 (EM = 0 )bam gle Joint JS) gig SYole oly pyb-1 » ALI Joints JI ye momentJ) lee aa Yul Lil =M,= 0 => Moat Moc=0 6+ [44lq, ]-10 + [4Sho, ] = -4 + (4+ 4) Ey =0 - Usanadi Rotations (0 )JI sy! Wy Sled! Yoo -& EIQ, = 3.428 Slope deflection J) Glave 43 Rotations JI pak parscl -o Member JS ibaa! GlbY! ake pyc! obey! LS [2 ae) = -4.85m.t May = -6 + 73.428 Ma = 6 + Gre J 6 >t3.428 My = -10 + Mo = 10 + © Copyrighteng.Auram Movstera2015. Al copyrights reserved ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 24 (BM.D) pus ys -V poe Suey moments II Y9) 6.25(B.M.D) II peyymoments II pads bs —Ve IIs Clockwise bs& +Ve JI cusy ole34l gas pb memberJI Anticlockwise Mab Moa Moc Mcb b c ° 7 T 6m am 4m 4.85 8.28 8.28 10.85 b Cc * T T —+*_6m—— = Im =-—-4 — ; 4.85 a 1\m 8.28 8.28 10.85 aot pel bs te py5 cll pe p(BM.D)I parry aie _10.85m.t 10.44m.t . ode gle By J Shear reactionssla cy S.F.D IN pny call J 1 4.85 om, 8.28 8.28 10.85 en eat a4 —4_6§m“<-—* et © CopyrightEng.Akram Moustofe2013. All copyrights reserved Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Page No. 25 Commercial use of these notes Is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) 10t 4.85 postr 8.28 8.28 10.85 a 4.85 yim 8.28 IM, = 0 => y= 6.57t «footy %@ ZY = 0 =~ y= 5.43t me y % 10¢ 8.28 { 10.85 IM, = 0 => Y= 5.32t 5 T a 4m— 4m ZY = 0 => y= 4.67t % % t 485 aim 8 8.28 10.85 £ " : tod 10t 4.85 oe\m 8.28 8.28 t 10.85 b Cc % 5.43t +h 5.32t 11.24¢ 5.43t 4.67t S.F.D 6.57t 5.32t © CopyrightEng Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Commercial use of these notes Is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) Example: For the shown beam draw the B.M.D by slope deflection method. 10t 1) ee > 6m 4m 4m FEMI) slog) 5 Members I) 0 Ae gane i) Ula! apa -) + Lanse JS gd by » Hinged 4 bi lie 59S Member JI Glybl sol wie pyle moment JI GW Is) « Fixed Sybll lan 53S Member J) ljbl a>! sic gna moment JI gS 15) 2x67 10x8 10t 12 -6mt 94\ 7, Smut 1.5-“g --15mt t (ey) = (k} —*—2a = _ 6m —4m—-—-4m—— pladtel Lease JS yiyb aie pyjell Yoles GWG pyr . Slope deflection J) oc Mav Moa Moc Meo I : e 6m 4m Final moment=Fixed end moment+Slope moment+Sway moment f f } -6 + (4 BhGg+ 2H 6, J + 6 fhe a Mg = My = 6 + (4 Bho + 2 Gq] + 6 FA Me = -15 +[ 3 Ale 7+ 3 Ke Mo = 0 © formletdng or ging of ure rol loner paren une oni Son oe Ne, Metiod Commercial use of these notes Is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) -(ZM = 0 )bax gle Joint JU gly Aster cly poe -¥ . Ala Joints JI gamomentJ! Lae dvb ill Lal EM,= 0 => Meat Myc =0 6+ [45fo, 1-15 + [3S J = -9 + (4+) eI =0 “jJyapall Rotations (os slay! Ly Yolo! You -€ EIQ, = 8.64 Slope deflection J] Gye 4 Rotations JI pal parse -o Member JS tibia! GIbY sre py5cJ! sly) iy >8.64 May = -6 + pee = -3.12mt 78.64 Ma = 6 + p+ Egy) = 11.76m.t 2 ©8.64 My = -15 - role = -11.76mt Mea My Mes =-0 Mar ba Moc b c a I T > 6m 4m 4 me tot 3.1251, 11.76 11.76 t TTT lt T T a Tj hm mM——4m— 11.76m.t 14.12m.t © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 28 Example: For the shown beam draw the B.M.D by slope deflection method. 