Present Contiuous Exercise

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Quiz: Present Continuous

I. Write the-ing forms for the following words:
2-smile ___________________
3-run ___________________
4-rain ___________________
5-sleep ___________________
6-stop ___________________
13-write ___________________
14-eat ___________________
15-count ___________________
16-wear ___________________

7-ride ___________________
8-cut ___________________ ___________________
10-put ___________________
11-sneeze ___________________
12-plan ___________________
17-snow ___________________
18-fix ___________________
19-say ___________________
20-cry ___________________

II. Make these sentences negative and interrogative:

1-I am learning English.
2. You are carrying a bag.
3. It is growing colder.
4. We are living in Poipet.
5. They are running in the garden.
6. He is drinking coffee.
7. She is shopping for presents.
8. I am cleaning the window.
9. We are buying pencils.
10. They are playing football.
II. Make the present continuous:
1. (we / go to the cinema later)
2. (they / work now)
3. (you / not / walk)
4. (they / learn new things?)
5. (when / he / start work?)
6. (why / I / stay at home?)
7. (it / get dark?)
8. (we / not / win)
9. (they / not / bring a cake)
10. (the dog / not / play with a ball)
11. (why / it / rain now?)
12. (how / she / travel?)
13. (where / you / work?)
14. (what / we / watch?)
15. (you / meet your friend at four)
16. (I / take too much cake?)
17. (you / think?)
18. (we / study this evening)
19. (Lucy and Steve / play the piano)
20. (Sarah / not / tell a story)

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