12t St Intermediate Hinge J Hinged Support ale Cantliver sym UL yi +42 bata) memberd! po odab Fixed lana gly axb sic moment JI dyes Y # Hinged zac gly C siemoment J! 4305 Sy # 0a=0 oskib Real Firationg—=a ibs # tat ~ B05 5+ ae bt 6mt { 6m.t B.5mt 34\m ; } GH —2m——2m— Ts -6 + [4th + 6 hw —2m— My = My, = 6 + Bye HO Hi Me = -85 +[ 3a J+ 3 ho EM, = 0 => Myat Moc =0 -2.5+ ($+4)EI%=0 >1.666 May = -6 + 2 ey] = -5.166m.t 21.666 My = 6 + (+ ELon] = 7.666m.t Myc = ~8.5 + rs leot -7.666m.t © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 29 -5.166m.t Mav 7.666m.t Moa Myc = —7.666m.t 1224 _ 49 ee _10m.t 517m 78 7 © CopyrightEng.Alram Moustofa2013. All copyrights reserved. Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www.yosserelleathy.corn) Slope Deflection Method Page No. 30 Example: For the shown beam draw the B.M.D by slope deflection method. 12t 10t mene gt —2m——2m——2m— I 2-2 m—-—$£$| be ReactionsI| ySe pb de 5 dhad Sey ULidl 45 Determinate £32 sey Is! +e Waogel ye 10t —2m——2m—-—— 6m —2m— (Sey US 4 Determinate IN c5oJl ye Jy) U852 be Ble Ul quaid BMD IN psy galtins Slope deflection! Ai sb yyy a 10t g_4 . A hen em bt 5t 10m.t -Slope deflectionJk ales Gyn CUS 4 Indeterminate JI go 55%) cjJl 5 12t 5t © CopyrighténgAiram Movstafe2013. All copyrights reserved ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 31 12t 5t { b 3t\m ‘ —2m—— 2 m8 em 12t - HB 40.5926", 326° St 6m.t { 6mt 8.5m.t 34\m, : } Cea) ee —2m—— 2 m— M- —2m— = & is lg. on ! D oo + + so fs A ale \ I> us + + \N vs ei : a a + + aD coy ry: a g = a " | & a + a co oles > iF Nw + * EM, = 0 => Myat Moc =0 -2.5+ (4+2)8I%=0 Mab = Moa = Moc N 7? _10mt 5.58mt 4.67mt 1omt B.M.D © CopyrighténgAiram Movstafe2013. All copyrights reserved ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes Is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) Page No, 32 Example: For the shown frame draw the B.M.D by slope deflection method. 10t 10t a ar I|<— 8t ; ——5m—-—5m— =—3mn——— 3 m——— 3 M— Tot 10t 7 7 20mt 20mt id oe Moc ee ——3m—— 3m 3M ! Fixation sy =M,= 0 = > Meat Mec =0 10 + (B+ Se, + (4) Elec = 0 => Equation (1) © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 35 ZMc = 0 => Moot Mca=0 4.5 8 4 _ - 25+ (t+ —p Ele + (=> ) Ele, =0 => Equation (2) Solving the two equations : EFI0, =—4.239 EI0c¢=-0.217, Slope deflection J) Se 45 Rotations II psy argc Member JSy tibiaa! GlbY! aie pyoJl slay! Sy Map = —22.826m.t Mcp = 7.66m.t Moa = 14.848m.t Mca = —7.66m.t Myc = —14.348m.t 22.82mt \ Io 14 34mt 7 gmt _tamt © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Pane Ne Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) ‘age No. 36 Example: For the shown frame draw the B.M.D by slope deflection method. 4t 20t 3t y Yo pf rere | & { § J Am 8m ne 4 2m- 3m 3t patsy” OH * 18. 40,520z16, 20018 | 52m.t Ay ra pi c Moa = 52 + [3 F2lo, J 4t—> Mea = O + [3 426, ] a e __ Ear Ear A Myc = —48 + [455 2 t+ 275 3 8c] Smt Mo = 48 + [482la, ole ] Mcantuver = —9 0.=0 => Fixation s¥ Mec = -3 + (oe or Lee] Moe = 3 + [45h o¢+2-76,] © Copyrighteng.Auram Movstera2015. Al copyrights reserved ‘Slope Deflection Method Donsoudng or pring of there notar te alowed for plus! ute oni PeeNe 37 Commercial use of these notes Is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) =M, = 0 = > Meat Mect+ Moa =0 6 3 8 4 = 4+ (Fe tet Fg) Ele + (Fe ) Elec = 0 => Fg. (1) ZMc = 0 => Meo t+ Mcet+ Mcant.= 0 42 + (f+ Lene + (FF) Bly = 0 => Fa. (2) Solving the two equations : Slope deflection JI Gye 45 Rotations JI mk yar scJl Member JS; tibial GlbY) aie paso! slay Way Mya = 53.67m.t Mcp = 27.74m.t Mya = 2.23mt Mce = —18.74m.t Moc Mec = ~13-87m.t 16 53.67 55.8 27.74 9 2.23 ¥| 18.74 4 [418.87 55.8m.t _ _27.74m.t 53.67m.t > ~~ 16m — —e - zE-20 13.87m.t Slope Deflection Method Page No. 38 © CopyrightEng.Alram Moustofa2013. All copyrights reserved. Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www.yosserelleathy.corn) Symmetry oo BUS Ibe 45% of wy Blas af Structure gle Jill Wy go of 1 — Symmetry in geometry . JL 5S Gh ave Gh JL 4s BLY! g2 geometry Ji 43 Ll , tetas BLU! yyme gole gle Blas 4b Symmetry in Supports . =p — JlSjIl gs bls Symmetry in Inertia . => (DIB bles 2 -— Symmetry in Loads . laa 4s bls BLU yee pole gle Lill gy GLLe ang BLS osr9 UL wis a © CopyrightEng Aram Moustofa2013. All copyrights reserved Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes fs dlowed for personal use only Page No. 39 Commercial use of these notes Is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) wpe gghs LS O JI 69S BLY! yyne ule Vodly/! ALI pated g LHS Vad) Gs Jos of Ge ogee ple Abd, SLU pga ys ISI . Fixation sgecd| g3 Ui! © CopyrightEng.Alram Moustofa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Page No. 40 Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) ge No. 4 Example: For the shown frame draw the B.M.D by slope deflection method. 1800 kg/m CLLETTrrrrrrrr4riny) E % B D | E E ] m—tm— 4m— 1800 kg/m 2400Kg.m 1800z4* 12 2.4tm mAm—a | 0. * (o—=netic_g) 0.=0 => Fixation sy 0-=0 => Fixation lay Oc=0 => fla Ac3l, lad c BUI jyoe yo AoSly ay ab Ma = O + peas 2G) Meak Mac 0S ll elias J Ma = 0 + [48L 1 9, + 2 EG] | Carte oll cls ¥ wy EL 8p vals BL Y lsd Myc = -2.4 + [442 + 2 61 Mo = 2.4 + [4£ c+ 2ELey] © Copyrighteng.Auram Movstera2015. Al copyrights reserved ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 41 EM, = 0 => Mra t Myc =0 -2.4+ (£+t)5I, = 0 El0, = 1.5 Slope deflection JI Sl3ye 45 Rotations JI pk asc -Member JS; Sibdall GIb¥) oe pyjel ley! LAS, Map = 0.6m.t Mya = 1.2m.t Moc = —-1.2m.t Mcp = 3mt 3m.t 1.2m.t 1.2m.t 0.6m.t © CopyrightEng.Alram Moustofa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only. Paze No. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) ‘age No. 42 Example: For the shown frame draw the B.M.D by slope deflection method. 8 t\m F.E.M: ‘ 8 t\m =f) A fn Ga=0a> =-6 \ ae (3 Ga=0a> & 1 12m.t Ga=0> =- 0c = Cant Frame Ji dad Jo oll glios S bia & b BLS we SMe GES Gf ‘J cs 4m.t | a d © CopyrightEng Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes ts alowed for personal use only. Page No 43 Commercial use of these notes Is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) Myc = -96 + (4406, +2 Le] Mya = 0 + [442 Q,+2429,) Ma = 4 + 14 Bh oge +2416, ] Maa = 0 + [429,42 Hf 94] Myc = -96 + [4429-2419] = -96 +2He Mea = 0 + eff Mab = 4 + [45 eq+ 16, ] N " Maa = 0 + [4h Q,-2 Bog) 0 +2H ey EM, = 0 => Moat Moc =0 -96 + (Fe + LEM + (S)E lea = 0 => Fa. (1) EM,= 0 => Ma + Maa=0 4 + (fet See + (2) EI = 0 => Ea. (2) Solving the two equations : EIQg=—50.56 EIQ, =139.4 Slope deflection JI Sl3ye 45 Rotations JI ash parse -Member JS sata! GIbY) we paredl slo! lake Myc = —72.76m.t Mya = 72.76m.t Map = 10.4m.t Maa = —10.4mt © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only N Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 44 72.76m.t 8 t\m 72.76m.t A, 72,76m.t oN b L 12t § = | 10.4m.t 10.4m.t . Ck A, 10.4m.t 72.76m.t 72.76m.t Lad Glin gil glans ba or Ca gulyll member} gle moment I} puss! © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 45 (FEZOM.€/ 142 Loe g RL) y Ula) ab Gayd! Gaile axe moment JI ‘ 1&2 ssc Reactions J) slur jo w% WH » 72,76m.t <—x, EM, = 0 => Xq =15.81t > tat ZX = 0 => Xp =15.81t E ! | My = 72.76-15.8122=41.14 “™% T Mz = 10.1-15.81”4 =-53.14\A 72.76m.t 72.76m.t 72.76 mt 72.76 mt Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 46 © CopyrightEng.Alram Moustofa2013. All copyrights reserved. Example: For the shown frame draw the B.M.D by slope deflection method. b c I I 8 tim Crrrrrrrrrrirsrnr) a 3I d —2m— 6m 2m — OMB) GAsles ge Reactions JJ uss 4Ler Usd! ode B.M.D.JI pws galtiond FGDs b c 1 | E | 241 ' ' 5 ni 8 tim 2at | a 3I d 2m 6m —2m—' © CopyrighténgAiram Movstafe2013. All copyrights reserved ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes ts alowed for personal use only. PageNa 47 Commercial use of these notes Is not allowed. (www.yasserelleathy.com) 48 m.t 48 mt 3m —_ — 3m — —2m—-———6m 2m F.E.M due to loads : 12mt 24 mt 24 m.t =) WU Mya = Evee SFL 9, +2 FEL o,=.96+ 438! 9, + 238! (-0,) May = 12+4£40, +2240, Mia = 124449, +241 6, My: =0 +441 0,+ 220, =0+ 4-51 0,+251(-0,) © CopyightengAvan Movstefe2013, Al copyrights reserved ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 48 =M @b=0 -12 Myct Myg= 0 === 0.3330, + 0,= ae 1) =M @a=0 Myyt M,g=0 ——---- 0.3330,+ 1.676, =4 1) Solving the two equations : Op=(-154/EI1) & 0,=(10.23/EI) M,,=75.13mt & M,,=5.13 mt M,, = 13.7 mt & M,y =-13.7 mt 5.13 m.t 13.7 m.t 13.7 m.t CN 1 ait (Festi ) 48 m.t 24 5.13 mt Co 11.41t i 13.7 mt 171 m.ty 28,29|m.t rz 22.3 m.f] © Copyright Eng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is allowed for personal use only Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. 49 STRUCTURES WITH SWAY sic 3S) gare Sgn iow Joints Jas) Sys 2 SwayJl Joints J) sxc Rotations J) Sys A JI gxJoints JI x ene E26 Léls membersdl Job ol sway Ios srcld pal prices y Blo gle Gg AU ALS YU GUI memberJ| yo 4% WS 4 lam Byaro 95 Sway) Sy GY Gy member S| ASy> of ysiess JSP of CmIL \ 63S usf JJ splul Tangentyle 693 \ | wy JW 4 memberS) gle 4:5 500 XL U As gee) AS) Glue Sway) Glare ic a «member J) gle Duis dep YI XI Sym 59S Gl go UI ALI ace Jie Fixation J| 4 HingeJ| 55% Swayl tL WW, AVI sels! p23 Structure Y pf Sway sows Jo Uc, membersJ) Job 4s ssbyJI Jlaal ge 4,6 members JI Jlgbl -\ lam Spade 49 BIL! GY dale Gogecd! oS GS ~ + a TA RL _-- a | LD=L DtL whe BY Sway U Say Gow 5 U6 ALS U member sgry tro UU y 4ale Gogec member) gy dI) ALR! Gyro g) Wyo) arc © Copyright eEng.Akram Moustafa2013. All copyrights reserved. ‘Slope Deflection Method Downloading or printing of these notes is dllowed for personal use only. Commercial use of these notes is not allowed. (www. yasserelleathy.com) Page No. SO

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